
Congratulations you have been upvoted because you left a post in the NewbieResteem Discord Chat channel post Promotion Box.

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Lots of votes made possible due to the kindness of @abh12345 and his Steemit Curation Leagues

I wish you luck as you keep writing here. It's hard being new but I think you have the right idea. Making friends is the key to success here. Even if your friends are little minnows, over time, they will grow with you. Those who do best here are incredibly social. I'm working on a sociology PhD right now and academic writing is so stressful and a pain in the butt. Writing for steemit is a lot more fun and the feedback more enjoyable to receive.

Oof, so you understand the pain. It's so nice to be able to take what you love and write about it creatively without the culture of "publish or perish" breathing down your neck. I suppose the lesson I had to learn over time was that there's no such thing as a "perfect" research paper, so take the critiques as far as you can and learn to put a project away once you've hit that point of exhaustion.

I'm sure you get this question all the time at cocktail parties, but do you have a dissertation topic, and if so, what's it about? (Feel free to give the obligatory 1-2 sentence answer that I'm sure you've been honing.)

I'm with you on this endeavor. I too have noticed garbage getting paid huge dividends and just sat there asking myself "what gives". Whatever. I have simply chose a similar path of just post and posted hope some big fish take the bait. As in all fishing, patience is required. I figure if you write it they will come.
I've noted too lots of people buying votes by way of bots. I question their moral compass and ask if they are not aware of their own deceit or how it devalues the platform. But what do I know. I'm just a micrometer of a plankton that is too stupid to quit because every now and again I get a tip! or a sincere thank you. So Thank you.

Don't quit! Worst case scenario, you'll practice your writing and have something tangible you've made to revisit and be proud of. And thank YOU!
With the bots, I can understand if it's a post you've worked really hard on and you just want the bump to get the ball rolling. Looks a little odd when people buy votes from like, 10 bots on one post, though.

Sorry, the tip is higher then your deposit.
You can check your balance by sending 0.001 SBD to @tipu with memo: balance
(the minimal tip is 0.1 SBD)

Poops. Trying again

I really do see an extensive background research in your writings, so I hope your posts get much more attention soon. Thanks for introducing me in your post :) This urges me to write more art history related stories. One strategy I came up with is that I will upload heavy/serious/informative posts on Friday/ during the weekends when more people are looking at steemit and post light/scribbles/original sketches during the weekdays. Let's see if this helps.

No problem! You deserve it. I’ve probably read 10 different articles on here about the best times to upload and got a bunch of conflicting answers. I’m probably doing the wrong thing by posting when I do since I tend to polish stuff off late in the afternoon/ early evening PST, when Americans on the east coast have signed off for the night. Maybe I should experiment with posting on weekday mornings...

wow what a great post! I'm also a big fan of big research pieces and once you start backing up in time the work gets even deeper.
I like your style very much! My voting power is down right now but I'll be sure to upvote you in a few hours when I've recharged a bit! You've gor yourself a new follower 👌✌

Thank you so much! I’m following you as well. I loved your comment back on that post (obviously, since I voted for you and all).

lol yeah, that's what lead me to check you out! and thanks so much for the vote I really appreciate it! 😊

Yay! @malloryblythe, meet Marie. @amariespeaks does the Minnows Monday and Saturday Nite Spotlight. Plus the fabolous A in the ABC’s of Curation team with @newbiersteemday. We’re small but growing!

Marie is also a wonderful listener. She patiently listens to me rant in Discord many many times. 🙂

awww @beeyou you are too kind, dearie!! you never rant lol just let off a little stEEm here and there ;-)

When a family cat died in ancient Egypt, family members would mourn by shaving off their eyebrows. They also held elaborate funerals during which they drank wine and beat their breasts. The cat was embalmed with a sculpted wooden mask and the tiny mummy was placed in the family tomb or in a pet cemetery with tiny mummies of mice.

Are you a bot? Because if you're a bot you're my new favorite bot.

Julius Ceasar, Henri II, Charles XI, and Napoleon were all afraid of cats.

