What is your Steem dream? This is mine!

in #contest6 years ago


Hi fellow Steemians, hope you are having a good time. This is my entry for the contest put together by @luanne
You can tell us your Steem dream by submitting your own entry for the contest. Here is the link https://steemit.com/newbygames/@luanne/contest-what-is-your-steem-dream

So back to my own answer to the question: what is your steem dream.
Well, having grown up in Africa (Nigeria to be precise), I have seen a lot go wrong about this lovely country. Hey, am not here to spread a message of doom, this is reality. My Steem Dream is simple: Use Steem to empower youths to think out-of-the-box and achieve their own dreams.
Youth unemployment in my Country is staggering. I will focus my write-up on Graduate youths because someone might thing, hey, they don’t go to school. We do. A lot. But because the education system was not designed to help you succeed, it becomes almost impossible not to fail. There are hundreds of thousands of my fellow youths who are unemployed. Who have been seen as failed investments. Their poor parents even sold their property and went hungry just to sponsor these youths through the university. Hoping that when they graduate, these youths would find a good job and take care of their aging parents and siblings.
The dream of these lovely parents is: to suffer and make sure their children went to the university, graduate and make money to support the family. The reality is: it doesn’t happen that way. Here is what is obtainable. Your parents suffered to send you to school. You suffered as well to go to school. You then graduate and start job hunting. First year, second year and the third year, no jobs. You become frustrated. The pressure is high on you to make it. Your younger ones are demanding money from you which you do not have. Your sick and old parents are hoping to get assistance from you. You have bills to pay everyday as well as your own expenses. Under that pressure, these youths breakdown. So they apply for and get a menial teaching job in one private school. The stipend (they are not supposed to call that salary) at the end of the month is laughable; barely enough to support your personal expenses for a week. This is the lot of hundreds of thousands of my fellow graduate youths. I studied computer science and I can tell you I have more than 10 of my fellow coursemates who are going through this situations.
If I can have the kind of earnings the whales make here. I will run a big youth empowerment project through IT. Like I said before, most graduates go through school and come out with nothing. They even lack the basic technical skills needed in their chosen career. Imagine a computer science graduate who cannot even format a computer system. So I will give youths a reason to live and be to be happy. I want to help them find fulfillment in doing the things they love in life. Teach them that someone can make out a career in blogging, web design, content development, social media marketing, drop shipping, etc. I want to give them a new orientation. They need to see that job hunting is a highway to failure and disappointment. I want to help them see that working for anyone is not the best way to use one’s life. I want to help them see that the more they waste years looking for non-existent jobs, the more disillusioned they grow. If no one believes in you, you have to believe in yourself. I cannot take up such a project now because I lack the finance needed to startup. But I am very hopeful and optimistic this can happen soon; if I work very hard on Steemit (I am 22 days old here).
As a fresh graduate, I did not believe in looking for a job. That is modern slavery. Even though with limited founds and infrastructure, I have kicked off my own IT startup. Whatever I make from Steemit, I will use it to build this small firm and use it as a platform to empower my fellow youths.
Steem is the future and the future is now. I will work very hard to excel here because my Steem dream is to empower others achieve their own dreams. Nothing brings more happiness than impacting someone positively.

I love freedom and would be happy to see everyone achieve ultimate freedom. Someone (your employer) shouldnt determine when you sleep, wake up, visit friends,go on vacation, do shopping, and other things. That is slavery. And i want you or your friend to break free from modern slavery. See how far i have gone with my small IT startup and how much all of us can achieve freedom: https://steemit.com/freedomchallenge/@focusnow/how-do-you-express-your-freedom-my-entry-for-freedom-challenge-3


Congratulations!! You are the winner of the Steem dream Contest!! You will get 1 SBD transferred to you and a post of your choice resteemed by me!! Awesome goal @focusnow!! Keep reaching for the skies!

Waoooh. Could not believe it. Thanks so much. You made my day. This is really great. Thanks. Please kindly resteem this post for me: https://steemit.com/writing/@focusnow/learn-how-to-promote-your-brand-and-business-using-qr-codes
I appreciate your it.

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