in #newbygames6 years ago (edited)


We've all seen the whale wallets, and admit it. We all dream what if that were me? What would I do with those kinds of earnings? Would I save it for a rainy day? Would I spend the rest of my days traveling? Would I buy my dream home? Or maybe you would start a business or help others.

Mine is pretty simple. If I had whale money, I would use part of it to create some substantial change for the marginalized populations where I live. The homeless situation here is really bad, as well as lack of affordable housing and services for the marginalized.

I would also invest in what I call a smart V. An RV that is built smart and that I could live in year round, taking it to warmer climates in winter, and returning here for summers.

I would also probably start some kind of small business involving rocks.

And a bike. Definitely. A bike.

Well that's my Steem dream!


Now's the chance for you to tell your Steem Dream! The winner will win 1SBD, or more, and will have their entry resteemed by me!!

Here are the rules:

  1. All participants rep score must be 50 or less.

  2. Upvote this post.

  3. Resteem this post.

  4. Once you have written your Steem dream post, come back and link it in the comments here!

  5. Time to enter the contest expires 7 days out, March 10 @ 18:15 UTC. At the end of 7 days, entries will be reviewed and winner selected.

So come on! Tell me your Steem dream!



All images Pixabay


@moneyinfant has added your contest to the list Steemit Writing Contests: Issue #37. The list is updated on a daily basis and your contest will remain on the list until its expiration - there's nothing you need to do.

The list was created to save writers the excessive amount of time spent searching through the #contest tag for writing contests. Now they can just come to the list each day, see new contests and use their time doing what they love - writing.

If you'd like to help spread the word about the Steemit Writing Contest List I'd really appreciate a resteem, but it certainly isn't necessary. The project is simply meant to help writers save time and contest creators attract more contestants.

P.S. If you know of any contests I've missed I'd love to hear about them. Thanks!

I'm so glad I 'stumbled' upon this @moneyinfant! So good to know. Thanks for doing the leg-work for all of us :)

I'm so glad you 'stumbled' upon this too. It's not easy to find the newer contests and contest hosts.

You're absolutely correct there!!

Hey @moneyinfant.. hopefully we can help you with that by looking at our tag #newbiegames... we are encouraging any gamemakers we come in contact to use that tag and many of them are writing games. I just saw this but our feature game with earthnation was a writing contest.

We would be happy to also coordinate with you and tell you of anything we have going if you wish.

And by we, I am referring to #newbieresteemday and #newbiegames

That would be awesome @davemmcoy. I'll add the #newbiegames tag to my daily scan.

It would be great if you could give me a heads up whenever you have something going on, that makes sure I don't miss it. I'm only human after all and for all my efforts there have been several contests that have fallen through the cracks until someone pointed them out to me.

Feel free to connect with me on my blog or on Discord @moneyinfant#0486 any time.

cool that's awesome @moneyinfant... And I will add you, plus i'll tell my newbie games team about you and give them your contact info too! Its nice to meet you and I would be happy to help you because I love what you are doing!

That's great! I can't wait to start connecting with more hungry minnows. Got the invite and accepted! Talk with you soon.

awesome! I pulled it up to send them the news and got sidetracked... I will do it right now!

and I am very happy to connect to you :)

I just sent the invite!

you're always out there @lynncoyle1, how do you do it?

I learned from the commenting master...not sure if you know him? ;)

Speaking of games...I left a comment in our newbie general chat on Discord. I'll go back and tag you in it, but I need some help with something :)

...just in case I'm unclear, you're the master I'm referring to lol

haha... thanks... but you are getting pretty good ;)

and the easiest way to get me is DM... those are my lifeblood because I can see I have the little red numbers if I get behind

What a cool idea @luanne ...good for you! I'll do my best to enter as well; my to-do list just keeps getting longer and longer haha

Did you post this in the newbie discord channel?

No I didn't. I don't think I'm on that channel

I'll post it in there right now for you. There's a spot for "promote someone else" and another for "contests". I'll put it in both :)

Thank you very much Lynn!

I'll help to promote in MSP and teammalaysia too!

Thanks so much @luanne for organizing this contest. Its so inspiring.
Shouldn't all of us be helped to achieve their dreams? Shouldn't youths be helped to have a bright future even though they have largely been ignored. I think that people from economically disadvantaged areas ought to be given an opportunity to believe in themselves. This is my dream. you can read about my entry to this contest here:

Hi @luanne, thank you very much for organizing such an inspiring contest! Many of us investing our time and energy in Steemit with great ambitions and dreams in our own terms. Your contest has made reflect why I am here, and I am here to be an achiever.

Thank you very much, once again!!!
Please find my humble entry for this awesome contest,

very good game @luanne... you did it very good!!! I think this will be one of many many more!!!

Ty!! I'm really excited about it!!

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