Ohmygod thank you for existing, this is amazing. Hit me with another one.

There are approximately 100 breeds of cat.

Very good Mallory!!! That's exactly what I wanted you to do... You are now educating and leveraging at the same time! :)

Hi Mallory! I like your belief and it will surely work out for you. I hope I can join that list of yours with some newbie hidden gems soon😁
We are on the same discord and I hope it will give us the desired edification we desire because its a nice place with real and true people!

Hi @malloryblythe!
I was going to write something here, like "the formula" but it became such a bitter critique of the reality around here that I didn't dare to post it. lol. But yeah, make friends, get some bots to upvote your posts right after you post them, (I hear you need to have 3 SBD's on your post in the first 30 minutes after posting, to "jump into" the "hot" category, where you will get more exposure, so buying some STEEM on or a similar platform, then using STEEM/SBD here in different ways will give you a good start, and things will be less frustrating... Hallelujah!

Thanks for all of the advice! I'm trying to see how far I can get with organic growth (no bots or buying STEEM). With the latter, I put myself on a strict crypto diet a little while back in which I'm not allowed to put "real" money into it anymore. Maybe one day I'll find a guardian angel with a lot of SP who will do me a solid and upvote me in the first 30 minutes. A girl can dream...

I really wish you good luck, it seems like being a girl can be a great advantage, (no big surprise)... Obviously your skilled at writing, so I think you can make it, patience, consistency... One thing I think is a bit sad is to see women who are good at writing, leave writing behind for Dtube because it pays better. But the notion seams to be that people want to see a "face" and "get to know you" things are more focused on your looks and persona/your personal brand...

I did two months of what you are doing now, the whole put no real money in it, but then STEEM started sinking to the point where it seamed like a good investment to buy some, because I was going to buy alt-coins anyway, and I might be a bit of a "negative nancy" about some aspects of steemit sometimes, but I am a big fan of the STEEM crypto... And greasing the wheels do help a bit around here... And the "guardian angles" are also out there...

I haven't noticed a female advantage, but maybe that's the case for crypto-related posts, where most users tend to be male. I think the balance is a little more even over in history, poetry, literature, photography, etc. My followers are probably split about 50/50 at this point. I've only posted a couple of pictures of myself on here though, and I haven't been doing much crypto-related posting.

Sorry did not want to start a gender debate. I have been quite surprised here actually, I initially thought that women getting naked or semi-naked in photos would become instant millionaires (here on steemit), but they make less then me sometimes with their NSFW posts with personal photos... Maybe there is numbers and statistics about these things, probably loads of research, we are pretty much anyone with some AI-software's guinea pigs, (all this open data), also something that doesn't scare me at all (irony)... Anyway you are a good writer, have some integrity and keep on writing awesome stuff!
I will support you!

No offense taken! And I really appreciate your support. :)

@malloryblythe I can relate to so much of what you wrote. I also put a lot of passion into my art, and the monetary reward overall (I'm not talking about steemit, too early to say) has been less than zilch. But I won't settle for doing a half ass job with something I'm passionate about. So I hear you with your frustration, I'm trying to not put anymore energy towards being annoyed but that takes a lot of self control. I'm trying to sell my art on some of those print on demand websites where they make custom clothing with your art on it, and the same thing there. Some wannabe artists slaps some cheesy piece of clipart on a shirt and it gets promoted and a bazillion likes. Wtf is wrong with people? Don't sell out though, I'm with you. You just left a comment on one of my art pieces and you followed me. I dig your writing and your attitude towards creating art, which writing is a part of, and I follow you back.

For what it’s worth, things got a lot better here for me since I wrote that! I found a few communities and made some friends who helped me out. One guy gave me a generous delegation. I’ve actually become a much stronger fiction writer as a result of getting involved with the @freewritehouse prompts, and I had never written fiction before I got here. If you have Discord I can give you a more detailed play by play and introduce you to some people. I’m not like, rolling in cash or anything, but it’s been a much more rewarding experience than I had anticipated.

