Crocheting a head ... progress

This is the result of a couple of sessions on the head of the red squirrel. I still need to make the body with a white tummy section, the arms, legs and tail, and make a prop (mushroom or pine cone).

I'm now trying to work out the body of the creature. I have been considering the options : extend the neck so it's all one piece and then I don't have to sew the neck and body together or make a separate body and sew it to the neck 'neatly'.

As you might be aware I have no pattern. I have looked at pictures of red squirrels including patterns for crocheted squirrels. The patterns are all lovely but I decided to make my own - as usual :D

I have no tutorial for this, but I included photos of the process. For the record I used size 3.5mm crochet hook and mostly Stylecraft double knitting acrylic.

I started by making a magic ring and 6 single crochet stitches. From there I increased in the normal way to 34 stitches in the round. I then crocheted 3 rounds without increasing (photo1).

I made an extension for the nose changing colour (photo 2). From 8 stitches I decreased to 4.

I joined the red yarn again and started decreasing to make the back and side shape (photo 3). This was a bit tricky because I also tried to continue the colour variation of the nose down.

I crocheted the two ears starting with a magic ring (also in photo 3); 6 single crochet stitches and then crocheting in the round for 5 rows. I then added tufts by securely knotting yarn and dividing the cut yarn to make it thinner (photo 4).

The eyes were made with thinner 4 ply yarn and size two hook (photo 5). A circle of 10 single crochet stitches and then a row of cream slip stitches all around - and embroidered highlight.

I embroidered the nose, but I'm still not sure about it I made undo it and start again (photo 6).

When I haven't been making this, I have continued the simple stocking stitch round (intarsia) knitting of the digestive tract :D. I now need to start stuffing it lightly. The section is about one metre long so I reckon it will be easier to stuff it as a go along.

You can also see more on that and the beginnings of my red squirrel here:

Thanks for stopping by !

all photos and work by @cryptocariad

🌻 Thank you @crosheille and @crystalize for hosting #needleworkmonday 🌻


You’re doing such a great job on this squirrel! I am so impressed that you used no pattern and are doing this based off of what you have visually seen.
Thank you for showing the process of your work and sharing the steps you took to get there! I’m looking forward to seeing this little guy completed and to see more of your progress on the digestive tract :)

Thank you @needleworkmonday... It's quite a slow process but I'm learning along the way and trying to take some notes of my steps for future reference.

You’re welcome ~

Very good idea to take steps along the way :)

Hello @cryptocariad, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you very much for your interest and support, @creativecrypto.

That is one cute squirrel @cryptocariad! And to do it without a pattern! You are good! And the detail you put into the face - the eyes, ears, nose and mouth with the lines, it is very impressive. Can't wait to see the full animal :)

Thank you @marblely. It takes longer using this method but I get a sense of accomplishment :D

GREAT JOB @cryptocariad ,your squirrel looks nice.Waiting for the completed work .

Thank you @sandeepadiyara. I'm currently considering the options for the rest of the squirrel and will post and update soon.

I can see the intestine requires concentration and the right environment, but it also strikes me that it is a very peaceful thing to do - meditative.

I like the squirrel, he has a lot of character :)

Thank you @shanibeer. I currently have three projects on the go : my crochet square bag, the digestive tract and this squirrel. I am enjoying the three projects as they require different skills but I must remember to take photos of my 'progress' every so often.

I admire your ability to create such lovely things WITHOUT a pattern. You must be a really confident crocheter! It'll be interesting to see the finished squirrel. :D
Oh and that digestive system is something to admire, hope you're making great progress with it!

Thanks @vliet, but as you know after a while in crochet you apply a common set of principles.

If you want a flat round shape you need to increase at 'regular intervals' and if you change that or include decreases, you change the shape...

In a way I use similar principles to the stress balls that @ivan-g crocheted some time ago for the squirrel head, by adding the 'nose bit' I ended up with an oval shape.

I'm now working out the body shape, so if I start from the base, that will be a flat round shape. In a way it will be similar to @mrscwin's crochet colour pop baskets.

I may just use a more oval shape though... I'm considering the options at the moment.

Lovley job @cryptocariad. I particularly like the hairy bits on the top of the ears. You are so talented! 😊

Thank you very much for your comment @gillianpearce. Without the tufts it looked a bit 'foxy' - I'm still unsure about the unsubtle white 'eyeliner' but @tinygalaxy has told me it gives it character :D

I love the white around the eyes @cryptocariad. I think it accentuates them. 😁

I saw them as a whole eye rather than an eye with eyeliner. 😊

Thank you for that @gillianpearce... That was the idea 'a whole eye' but I was a bit unsure - they'll be staying like that now 😁

wow !!!! you get a very nice squirrel! she has a very cute face :) I never knitted toys. I wish you success!

Thank you @tali72... It is an enjoyable pastime :D

Super cute squirrel. You have true talent.

Thank you, @steven-patrick - let's say, I just don't give up :D

This is so cuuuuuuuuutttteee.... The face with the little freckles is so lovely (I must admit, I strongly identify myself with your squirrel :-D )
ok... maybe I look more weird than squirrel-like, but inside I feel like a one :-DDDD
You absolutely should write down the pattern (when you are finished) and put it on ravelry and steemit.

Oh, thank you for the lovely comment and photo, neumannsalva 😍
...not sure about publishing the pattern... I will just leave that to the professionals 😌

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