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RE: Cute photos and sad story

in #needlework6 years ago

I am so sorry you are having to deal with all of this; life is often never easy.

It is difficult to find the words to let you know how awesome you are for caring for your Father and friend so much, the strength you must bear takes pain away from them. When someone is going through an illness, it pains them more when they know that their suffering is also making those around them suffer, so if we can be strong for them, it provides them relief.

It may not help, but I came across a link for you, it is a short read.... the process of grieving is natural; grief is not limited for when people pass away. I hope you can find some comfort in it and in knowing that how you are feeling is perfectly normal.

Wishing you strength, courage and peace from turmoil. It may not look or feel like it, but these feelings too shall pass. Sending positive vibes to your loved ones also for strength, courage and calmness; they are lucky to have you ❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words and for the link. It is helpful to know that I am not the only one having overwhelming feelings. I find it so hard to accept that I cannot change/ better the conditions of my loved ones. I try to be there for them, talking with my friend or sending her audio books as she can only lie in bed. My father I accompany to his doctor’s appointments and I try to be with my parents daily. Only this is not always possible because of my sh** migraines.
I still hope it will change to the better.

You are so welcome ❣️ .... and I understand! Stress definitely does hot help the migraines, try to relax and meditate and breath. It is always easier said than done, but speaking from experience here in so much of what you are going through.... hang in there, the sun will shine again. Much love 💕

Sending beams of sun and love back ❤️❤️❤️ and hope you are well!

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