100% upvotes for your opinions! ...not yet, but

in #payitforward6 years ago

This is going to drive me crazy, but tomorrow I will stop all voting until my Voting Power reaches 100%. That means all autovotes will be turned off for probably 24 hours, means all comments will go without am upvote, and no votes will be given to those who I enjoy supporting. Good thing Week 20 of the Curation Contest just started so that will keep me busy reading, commenting, and giving to others.

Plan to Power Up

Plan to power up so my total SP including delegations is exactly 2,000sp. As this is a milestone I've been working towards I want to do something a little different and that is to reward your opinions is a really big way....well as big as 2,000sp at 100% will allow me to reward you.

Voting Power

My plan will be to start voting once I reach 100% voting power and drain as much VP as possible as quickly as possible. That's right, no stopping at 90% or 80% voting power as so many people preach, I'm hoping to reach 50% if you all give me enough comments to vote on.

Little test

With each vote I'll record what vote number it was and the current Voting Power along with the vests given for that vote. See I am planning to show how each vote effect your voting power and the amount of vests (value of vote) given based on different voting power levels. There are far to many people out there preaching a oversimplified "Don't let your Voting Power get below 90%" or 85% or 80%...Just the fact that different people say different numbers should raise a red flag as to the validity of the statement. So to check it out I'll destroy my voting power to a point it will take a couple days to recover.

Start Thinking

When I do this I will be creating a post asking for comments about what you like best about PIFC and if there is anything you want to see changed. This was done a couple months ago and it showed that people were having a hard time finding 3 members to sponsor each week and we created a change to 2 members. There were also many comments about it would be nice to reward those featured for more then just a few upvotes on 1 post and since we have added SBI shares for 8 of the featured bloggers each week.

So start thinking about what you will when I post next. DO NOT ANSWER NOW...please save the thoughts for my next post as I will be rewarding your opinions there at 100%.

Some logistics

The post will happen tomorrow night in around 24 hours most likely. Right before I post my goal will be to run my VP down to a point that it will take 24 hours to recover back to 100%. When I post all autovotes will be turned off and all normal voting activity will be stopped by me until my Voting Power reaches 100%. This will give everyone a window of 24 hours to share their thoughts/opinions.

Each opinion will be commented on by @minnowbuilder to give me more comments to upvote for the test just in case there aren't enough comments in the 24 hour time window. In case you haven't heard @minnowbuilder is a new account I set up, check out the details here.

This is a way to learn more about what everyone think sof the Curation Contest and give a little back. But at the same time I'll be pulling together some data to share with everyone that might help you better understand how your voting power effects the votes you are giving.

First Image is a photo I took at MSI Chicago
Second Image is Pixabay


This is a very interesting idea, and I really want to know how it works out. I have been on the move and now am in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia from Bangkok. It has been all I can do recently to post and comment at all.

I think your large sp will skew the results a bit. I tell people to keep their power up, not vote for a post for less than 0.01 and not vote less than 3 cents for a comment. I have no idea if that is good advice but this is how I have been working. In my case, this means I do a lost less voting!

I will try to get to your post tomorrow, but I might be moving again. If so, all bets are off. Both @bxlphabet and I really appreciate your autovotes and I'm glad a saw this today so I will know why they stop :)

Just make sure to comment on the PIF post as I'd love to know what it will take to get you back entering the contest ;) .

SP doesn't change the ratio that things decrease and that is the part people mess up on. They think it's a straight line 2% drop per 100% upvote, but it isn't.

Also I think this will be more important with the new dist vote rules that are coming up. Going forward the first 50vests will be erased, so understanding how each vote effects your total vests per vote matters more now then ever. Most people don't even know what a vest is. I will go into that when I post the results.

Well it should be interesting to see the results of the test. If you want the real answer to something try the experience yourself.

It's something I already know the answer to as I found the code for it, but most people don't read nerd so running a test is much more understandable.

It also drives me crazy when I can't upvote. Waiting for it to go back up is always so frustrating, especially when I forget and Find myself really compelled to upvote a post which just tends to drag me behind lol
Looking forward to your experiment.

