Announcing the winners of #originaltag challenge - Nr.9steemCreated with Sketch.

in #originaltag7 years ago (edited)

Today it the day to give away some steem to the people who participated in the #originaltag challenge. I want to congratulate and thank all the participants who took part of this #originaltagchallenge Nr.9!  


I want to thank @anca3drandom for this logo she have made for this challenge! Don't hesitate to check her blog because she is such a great artist!  

For this edition we only have 60 steem and there will be only 3 winners. Let's take a look and congratulate them!

The winners of #originaltag Nr.9

Third place: @jedau with Standing Concert Etiquette

The original tag @jedau used: concertconcerns. Congratulations, you have won 10 steem! 

Second place: @dreemit with Anniversary on a Motorcycle Part One

The original tag @dreemit used: motorcycleanniversary. Congratulations, you have won 20 steem! 

First place: @inna-yatsuk with #satiric-drawings This is the satirical art of the Polish artist Pavel Kuchinsky. You will be shocked ... But this is a modern society.

The original tag @inna-yatsuk used: satiric-drawings. Congratulations, you have won 30 steem! 

I want to congratulate all the participants and for those who didn't won there is always a second time. The prizes for the next challenge will be 60 steem because this is all I can afford for the moment. 

Special thank to our amazing judge: @mammasitta. Thank you for being the judge for this challenge. You have done a great work!

Big thanks to people who donated and supported the @originaltag challenge!:@infovore, @good-karma, @jamtaylor, @steemit-life and @hanshotfirst

If you want to help this #originaltag to become bigger, any kind of donations will be highly appreciated. 

This is what you can do if you want to support this challenge

  • Vote on this post
  • Resteem this post
  • Create at least one entry
  • I also need a judge for this contest, so if you are interested, contact me on
  • If you want to see more people using original tags on their posts, you can also make a donation and I will include it in the prize! (use as a memo originaltag)
  • Be creative and defeat your fears!

The rules are simple:

  • First tag of your post must be original and it has to be related to your post
  • You have to include #originaltag in one of the five tags( it can be 2nd or the last I don't care)
  • Try to be creative with the last 3 tags left
  • The winner will be announcet on Sunday in another similar post

The room for #originaltag it's available:  You can promote your original tag post there and interact with others!

How to create an original tag? Click here!

Use wisely your tags for your posts and you will be rewarded! 


I just started a new one #BeachWednesday - hope many will join and also the new tag - #photography #challenge

I just learned of this! In fact, I learned about it through @jedau's congratulations to me in a comment :)
@mammasitta, you are fabulous darling, and what tremendous taste you have...kidding! Well not about the you being fabulous part, that is of the utmost seriousness.
I am so very honored by this, thank you so much. Congratulations to @inna-yatsuk, I look forward to reading through your piece which I know must be incredible.
@jedau, I am just so happy to share in this with one of my closest friends here, and I imagine the only reason I placed before you is waterfalls...who can resist waterfalls? And @verbal-d won in the last one, we are a powerhouse trio indeed, lol!
And finally @the-future. I'm not sure you get the credit you deserve for all of the wonderful contests you host on this platform, you are truly a beautiful and generous being, and I am so glad I entered that meme contest where I first met you. I would like to help out with the contribution for the next one, so as much as I am pleased to have won second place in this contest, I will be returning the winnings so that you might be able to bless someone else. This would make me happy :)
I would also like to say @jedau will make an excellent judge, can't wait to hear all about the contributions!

Now you make my day with your super kind words! Thank you for your donations and participations on this challenge. It means a lot for me to see such great people taking part of this challenge. I'm sure @jedau will make an excellent judge and I'm really happy that he decided to do it! Thank you very much @dreemit!

Aw, you are such a sweetie! He will make an excellent judge, and you're awesome, you inspire people to take part! ;)

Who wants to be the judge for this week, please leave a reply below! Thank you!

As a seasoned veteran (I guess? I mean, I won third this round haha), I'm putting my hat into the ring and volunteering myself as tribute, er, I mean a judge. It would be an honor to be able to select the winner for this week :D

Wow, that will be great! Thank you for doing this @jedau and congratulations for your third place!

Do I get the job? haha! Will contact you on chat in a bit :)

I had so much fun reading .....especially your story as you might remember

Thanks, @mammasitta! :D Yes, I do remember everyone who comments on my posts. There's not a lot of people, so I don't have a hard time haha! I'm so appreciative of you taking the time to read my entry.

My pleasure ! Waiting for more :)

Oh wow! Upon reading the post again, I discovered that you were the judge! Thank you for the selection!! What a huge honor! :D

Yes, you get it of course! It will be an honor to have you as the judge!

Thank you, I did not expect this from myself!) I am very happy!

It happened to me this too, so I know how you feel. It's such a great feeling! Congratulations and thank you for your participations. I can't wait to see more!

I am very, very happy!) I just wanted to share these pictures that reveal the inconvenient truth of our society which don't like to talk...

You have done a great entry, so you deserve the prize! Glad to hear that you are very happy, it gives me a good vibe!Thank you!

Congratulations! Great job!

Well deserved :) I really enjoyed your post as you know

Thank you! Yes, of course)

It is such an incredible accurate topic and you are the perfect winner for this round. Last week I did win first and I still remember the joy 🌻

Oh, wow! This was totally unexpected! I didn't even know there were prizes being given out, I would've made more effort haha! In my mind, I was just trying to think of something I could add to the #originaltag initiative. This is so great, thanks @the-future!

I'm glad to have finished behind my great friend, @dreemit :D Such a huge honor! Great job to @inna-yatsuk for winning as well!

This time was​ only 60 steem because we didn't have​ any donations, but that is not a reason to stop. Thank you very much for your participation in this challenge and for being the judge this week! If you will have any questions or you need any help, don't hesitate to contact me on the as @the-future! Cheers man!

I hope more donations will come in soon because this challenge is really valuable!

I hope that too @mammasitta because you all deserve much more! You are very creative and great people!

I resteemed and forward on twitter

That's very nice of you @mammasitta! Thank you!

This is a great contest! Congratulations to the winners and participants!

Thank you very much @madlenfox, much appreciated your comment!

Unfortunately not always have the opportunity to participate, but I always enjoy watching the competition. Thank you @the-future for Your work and excellent idea of holding.

I get it, I'm not always there for the people who are participating, but I try it every time I can. Thank you very much @madlenfox.

Interesting challenge! Congrats to all winners!

Thank you, I hope you will join to! I follow you to see! Cheers!

Excellent post dear friend @ the-future, congratulations to the brand new winners. @inna-Yatsuk, @dreemit, @dreemit

Thank you very much buddy @jlufer, much appreciated your comment!

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