To be blunt, the fact that there is so much crap here that appears to do so well (and actually, many of those are paid votes), is a major advantage for people like you and me who are actually contributing stuff that people want to read or look at, and that the people most invested in this platform want people to contribute. You have a ton of talent and I mean it genuinely when I say that you could do really well here. I stumbled on you because I was scouting stuff to submit to a curation channel for people to vote on and your art jumped out at me because it was so extraordinary. It’s really just a matter of being noticed by people with some clout, and it’s a much smaller community than you’d think. I’m going to share your post around a bit and see if I can help you get some followers.

Also, steer clear of Jerry Banfield and his tokens or whatever he’s peddling... the guy is a bit of a known opportunist. I’m not that plugged into that community but some people I respect and think are morally sound in their behavior on here despise the guy.

Hi, thank you, I appreciate your insight and your offer to help by sharing my art, etc. One doesn't find this very often nowadays, especially not in a place where you never know if someone really means what they say because there could be a little cheddar earned. Geez, are people willing to make jackasses of themselves for a few pennies, it can be so fucking pathetic.. I'm glad though you found some good peeps that gave you a little boost. You're right, sometimes all it takes is one decent contact and you're on the roll.
Thank you also for your encouraging comments regarding my work, of course being a vain and approval craving artist, feedback like yours goes down like butter. I must say that I enjoyed reading your eyebrow dude short story a lot. It reminded me how much fun reading can be and I have to make more time to read your other works. I think you have what it takes to grab an audience with your fiction stories because I was hooked after a few sentences. It has a bit of a pulp noir edginess to it that I love.

Regarding that Banfield feck I'm totally with you. I followed him after watching one of his Steemit for newbie vids on youtube and soon found out that he strikes me as one of those spineless MLM crooks, a vibe that I get a lot from most of the popular coin gurus, and that I'm not very fond of. I tried to get rid of that repost I have of this guy on my feed, stupid rookie mistake and sorry ass attempt to rush into being successful on this platform, but as always when I don't honor my instincts I made a regrettable choice. Screw it, who cares.

Hatred aside, I believe there's good to be found on Steemit, you are the best example, and I just have to get out of my comfort zone and work through the birthing pains. Not that easy when you're stuck with the typical artist ADD attention span, but I have the best intentions to make it work. For now, lol.

Cheers, stay lit.

You couldn't pay me enough to make a total jackass of myself on a site where you can't delete stuff after a week. I'm way too self conscious for that shit. Anyways, as for the selfish aspect, this place is very much a Pay It Forward economy. When you're new, people will take you under their wing and help you out, and then when you've been around for a while, I'm sure you'll feel compelled to do the same.

I'm just now starting to find that the monetary rewards are beginning to snowball (albeit slowly), and that's after a few months of work. I just kinda had to put the rewards aspect out of my mind and focus instead on enjoying my time here and getting to know people. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.

Anyway, thanks for reading and for all the nice compliments! I try to keep entertaining.

Yeah, you're absolutely right, forget about the instant gratification humbug and just have a good time, it'll come across as more genuine and at the end that is what people are craving. Some real connections and an attitude that comes from the heart and not the greedy, fearful mind. And that'll earn more rewards in the long run, either monetary or paid in some other form of energy.

Again, thanks for being my mentor. I know all the left brainers have such a big head start and most of their ramblings confuse the crap outta me which is annoying. I just have to find a way to cancel out that crypto noise until I settle down and understand the rest of the dynamics here.

I think I already offered this somewhere, but if you have Discord, I can give you a way more detailed run down and all sorts of links to resources and tools that can help out. I'm malloryblythe#8139 if you want to add me there. I did not have Discord before I got here but it's really helpful to have because that's where most people congregate for private chats and communities, plus you can set up Ginabot which is a notification system.

GINAbot??!! Rawr, you got my attention now. I have no clue what discord is but I'm gonna check it out now.

Yep, Ginabot! You can check it out here >

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