Using my gut feeling when knitting - digestive system ...

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago (edited)

I actually hesitated whether or not to share the progress of this project. I haven't advanced that much as the instructions are 'dense'.

I am knitting a digestive system: tongue, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver and all that for a charity called Guts.

I read about this initiative in the July issue of the Let’s knit magazine which I bought because of a toy dog pattern. Below’s the cover.

On page 74 I found there was a Charity corner and the first thing that caught my eye was the knitted digestive system.

As you can see above it’s really exciting to see so many opportunities for using knitting to help baby units, wildlife or the homeless. All these possibilities will add nicely to my mini hat knitting that I do every year for the Age concern appeal and will keep me busy for hours while waiting in the car :D

I wrote to the charity straight away and they emailed me instructions which you can also get from Craftster which is where the pattern first appeared over 10 years ago.

I know a number of people who suffer from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) - me included. I also know of very young people who suffer with Crohn’s disease.

The charity worker explained to me that they visit clubs and schools giving talks and take models with them.

During the presentations they discuss conditions and digestive system facts and information about the workings of the gut and some of the problems that can affect it.

Hopefully one of those young people will get inspired to research more about some of the conditions associated with the gut, while other people can learn a bit more and perhaps be more understanding.

Personally, I also feel it is a wonderful opportunity to both promote the craft of knitting and show what is possible.

I had done much more on that section but decided to unravel. I am going to have to make a few changes to the instructions that I received.

I was supposed to make a sort of bend but in doing so a few holes were created. I believe that the section can be better achieved by using ‘row wrapping’ so I will include a few notes for future use - as my eldest daughter would say ‘classic'; she knows I always follow my gut feeling ... 😁

Here's an update of progress in the large intestine :

As you can see I have a bit of 'intarsia' too because of that single stitch that shows the 'edge' on both sides alongside the tube. The instructions suggest using one skein of white wool where you take the outside yarn end and the inside yarn end. I have done that, but everything gets tangled up. So I have now cut lengths and at some point and will have to join new strands when it all runs out. I find it's easier this way than struggling too much.

I have included the last photo as an update to the post. I have also included another tag. I have been advised that because of the science topics highlighted in this post, ie the digestive tract and the gut conditions that the charity is trying to raise awareness towards the post had some merit... Many apologies if you do not think so. I shall continue working anyway.

Thanks for stopping by !

all photos by @cryptocariad

🌻 Thank you @crosheille and @crystalize for hosting #needleworkmonday 🌻


Really interesting - looking forward to seeing more parts I never want to see in RL ;)

btw have you heard about Emily Stoneking? She knits rat autopsy-displays - I was shocked when I first saw them but I'm quite intrigued by them.

Thank you @muscara.
Yes, I had seen them on pinterest, but I didn't know the name of the person behind them so thank you very much for that information. I know it's not for everyone which is one of the reasons why I hesitated but I see it within the realm of education...

I'm really interested in all things to do with biology and how art and craft can help us learn about it. When I was at school I made a DNA model with clay (I know : why ? ...). It was hard but I enjoyed every minute of it :D

Wow.. this is a very interesting knitting project @cryptocariad. Never would I have thought to knit a digestive system and use it for education and it is a brilliant idea. And another good thing about it would be it is machine washable :D. I like what you have knitted. Good luck! I am certain you will have your very own knitted digestive system soon :)

Thank you @marblely... I'm thinking of all the possibilities to knit afterwards :D
Like this sort of thing : and here's just part of her work :

Wow.. they are really nice and cute. And kids can actually play patient / doctor / surgeon without the messy blood and gore :D

Wow. That's an unusual one @cryptocariad.

Have you posted about the mini hats charity anywhere?

Yes, briefly... I just managed to find the 6 month-old post, @gillianpearce :

At the time I'd already sent the strawberry hats :D just like this one that @muscara showed last week here but in small.

I've also made a little extra sheep for @crystalize, but don't know where to send it.

Thank you for the extra information @cryptocariad. I keep meaning to do a charity knit but, so far, haven't gotten around to it. 😊

That sounds like an excellent initiative. Good luck on your digestive tract knitting project.

