We are all born alone and die alone. Loneliness is part of the journey of life.

in #neoxian5 years ago (edited)

Loneliness is a universal human emotion that is both complex and unique to each individual. Because it has no single common cause, the prevention and treatment of this potentially damaging state of mind can vary dramatically.


For example, a lonely child who struggles to make friends at his school has different needs than a lonely old man whose wife has recently died.
In order to understand loneliness ; it's important to take a closer look at exactly what we mean by the term "lonely," as well as the various causes, health consequences, symptoms, and potential treatments for loneliness.

Loneliness is actually a state of mind.

Loneliness causes people to feel empty, alone, and unwanted. People who are lonely often crave human contact, but their state of mind makes it more difficult to form connections with other people.
Though our need to connect is innate, many of us frequently feel alone.
Even some people who are surrounded by others throughout the day—or are in a long-lasting marriage—still experience a deep and pervasive loneliness.

Feelings of loneliness and isolation affect all types and ages of people, although some, like adolescents, are more likely to be impacted than others.

More than 20 percent of people over age 60 frequently feel intensely lonely.

Suffering from loneliness is somewhat like suffering from physical pain

Not surprisingly, feelings of isolation can have a serious detrimental effect on one's mental and physical health. Loneliness can be a risk factor for heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, among other critical diseases.
Lonely people are also twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

At the root, isolation compromises immunity, increases the production of stress hormones, and is harmful to sleep. All of this feeds chronic inflammation, which lowers immunity to the degree that lonely people even suffer more from the common cold. Loneliness can be a chronic stress condition that ages the body and causes damage to overall well-being.

Loneliness, according to many experts, is not necessarily about being alone.
Instead, if you feel alone and isolated, then that is how loneliness plays into your state of mind.
For example, a college freshman might feel lonely despite being surrounded by roommates and other peers. A soldier beginning his military career might feel lonely after being deployed to a foreign country, despite being constantly surrounded by other troop members.
Lonely individuals tend to have a pessimistic general outlook: they are more negative than are individuals who are not lonely about the people, events, and circumstances in their lives, and they tend to blame themselves for not being able to achieve satisfactory social relationships.

We forget that spending alone time helps you to introspect your life and understand your state of mind in a better way.

It is important to spend time with yourself. It helps you to find your own happiness.
Life now adays is spend in high stress situations...
Everyone talks about the importance of social relationships and social life, but one of the most important relationships is the one that you spend with your own self.

Spending alone time is often frowned upon as it indicates you are lonely.
People often forget that spending alone times helps you to introspect your life and understand your state of mind in a better way.
In fact, it is also a way to attain peace and happiness as you get to know you aim and priorities in a better way

Mentally strong

We are social creature and it is important to establish meaningful bonds. However, it is important to spend time with yourself as well. It helps you to find your own happiness. You figure out the ways to make your life better, which in turns makes your mind stronger.

know yourself better

Spend time alone, you start feeling comfortable with yourself. You can make any decision without any outside pressure...

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First off i love the photos and loneliness can cause os many issues, for some people, I myself are pretty much a loner in a lot of ways much preferring a walk on my own than being in a group thing, but that aid I don't feel I am lonely, I can mix with people I need to and have friends to talk to or often I am more of a listener than a talker so I dont feel the need to be with people all the time

not sure if that all makes sense LOL

Hii sweets :D aww i thought you might liek them, iiiiiiiiT have bluuue in it ;) LOL :P
Im with you, see i think being alone is good for you ; its the UNchoosen lonleyness that is the heffer.....
I agree, i would never walk/workout or actually landscape photo taking; with someone else...
soo yes that makes utter sence tooo me ;) LOL

Exactly unchosen loneliness is so hard on people
Hope your week is starting well and Have a great day

I prefer spending time alone than being surrounded by toxic people. I agree that we should know ourselves better, but it's also important to accept who we are and be open enough to change... not for others, but for ourselves. :)

It's funny how people tag me as an extrovert, when in fact, I find home in being alone. After being in a group for a whole day, makes me want to stay in my own world for a whole week...

