Cute photos and sad story

in #needlework6 years ago

(I felt obligated to post a warning: I am writing about the illness of my father and of my best friend. This is not a happy post)

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I don’t know how to write this, but I feel I must. The last weeks I several times hinted to health problems of my father, but I always stayed vague. Right now, I am so sad that I no longer know how to write a funny post on Monday. I do not see a future. I am no good in dealing with illness and death. I am not good at accepting finiteness.

My father was ill for longer now. First, he had a lung infection in summer and after this he showed more and more personality changes. He spoke less and seemed depressed. We first thought it may be aftereffects of the lung infection, but so far, his blood works were ok. In the last month of 2018 everything escalated. He started to become aggressive (which he never was) or felt attacked by my mother or me. In the next moment he was crying and thought he will lose us. He also started to have problems to walk and a tremor in his hands. We tried to convince him to see a doctor, but he only interpreted this as attacks on him. After he nearly caused a car accident, I talked with a doctor behind his back and felt extremely bad after this (as if I would betray him) because I supposed something like Parkinson’s disease.
Nevertheless, he agreed to see the doctor with me. This was two weeks ago. After this it was one doctor and hospital after the other. He has brain tumour which already pushed his brain to one side. He had surgery last Friday and after this devastating diagnosis I again had hope, as the surgery went well, and he recovers fast. But yesterday we were told it is a fast-growing kind of cancer and they did not give us hope. He will try chemotherapy and radiation therapy, but as I said, not much hope. I know my parents are not young any more, but I feel like I cannot cope with this. I am so unbelievable sad. I cannot stop to cry. I do not want to accept that everybody must die. Besides of my husband, my parents are all the family I have.

Besides this one of my best friends with whom I have studied together and shared a room is terminally ill. For one year now, I am constantly expecting my talk with her to be the last one. But she is tough and keeps on fighting. The doctors told us several times that she will not wake up again, but she always recovered a bit. Right now, she is back home, and we are still able to speak. But I am often frightened to phone her and to hear that she is back in hospital or worse. I am deluding myself and believe there will be a miracle and she can live a bit longer. She is such a beautiful person (I know everybody deserves to be healthy and happy, but I am partial). For years now, she devotedly cared for her ill parents at home. And only recently (short before her diagnosis) could marry her long-time partner. I want her to be happy and to have some wonderful moments together with her husband…

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I cannot see the light right now. I think my brain is so accustomed to crying and having catastrophic thoughts that I cannot stop. I do not want to lose contact to you all, but on the other side I can hardly concentrate on anything else than the illness of my father and my best friend. I feel like I betray them if I write about crafting or painting. I feel like I am not allowed to smile anymore but (intellectually) know that it helps nobody if I wallow in my own sadness.
I am sorry to write such a post disguised as a needlework post, but I wanted to reach you all as you were a constent help to cope with my migraines in the last year. I wanted to let you know why I am not responding or commenting consistently. And perhaps I hope if I write this down, all will change to the better and I find the courage to write on monday again….

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The wonderful little creatures you see mixed into this post are Nano Pig and Superwander Alpaca. Both were created and send to me by @cryptocariad. They are now in our kitchen and smiling at me and trying to cheer me up. Although I have to say that Superwander Alpaca also motivates me to go out for a walk (when I am not caring for my father). She (just that you know both are women :-D) loves to hike in forests or alongside a river, so she wants me to take her and Nano Pig to all the beautiful spots around here.
Thank you so much for this lovely company @cryptocariad and thank you @needleworkmonday for forming this wonderful community.


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Take care of your Dad and friend, and yourself. Give them the time and love that you can, and know that this community will be here in some fashion when you have the time and energy to participate again.
You are in a tough situation and it will take time foer everyone you care about to either recover or pass on. I hope for miracles for both of them.

Remember, your friends and family know how important crafting is to you and they know you need to craft in order to be in your right mind. So craft when you can and participate here when you feel like it.
7 years ago I was working on a shawl for my Mother, it was to be a Christmas present, when she had a heart attack. I finished it while attending her in the hospital. She is better now but did not completely recover. And when she wears it, she remembers the time I spent with her while she was so ill. Crafting something for someone is an act of love. Perhaps make them both a small gift to remind them that your love is there even when you cannot be?

Love this! 💗

I am so sorry your mother (and you) had to go through illness. And your present is wonderful. I hope I will come to this point. Right now, my father has such big personality changes, that he does not appreciate anything from me or my mother. This is a part of the illness and can get even worse by radiation therapy (which I am afraid of) because the brain starts to swell. But it also could change back with time after the therapy, all is unknown.
And with Ramona... I will send your hope for her forward.
Thank you so much for your considerate and supportive words. I send you big hugs back.

I am so sorry your loved ones are both experiencing life threatening conditions. I can’t imagine how hard this is for you. As both @akipponn and @shanibeer have stated we are all here for you supporting your needs. We as a community laugh together, cry together and have triumphs together. We know everything won’t always be Happy needles and smiles, that’s just not how life works. We are real people with real life happening and that’s okay.

Thank you for taking the time to inform us and give us a heads up about your posting. Every week I look forward to what you will write about and reading all of those funny line in between. But if you are not up to it or in the mood that is totally okay and we will respect that. Take your time, take this time to sort out your emotions and continue being there for your loved ones as they need you. I do want to say if you have moments of laughter along the way don’t feel bad. You just might make them smile or feel happy again even through their tough time.