Fascinating! Going beyond the knitted wombs used by childbirth educators!

That's right. The Guts charity visits all age groups so I quite liked that cross-generational approach @giberfrau

wow !!!!! I am amazed!!!! I've never heard of such a project. it is very interesting how the final result of knitting will look. I wish you success !!!! By the way irritable bowel syndrome is directly related to neurosis: if you treat a neurosis, the intestines will calm down. The dog, because of which you bought this magazine, is amazing. be sure to knit it with your knitting needles!

Thank you @tali72... And, yes, I am a highly strung person ... so the eczema is also part of the bigger picture there. Some people around here are keen on 'kefir' - apparently it's good for the gut.
Yes, I will be making that dog too. I have to confess I have been looking for a realistic crocheted animal - all I find looks cute but not very realistic...

kefir is not bad if you do not have lactose intolerance :) I have so I can not drink it. I wish you to feel good!

Oh, sorry to hear that @tali72. I actually now avoid milk kefir because when I was making it everyday, I had to drink a whole cup of it (as the daughters were not keen). I decided I'd had enough of so much cow's milk :D There's also 'water kefir' and I make some of that every day but only for my husband.

water kefir? I've never heard of it

To be honest, I am not so keen on this sort of thing, @tali72, but people say they're good for the gut and my husband prefers it to milk kefir :

Here's a photo of our grains:

You put them in water with sugar and some dried fruit overnight. The following day you change the water; wash the grains and restart the process. Here's a link if you would like to read further :D

aaaaaa! I realized! we call it milk mushroom. he is really very useful. I prefer the tea mushroom. but now I do not have this.

The 'mushroom' reproduces really quickly @tali72 ... It's quite amazing :D

Ohh crud I didn't see this on Monday and missed the upvote window, but I love it!! Intarsia is hard, man! I did it once for a scarf in the pattern of a flag for a Yule gift. I spent more time untangling balls of yarn than I did actually knitting!
You might also like the book Knitting for Peace, which is all charity knitting ideas. I've knit for some groups before, and it feels so good!

Thank you so much @phoenixwren. I have now found too so I will check what other things I can make hopefully without intarsia 😅

I'm in the process of developing a sort of rhythm for the knitting so I can knit a whole row and then rearrange the yarns ... it's working better that way.

Wow that looks like quite a challenge @cryptocariad. And a good cause. Good luck!

I agree it is a very good cause, thank you, @steven-patrick :D

uhhhh... I also have this magazine... but I did not read this article. What a great idea to raise awareness. I am too curious how this will turn out (in pink :-D) This tiny curly things look awfully difficult to knit.
I am sorry to hear that you are affected by this disease. I hope you have it under control. A good friend of my husband suffers severely from Morbus Crohn and this is really no fun...

When I contacted the charity they were a bit surprised too as they hadn't seen the mag actually @neumannsalva ! I truly hope they were inundated with offers from other knitters because the project is slow :D...
The instructions are not as clear as I would like so I'm sort interpreting what I see in the pictures as well. It's quite repetitive as you ...
I've got my IBS quite under control but my eldest daughter is still in the process of controlling hers and seeing how that interacts with her allergies. It's in fact one of her friends who had to be operated from Crohn and has to come to terms with the consequences.
For these reasons and because of other people I know with related gut problems that I immediately decided to 'help' in such a small way.
Incidentally, are you making any of the patterns from the mag?

Oh, thank you for resteeming the post @neumannsalva. I appreciate your support 💓

Wow the things we can create with our hands, yarn and needles never ceased to amaze me. What a neat charity project you have picked up. It’s good you are going with your gut feeling and I’m looking forward to seeing you progress on this.

I’m sorry to hear you suffer from IBS. I think this is a great awareness and educational project ~

Thank you @needleworkmonday. I am always amazed by how people devised the most wonderful things with yarn and fabric too !

My IBS is nearly totally under control - I just have to be tidy : eat little and often and not too late and not too much 'acidic' fruit... and relax !

I’m glad to hear your IBS is nearly under control and you know how to manage it :)

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