OpHumanAngels - It's Fucking Cold Edition

in #ophumanangels7 years ago (edited)

After reading @davedickeyyall 's most recent #ophumanangels (https://steemit.com/ophumanangels/@davedickeyyall/the-buck-stops-here-ophumanangels), I wanted to go out and do something. I thought, hmm, maybe I'll go put some more stuff in a Little Free Library and do some more chalking. Then I looked at the temperature:


That's degrees Fahrenheit, for my non-US friends, well below freezing, and I am a cold wuss. So I said, well, damn, not going on a walk ...but I still want to do something!


...so I decided I would get my ninja on and break out the Sneaky Cards. If you haven't seen this game before, it's part dare-you-to-be-social-and-give-strangers-cards and part random-acts-of-kindness type stuff. I had actually played this particular card before, but the person took the free soda and did not take the card to pass on! I was like, come on, humans, play the kindness game! So I played it a second time on the soda machine in the courtyard of my apartment building:


Then I left one of the aforeblogged homemade cinnamon rolls for a neighbor (I did not take a photo of it on their stoop, because that would be creepy):


Then I took my bundled-up ass as far as the nearest bus stop, to play another Sneaky Card:

They were going to expire today anyway! RTD does offer free rides to deter drunk driving on New Years, but not until later at night until very early in the morning, ie, when they expect people will be staggering home drunk.

Here is the decorated courtyard. They love those big blow up decorations, lol:

So that's my #ophumanangels for the day, sans chalk. ;) The temperature in degrees Celcius after I was finished:


The wife and i are going to take out some homeless kits.... (socks, hats, gloves, toothpaste and tooth brushes, wipes) and some ham, potato, bean, dumpling soup that has been on crockpot all day in thermo cups with spoons....once kids go down and grandma can watch the kids while we sneak out image

You just couldn't wait til I made the post? 🤣 I'm glad you're excited to do this, I thought maybe I was dragging you into it.

You guys rule, looking forward to the post :)

Sorry, I guess I was a little too ahead of the gun....Its not like FB, where you can delete it. Sorry, I wont put out your ideas anymore. Ill go back to my corner.

You were just giving us a teaser trailer!

Lol. Don't do that. It's all good. 😄

I'm super excited to read the post!! YAY!!! What an awesome teaser!!!!

That's awesome! I can't wait to read about how it goes!

Ha.. you tricked me.. I was expecting chalk and a LFL...

I've never seen or heard of that game before... but it's certainly a good idea... glad you stayed warm.. it was stupid cold out there... I just got back from walking Alaska... sitting in front of the fireplace trying to get heat on my toes now.... brrr ❄

Put your toes under Alaska! 😁

Good on you for getting out there! Its really cold here too, too cold! I want to GO for an actual walk but the biting wind... I have a sister who lives in Nunavut and I don't know how she survives, haha

Oh Gods, yeah. I have relations in upstate New York that just get buried in snow, and I'm like ...nope!

We get buried in snow here too ( I live in Nova Scotia) but our lows are i think -30c at the lowest (and rarely) where as they get like -60 or something insane like that, haha

Horror! Too cold for me! 😵
When Denver gets a blizzard, our weather usually changes fast, so it will dump three feet and then be gone in a few days because it melted. It took me forever to get used to, but now I like it, because the weather doesn't suck for long! But we hardly get blizzards, to be honest, because we are in high desert. The mountains get gobs of snow, but Denver is right in this sweet spot on the edge of mountains (wildfires, blizzards) and prairie (tornadoes, ice storms). We're in the vortex of mountain-protection ...usually!

I'm glad the suckyness goes away fast, haha. Our winters drrrraaaaagggg into spring, buckets of snow in march in april. I don't know if it's always been this way here and i never noticed or if this is newish to ns... But i don't like it. It's probably always been like this but i didn't care because i wasn't a gardener. Who knows!

LOL! Our snowiest month is March. If we're going to get a blizzard, it's probably then!

