Steemit Open Mic Week 71 - Original Song - "Shitty Comments"

in #openmic6 years ago

Hey there, Hi there, Ho there music-makers of Steem!

I'm back after a couple weeks of no songwriting. I guess I needed a break after that awesome Songwriter's Challenge we did for eight weeks! But I couldn't stay away for long!

In the case of this week's original song, I just kept getting shitty comments on my posts, to the point where I had to write a song about it for #openmic!

Shitty Comments

Upvote for upvote, follow me I’ll follow you to glory.
Though my vote ain’t worth a thing, in the comments I will sing your category.
Nice photography, I like your blog it is the best,
Here’s a bunch of token sir from me.
To get to rep score 26 is my eternal quest,
How many shitty comments do I need?

One to show my interest when your post is seconds old,
Two to mark my territory there,
Three times daily I will spam your content with my own,
Four to say I just don’t think it’s fair.

Upvote me… I’ll upvote you. Seeing green… Feeling Blue.

I’m so misunderstood, I’m really only here so you’ll support me,
I’m doing as I should; commenting a million times but shortly.
My comments give myself away, I didn’t read your words,
If I said that I resteemed you, I did not.
Cause honesty, integrity and truth are for the birds,
How many shitty comments have you got?

Five at least inviting you to check my latest post,
Six more to annoy you when you wake.
Seven incoherent words, though I don’t mean to boast,
How many shitty comments does it take?

Follow me… I’ll follow you. I may never… get a clue.

Open Mic Week 71


This was incredibly satisfying. :0)

Favorite parts were

Here’s a bunch of token sir from me.
To get to rep score 26 is my eternal quest


One to show my interest when your post is seconds old,
Two to mark my territory there

LOL! The here's a bunch of token happened to him WAY early in this Steemit adventure. We poked fun at the person, who got SUPER offended. Weird. 😏

So yeah, here's a bunch of token. 😎

Ahhhh @chrisroberts. You got me rolling in the isles with this one. I nearly pissed myself laughing 😆
Let me share a few, of the finest shitty comments, I found stuck to my wall like:
'Friend upvote for me your content'
'Great post keep it up'
After only 16 hours of writing, I found:
'Good post @raj808, Like help me please'
Which was really quite exciting.
When I think it's nearly over and I'm barely able to cope,
This pops up on my post: 'I UPVOTE YOU NOW ME YOU UPVOTE' 😜

The shouty caps google translate shitty comments are my favorite. Now I have exhused my supply of shitty comment for one life time. Great song keep em coming m8

Thanks! Those are some good ones :D
Like help me please... that's hilarious.
My favorite one of all time was in my song: Here's a bunch of token. I sent him back a banana bunch emoji with the comment here's a bunch of bananas. He got really mad. I never received said token either.

The shouty caps google translate shitty comments are my favorite.

I know! Mine too. You should come on over to my favoritestupidcomments post. Comments like yours would be welcome!

Ha ha I shall check that out littlescribe. I tour steemit quite extensively searching for posts far and wide in my cough cough... super secret job and I see so many hilarious things in my wanderings. I was thinking of making a post called 'The Greatest Google Translator Gibberish of 2017'. It is a strange thing that the community is awesome here but the same thing that enticed us all to steemit crypto $$$$ also brings out the maddest behavior in people. Shity comments, google translator gibberish, where will it all end! Ohh... the humanity ;-)

Oh man! I was thinking of doing something similar. I'm sure people would love it. Let me know when you post. Maybe I'll hold off on mine. It's hard to tell sometimes whether it's just a google translator, or a stupid bot comment, or just dumb people trying to get dumb comment votes. Or all of the above. I try to give people a break if I think they're trying. Once in awhile, though, I'll get someone all mad at me for tagging them with a stupidcomment. OH well.

Ha ha. That was my worry in making my post 'The Greatest Google Translator Gibberish of 2017'. Upsetting people lol. These are sections of actual posts that I have seen on my travels, I was thinking of basically giving half SBD payout to the authors I mention, to try and get beyond the fact that I am pointing out the hilarity of their 'google translate gibberish'. 😉

Good song. I sing too. Check my blog. 😆😆😆

That was really brilliant, buddy. Let's make Steem great again with good contents and non-sh*tty non-spam comments. The pictures is brilliant. I love the cowboy look and the mountains view :)

Follow me!! I follow you!!!! ;-)

A cutting commentary on our times, sir. Good on you to make art out of spam. I am working on an initiative with @vachemorte, posting forthcoming, to make art and music out of the "best" spam comments out there. Maybe you would be interested in participating in such a thing :) Check out this song of mine, I don't usually drop links in comments but it felt appropriate here. "Lyrics" by @vachemorte (spam comment dropped on his blog, and his genius response), music by moi.

Much love - Carl "Totally Not A Bot" Gnash / @carlgnash

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I love it! I would be willing to collaborate :)

I'll analyze your function :D



Just the comment in itself. So intriguing. And now the little ditty is stuck in my head. 🎶

Nice photography, I like your blog it is the best. XD but no seriously I like it

LOL Thank you very much!

Ha ha ha ha!!!

lol, nice one brother. Good come back song ;)

Totally know what you mean re: taking a break after SWC. I don't think I have entered openmic (except via SteemBirds)

However, this is a great way to bring attention to and vent ur frustrations with these bs comments. I believe a lot of us our dealing with this.

My favourite part lines:

If I said that I resteemed you, I did not. (lol hilarious)


Cause honesty, integrity and truth are for The Steembirds (yea I added that in)

LOL thanks! I've been meaning to write a song about the comments. I'm sure it won't be my last. It's one of those really interesting aspects of Steem. Maybe if we poke enough fun at them, they'll wise up.

Satirical songwriters are the protectors of honesty, integrity and truth! Keep on steeming :)

Did you hear @Meno's having Basil on his radio show tomorrow. I can't wait to hear from that dude.

I would love to have you and @jaybird on the audience and on a later date on the show. I know you said yes... I hope jaybird is on board too..

Mmm, I'm pretty shy lol.

Don't buy it brother hahhaha... The radio show happens on msp palnet...

Regarding the recorded show it's the one with soundlegion about five days old now...


Coolio thanks for the link!

Ha, that should make for some hilarious radio ! how do i find that show link? I didn't see it on @meno's blog just now...

This was funny. It's odd that comments on a social media site can inspire a song, but I guess that's what happens when pennies are involved.
Great song man!

Thanks! I tend to find inspiration in bizarre places. :)

This was indeed satisfying and well written. Thank you for this one

You're very welcome, and thanks for giving it a listen. :D

I'm forever grateful for the support for my musical musings.

This may be a shitty comment, but all I really have to say is "Yup"

That's not a shitty comment! Great to hear from you :D

I'm still in one of those Steemit post promotion groups on Facebook. People are always sharing their links with the caption upvote for upvote. I might go through one day and spam this song on every one of those posts... ;)

also, Nice Post :D

Just stumbled upon this now, not seconds after you posted ;)
Absolutely loving it!

LOL Thanks for listening! :D

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