Sun Thursday Challenge Submission - Bribirske Mostine, Croatia.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #sunthursday7 years ago (edited)

My father and I decided to go for a little drive today to Bribirske Mostine. Which is about 45km away from my hometown Drnis. Once we got there we parked our car on the side of the road and decided to go for a walk. After about an hour of walking, we sat down under one tree to rest for a little while. While we sitting down we were witnessing this amazing sunset I had to share with you guys. It was so peaceful and calming at the same time. I snapped some photos, and we sat down in silence watching the sun go down. Its beauty only deserves our silence. :)

Collage 2017-08-17 21_21_08.jpg

It really does not get much better than these kinds of days. I got to spend some quality day with my dad. I was in nature on the fresh air and watched an amazing sunset. Life is good.

"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere." Vincent Van Gogh

Have an amazing day all. Much love. :)

Here are some of my other posts this week. :)

Color Challenge - Tuesday Orange Sunset Submission

"Start saying I CAN, and start believing with all your HEART." Expressing my thoughts - Motivational Post 4

My Life's Journey - Amazing day with my brother Nikola.

My Life's Journey - Finally rebuilding our home with my father after it was ravaged by war.

My Life's Journey - The unexpected gift on the horizon.

An incredible story of a man who saved 669 children from Nazi Death Camps. Must see. Expressing my thoughts - Motivational post 3


Copywrite of Duro Bjegovic


I love Bribirske Mostine. There was a small cafe near the crossroad, don't know if it still works...

I believe it is still there. Right across I believe the wooden bridge. And, it is still open. :)

Pozdrav Filipe. :)

Love your Sun!!! The collage is very beautiful! I love the one on the top right corner the most...

Thank you, Eliza. It was really a beautiful sunset. I enjoyed it. :)

Have an amazing day. :)

Gorgeous sunset photos! I have followed a few others from Croatia and it seems like an absolutely lovely place! Upvoted and following!

Thank you, Melody. My blog is actually not so much about photography, but I like to participate in the challenges. When you have time read some of my My Life's Journal posts. I think you would like them. :)

Thank you for stopping by my blog. :)

P.S Croatia is a very beautiful country. You should visit it one day. :)

I will definitely check out your journals! And I would absolutely love to travel to Croatia. Maybe someday :)

Well, I will keep posting some amazing photos of Croatia so you will know what you are in for. :)

Have an amazing day. :)

great photography ..
your post is very attractive and eye catching ..
good post keep it up... upvoted you and following you now..!!
thanks for sharing.. :) :)

Thank you, my friend. :)

Following back :)

my pleasure.. :) !

Exquisite shots Durko.........upv & rsd 😊

Thank you my amazing friend. :)

My pleasure Durko 😊

those are some great shots!!

Thank you, my friend. It was the perfect image, of a perfect day. :)

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