OPEN MIC WEEK 56 - original song 'We are the babies!' accompanied by Esteban my son

in #openmic7 years ago

My 1st ever entry for Steemit Open Mic Competition, week 56 - 'We are the babies!'

I started writing this song two years ago as a lullaby to put Esteban to sleep... which worked great for a while, until he figured out who was the new boss in town!

So then the song evolved into something else...

And now he has a younger sister called Luna, it seemed fitting that I end the song with some words from her too.


Of course, these are all my words, but it was unquestionably THEIR energy which fed into my instinctive creative process, resulting in this music.

Sabrina & Luna were out this morning, so this felt like the right moment to stop delaying and just get this recorded!

Those of you following my blog will know that Esteban currently has Rubella. Can you see how bothered he is by his condition?

If you have any kind of fear relating to this disease, I suggest you read my article on THIS SUBJECT HERE which I posted last night before going to bed.

Hope you enjoy this fun little moment from our home in the Jungle as much as we did 😋

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Big thanks to @luzcypher & @pfunk for your ongoing contributions to this awesome platform. And also thanks to @chaifm for inspiring & motivating me to sing more 🙏🏻


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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world.

Currently based in Bali he travels with his partner & two children. With no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over six months.

All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.

@samstonehill is the creator of:

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@steemtv which aims to provide the best in decentralised films, exclusive to Steemit & DTube

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The Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins group on Facebook which seeks to help newcomers make the transition from Facebook to Steemit, providing them with detailed notes and personal assistance with their posts... resteeming them when he can.

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hey, its beautilful, wow so much personality in such a small child :)

also, happy to see that you found playfulness in music, that is so important I think and so many times forgotten ...

thanks :)

The thanks should go to you! I wouldn't have done it if you hadn't placed it in my consciousness in such a lovely way.

It was Esteban who reminded me of the playfulness. Even just watching him as a baby I could feel it. And you know my process ;) If I allow it, energy becomes music.

Have re-visited your song a number of times recently. It is evolving again 🙏🏻

Musical Hugs 🎼

Yeah, Well I completely let go of any expectation of it ever being finished, so I guess that is a good time. Hugs to you :)

That was my favorite open mic all time. I usually don't watch them all the way through.
You've created a wonderful life for yourself. It's unbelievably inspiring to see you cultivate a family and creativity in such a way.
Thanks man. Great song and great performance by Esteban.

Wow. Your words make me feel like we did something special. I am deeply touched and energised by them.

Creativity & joy I do believe flows through all of us at all times, and isn't much different to Source Energy. Connecting to the stream is the tricky bit. And it has been a long old journey from that miserable London life of 9-5 to the place I find myself at now. The open road seems to teach me far better than the education system ever did!

Blessings to you my friend and thank you 🙏🏻

hahaha! and Esteban rocked it #likeaboss!!! Brilliant!

Thanks! He's my super dude ;)

And we are babies together!


hehehehe :) Love it! We are all babies truth be told! lol

When I spin, @samstonehill, I always spin in your favour! I also remember every single time you fed me. You started feeding me 20 days ago and fed me 1 STEEM in total.Thank you for being good to me and helping me become stronger! Our common cause will help many people.

Yours, Spinny

I like very much when everyone who feeds me also reads my friend’s posts, so please visit @edthecanadian and read what he has to say! Your name will also appear here. :-) Join my Discord server if you want to meet others:

Powered by @adsactly.

Loved it! That was officially SWEET! Upvoted!

The Amy Grant song "Baby Baby" pops into my head as well. :)


I don't think I know the Baby Baby song???? Will have to look it up!

Thanks for your picture. Though this is exactly the kind of stuff I don't want Esteban eating ;)

He gets high enough from eating watermelon, grapes and apples!

Appreciate your support 🎼

As soon as I saw you singing with Esteban I thought of this song.

Hehe what lovely to see pure consciousness shine through a playful child, an innocent soul still free from ego..:)
Wonderful song by the way I enjoyed the good vibes man :) you have some nice musical skills ;)

Thanks! Appreciate your feeback :)

And yes, watching Esteban has helped me get back in touch with my own innocent soul. We are all children really, children who have been sold the idea that we need to grow up!

Steem on my friend :)

Yup indeed I completely agree, we have been sold the idea that we need to grow up, but we know better now :)

@samstonebill the music was nice and it is really nice to devote a good time for the family. keep it up. @theheralds

Thanks very much my friend. Appreciate the comment :)

I now know who the Boss is lol

I used to think it was me! Not any more ;)

There's nothing quite as beautiful as the love and joy shared between parent and child... You've got two beautiful one's, sir - and they've got themselves one great Dad! ... Bravo!!

Thank you for your lovely comment. I am blessed to live the life I do. And to have discovered Steemit too!

Long may it last :)

Congratulations ,dear samstonehill.

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