Pretty sure you will change up your voting once you realize what I'll show.

Looking forward to it.

I tried doing this a while back when some delegation was moving around, and I guess I'll be doing it again when I launch the next Mesopotamians level. It turns out that voting down that far is pretty hard. Hopefully you'll get a lot of comments.

It gets progressively harder and that is what I want to show. If needed I'll have pifc and minnowbuilder both add a ton of comments to make sure I get enough there to pull it off. Would rather be to others and they will be first, but then need to finish out my test.

I didn't understand voting power for a long time! I used upvotes as 'likes' and used them freely. When I learned how to check my percentages they were right around 25%. And because this was before #dustsweeper I'd just been scattering dust!

I love reading nerd stuff even if it's over my head. But I'll probably understand it better if you keep it nice and simple!

I plan to keep it at a level that makes sense to everyone....hopefully.

What an original idea. I am eager to see the outcome of it.

Hmmmmm...you said don't comment but this will be interesting to watch @thedarkhorse. I've tried giving it a break for 36 hours but I drop too low to get back to 100% . I try not to get below 70% (right now I just dipped below 60% oops) I don't use bots at all as I prefer the one on one and am concerned the autobot will affect my personal voting power. I'm posting far less but commenting and voting more...Am I missing something?

Just no comments about the answer to the question, wanted those to be what I'm rewarding when the new post comes out.

You are in that position that is hard. You have enough SP to start giving an upvote that changes the payout on screen which is great, but you don't have enough to get your sliderbar. With steem at such low prices if there ever was a time to add a little money into your account this is it. Know not everyone can, but trust me these are almost the levels I had when I started and each day it went up I'd kick myself for not buying when it was this low. Even putting in $20 would let you lease enough SP to get to 500sp for a long time. Just a thought for you.

Thanks for your advice. I remember your post, going back a few weeks, where you explained investing in steemit and not regretting putting in a little when prices were low. But I can't help converting what may be a few dollars to you converts into huge rands to us. As things currently are in SA, and our drought devastated valley, I have to rely on things as they are as I am simply unable to put in even a few dollars

Completely understand that it's not possible for everyone. Wish that everyone had the opportunities to earn extra money to invest like we have here in the US. Sorry, but anyone that complains that they can't make money in the US (or many European nations) just isn't trying or isn't willing to learn new skills.

Something you should strongly consider is finding a way to earn online where your location doesn't matter. My Sister teaches Adults in China how to speak English. She knows zero Chinese and that is how they want it. She makes $25 per class and all she needs is a computer, headset, and internet connection. Not saying this is your solution, just saying sometimes you have to think outside the box a little. She knew she was moving across country and would be without a job so before she moved she found this and got it started so when she moved there would be some income coming in. They don't give her enough classes to pay the bills, but it makes it easier while she is job hunting.

No idea what would work for you, but try to come up with something where your local economy doesn't matter and that you can tap into an economy like the US. The world has become a much smaller place and people need to adapt to this.

Yes the world is smaller and we need to adapt. My husband just partnered with a friend in Animal Immigration. Because of our political crisis in South Africa a lot of people are leaving the country. It seems like it could be a good solution for us as farming is no longer. We've actually considered online teaching. However because we are in the country our internet is terrible. So that discounts that avenue, sadly. I would've been keen to teach English. Thank you so much for your advice and concern @thedarkhorse

Well sorry things are so hard there and it's sad that people are being forced to leave to find better opportunities. These things have happened across time in every part of the world, but it still is hard as cultures loose some of their heritage as people migrate from on place to another. It's little things that people don't even think about that tend to be erased after a generation for those that moved to a new place, and by the 3rd generation people have picked up the local customs of where they have relocated to.

Very true. It is sad that so much heritage is lost along the way. But you're right; it's difficult across the world, just for different reasons

The results will be fun to see.

I'll be curious to see what you figure out because as you know, my voting power is always an issue :)

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