Nice work ❤ i am not sure what sneaky cards are either?! I hope some day I can understand °F vs. °C. What i do know from childhood and seeing Grandma's thermometer is that -40° is pretty much the same in °F & °C. LOL, regardless, I will believe you that it is darn cold!! So, stay warm and extra cudos for getting out in the brrrr of winter to share good vibes!!! I am sure you made someone's day :-) I love seeing this. Good for you!!

The easy way to understand fahrenheit is that it is the people scale of weather. Celcius is the water scale. So:
0 degrees F = fucking cold
100 degrees F = fucking hot
Everything in between is in relation to those extremes. 50-60 is mild, 80 is warm but not crazy hot, freezing point is 32 so cold but not insane cold. Anything below 0 is FUCK THIS I AM NOT A POLAR BEAR and above 100 is FUCK THIS I AM NOT A CAMEL.
That is the fahrenheit scale. 😁


Now that....was some funny ass shit @phoenixwren!

K, that is damn ass funny! LOL good one --- perhaps it will stick 😁

Yeah -13 WHOA!! What do you think, you're Canada or something? What an inappropriate temperature!

I love, love love this!!! I have definitely never heard of sneaky cards before...did you ever tell us about it? The cinnamon bun delivery was soooooo cute!! I loved that gesture and lol to the comment about the picture being creepy, I can totally feel ya on that one hahaha, they open their door, you're standing there taking a photo of it. :) :) :)

Great Job! Thank you so much for sharing this, it absolutely made my night!!

Sometimes Denver will be -13 FAHRENHEIT, let alone celcius, and usually in January, so, we're due, unfortunately! 😭
But I still agree that it's inappropriate. 😸
I haven't mentioned Sneaky Cards here before, I don't think, but I have on Facebook. I've played a few here and there. Oh, one was on a WWM so maybe I mentioned it? Because I remember the "leave on a community bulletin board" card I played during a WWM. Lol
Yeah ...I didn't want to be like, hiiiiii neighbor, I'm not a creeper, just taking a photo of your DOOR... 😓 So y'all are gonna have to trust me that I left it on their stoop. Hahaha...

I 100000000% Trust You!! xoxoxoxoxoxox

You know, I miss weather that cold. Lived in Ukraine for 6 years. I can't forget my first -36°C. It was insane but at the same time awesome. Maybe I'm insane but I would take the cold weather over the freaking scorching heat here in Nigeria.

I much prefer heat. 😁 We get hot summers here, too - Denver has the full range, lol.

Let's trade places then😀

Sneaky Cards look like a lot of fun! I checked out the Sneaky Cards website and some of the cards are for doing things I'd probably never be able to work up the courage to do (e.g., “Give this card to someone dressed as a superhero”), but the concept is awesome, thanks for writing about your ninja mission. I might buy a deck and start SneakyCarding people in 2018.

P.S. I just wanted to say I love your use of the word "aforeblogged" as well as your explanation of Celsius vs. Fahreneit. I was in Indiana over the holidays and the temperature was hovering just above "fucking cold" the entire time. I'm back in Colorado and now it's more like "not insane cold" here. :)

LOL, thank you. And there's even a Sneaky Card about making up a word/phrase, using it in conversation, and then giving the card to the person you said it to! 😂

Now that sounds like a card I could play.

I love it!! That's awesome and all acts are of yours were so thoughtful <3

Those sneaky cards are really neat, I've never heard of them before! Cinnamon bun love is the best :) Thats funny, I feel you on the pic, sometimes its sketchy boundries lol! That was some sweet new years eve ninja stuff you did <3 thank you for being you!

A friend was posting about them on FB and I was inspired to join in and buy a pack! You can register your deck and track how far they go online, presuming the people down the line go to the website and say where it's been. So, say I played the card today about paying bus fare. Then that person goes on a trip and pays for a fare in New York. That New Yorker logs on to the site and says that the card has been to New York before they pass it on ...etc. It's pretty cool. :)

Ok, that is cool! Going to check that out online it is a great idea :)

You certainly are an angel for braving the cold! ✌💛

Aw, shucks. 😊

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