Love the photos, btw. (^_^)v

Now that is diffrent; they peeps suck the liight out of you O.o :P
If we know our selfs better its easier, to accept our selfs for what we are :D
Ha ha na see you can be both & be great at both :D
I second taht, after work, i juust shUUUT of, then peeps can enjoy the living hell out of me ;)

aww awsome to hear, thanks hun :D

Haha... That's true... I'm good with small groups, though... Say 4-5 people?? haha... but more than that, I just want to sit on one corner and do nothing.. xD
Yes~!!! Self-awareness is key! ^^
I'm an ambivert, but my introverted side is more dominant.. haha
hahahaha... energy drained... let's recharge! How do you recharge yourself, @swedishdragon?

Anytime... (^_^)v

Aww like a dinner party? ;)
Soo in that coner, do you listen pay attention to them otehrs??? and are ok with that?? see here is the diffrence, if you are happy, in said coner its all ok ;) :D
Im happy we agree, mind your self..awearness :D

Recharge.. Hm music!! headset on full blast, yeah that gets me happy ;) I fidn a great deal of calmness/zen if you like; while i grab my pictures, but i do landscape, i dont like trying in towns or so.. gets me a bit stressed???
I like a still morning, all i hear is the wind, might be birds, and my cameras shutter, yeah then im in heaven ;) LOL
What do you dooo ??

Yes... Or just a small gathering to catch up... :) It's simple yet fun... ^^

Yep~!! A corner where I can still see what's happening around me and just observe. I like observing people... it's interesting... ^^
Me, too! I'm glad to share the same thoughts with you. (^_^)v

Ohhh~ sounds good! what kind of music?
Landscape will always be much better than the city... though there are times when it's also interesting to take pictures in the city. hihi ^^

Here's a collage of some pictures I took in my place... :) It's especially calm early in the morning. <3

My stress reliever is anime... but if I feel like it, I write or draw something.. :) Going out for a walk helps, too... just looking at the sea... or sunrise.. I love sunrise... <3

aww cheers & thanks hun :D
Hope your weekend is fab :D


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Good post

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Your writings, somehow, rings the same frequency as my thoughts about life.
I picked psychology as my major years ago to understand more about this thought.
Many people said I'm sick, dark minded or even antisocial. I don't mind it, afterall we all gonna sleep alone, die alone.

Try this song:

So nice that i could tune in with you :)
Did psychology help you??? or did it have the opposit effect??
being dark and twisted is good as long as you feel , you are doing ok with it :) Im a happy bubbely person BUT im also waay dark and twisted... We can be both As long as its something, we have chooosen our selfs :)
I agree, we sleep and die alone...
aww superb song; thansk for sharing :D woohooo

Psychology made me realize how human been trying so hard to understand how our mind work.

The latest scientific medical study (neuroscience) literally tell us that almost 99% of psychology related stuffs are placebos, generalization and even straight bullshit.

We don't have soul, we're just a bunch of electrical pulses inside our tiny brain. Our behavior, habits, emotions and all cognitive functions are produced on the circuits of this CPU.

I know, people tend to think that I'm too dark and bitter. Actually, I feel liberated, boundless and free.

I am exist and non-existent at the same time. I am someone and no one. I don't believe in anything nor I want to be believed.

Life is not journey, you don't have the authority to decide when to stop. Life is an amusement park, enjoy the ride, scream, laugh and at the of the day you'll forget about it.

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I agree, loneliness is a sad complex problem.
Heck you can find lonely people in the same household.
You mention alone time, some of my most important time is alone.
How can one think, listen & learn about our authentic self if we are not alone?

I knooow, right??? and tahst humans you see/interact with daily...
Yes im with you, we need alone tiem BUUT it neeeds to be choosen ;)
i think humans tend to see their self worth intageled with ; HOW others see them.. which isnet benefitting for said selfworth..

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