I am overwhelmed with joy seeing that @cryptocariad sent you some companions during this time. How sweet of her to do that! That’s what community is all about. Please do let us know if there is anything else we can do to help you get through everything. Our support is not only limited to the posts you make, we’re not going anywhere my dear. 😊Sending my love hugs to you! ❤️🤗

Thank you so much for answering so supportive and helpful. I think I for years (or ever?) tried to avoid thinking about illness and death... and now I am forced and have no tools to cope. I will not/ cannot imagine my parents to die or my friend to die. And feel like I must write under every photo or sentence I post, that I am sad... so I feel it is better not to write about something else (like crafting). I hope this will go away.
I am sorry for answering so incoherently, but my thoughts and feelings are not ordered right now.

And it is helpful to hear, that it is ok to write such a post as above. I am still reading all the needlework post and I am happy you are all here and going on.
❤️Sending back love and hugs

No apologies! I am glad you are being open and honest. You do as you need to do my friend ~ ❤️

I am so sorry you are having to deal with all of this; life is often never easy.

It is difficult to find the words to let you know how awesome you are for caring for your Father and friend so much, the strength you must bear takes pain away from them. When someone is going through an illness, it pains them more when they know that their suffering is also making those around them suffer, so if we can be strong for them, it provides them relief.

It may not help, but I came across a link for you, it is a short read.... the process of grieving is natural; grief is not limited for when people pass away. I hope you can find some comfort in it and in knowing that how you are feeling is perfectly normal.

Wishing you strength, courage and peace from turmoil. It may not look or feel like it, but these feelings too shall pass. Sending positive vibes to your loved ones also for strength, courage and calmness; they are lucky to have you ❤️

Thank you so much for your kind words and for the link. It is helpful to know that I am not the only one having overwhelming feelings. I find it so hard to accept that I cannot change/ better the conditions of my loved ones. I try to be there for them, talking with my friend or sending her audio books as she can only lie in bed. My father I accompany to his doctor’s appointments and I try to be with my parents daily. Only this is not always possible because of my sh** migraines.
I still hope it will change to the better.

You are so welcome ❣️ .... and I understand! Stress definitely does hot help the migraines, try to relax and meditate and breath. It is always easier said than done, but speaking from experience here in so much of what you are going through.... hang in there, the sun will shine again. Much love 💕

Sending beams of sun and love back ❤️❤️❤️ and hope you are well!

I know it can be hard to share like this, but sometimes it is harder to not share. Thank you for opening up and letting us all get this glimpse of something that is such a part of human existence, but that gets shuttered away so tightly in a compartment of "I know it will happen someday but surely not any time soon". I am sending you all my love. I hope some of it reaches you <3

Thank you for your support. And you are so right... for many years I supressed thinking about death and old age. I am still in denial that my father could die and that my friend will die. I find it very hard to see hope and reason to go on... my brain is very good in destroying every bit of goodness I think up. Nevertheless, the situation is as it is, and I must cope.
All your love came through the ether and I am grateful for it <3 <3 <3
I hope you and your loved ones are well <3

💗 Together in sadness and looking forward to brighter days, @neumannsalva

Yes please... brighter days, that would be awesome. I am so in love with your little fellows and perhaps they can work a bit of magic 💗💗💗

Thank you so much for letting us know what is happening.
It is a very hard time and we are here supporting you and accepting your sadness and grief.
I'm so glad that you were able to write and it is lovely that @cryptocariad has sent some companions to comfort you.
We're here, whether you are crying or laughing, silent or talking. Take your time and be kind to yourself.

Thank you so much for your support... I was super unsure if it is ok to write something like this. But currently my thoughts are only circling around all the possibilities ... I am unable to stop thinking about the grief of my mother, I fear for my father and my friend. I need better coping strategies.
Thank you for answering and your for being here 💗

I commend you for having the courage to share how you feel amidst all that you are going through right now. And thank you for letting us know what you are experiencing.

I don't really know what to say, just that this is really heavy. But please know that we are always here to listen and comfort and help each other the best way we can.

Virtual hugs to you.

Thank you so much for answering and being here. I was unsure if I should write something like this in a post, but I cannot concentrate on anything else. I find it so hard to accept that I cannot change/ better the conditions of my loved ones. I still hope it will change to the better.
I so hope all your loved ones are well and I send you hugs back.

Oh @neumannsalva, I am so sorry that you have two people that are so sick! It is difficult , especially for such a caring person as you. I’m sure you are brightening their days though.
I love @cryptocariad’s pig amd alpaca, but I also love the way you photographed them.
You, your father and friend are in my thoughts and prayers!

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer (and to read this sad post... I know how hard it can be to read such things) And thank you for beeing with my father and friend in your thoughts and that you pray for them <3 <3
I hope you and your loved ones are well <3

It is a hard situation neumannsalva. I have tears on my eyes after reading your post. Even I don't know how can I wish you something.

But one thing I can say is that if you feel like taking break and having a silent time, you can. All of us needlework friends welcome you anytime again :)

Take time neumannsalva. And ja post anything if you feel like. We are here!

Thank you for being here and that is enough. There are no words which can change the illness, but I do not feel so alone reading you all. I am sorry I made you sad, but I can so understand your reaction. I hope you have no acute reason and all your loved ones are well.
Some minutes I have hope and try to convince myself he will get better and perhaps survive for some time and then I stumble about an internet article which says how deadly his illness is. I really am not good in coping.
Thank you so much for responding, although this is a painful topic.
Sending you hugs

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