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RE: Announcing the winners of #originaltag challenge - Nr.9

in #originaltag7 years ago

I just learned of this! In fact, I learned about it through @jedau's congratulations to me in a comment :)
@mammasitta, you are fabulous darling, and what tremendous taste you have...kidding! Well not about the you being fabulous part, that is of the utmost seriousness.
I am so very honored by this, thank you so much. Congratulations to @inna-yatsuk, I look forward to reading through your piece which I know must be incredible.
@jedau, I am just so happy to share in this with one of my closest friends here, and I imagine the only reason I placed before you is waterfalls...who can resist waterfalls? And @verbal-d won in the last one, we are a powerhouse trio indeed, lol!
And finally @the-future. I'm not sure you get the credit you deserve for all of the wonderful contests you host on this platform, you are truly a beautiful and generous being, and I am so glad I entered that meme contest where I first met you. I would like to help out with the contribution for the next one, so as much as I am pleased to have won second place in this contest, I will be returning the winnings so that you might be able to bless someone else. This would make me happy :)
I would also like to say @jedau will make an excellent judge, can't wait to hear all about the contributions!


Now you make my day with your super kind words! Thank you for your donations and participations on this challenge. It means a lot for me to see such great people taking part of this challenge. I'm sure @jedau will make an excellent judge and I'm really happy that he decided to do it! Thank you very much @dreemit!

Aw, you are such a sweetie! He will make an excellent judge, and you're awesome, you inspire people to take part! ;)

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