The USS Connecticut Submarine Collision, why the initial lack of transparency? Why did Tiger Wang point out blatant hypocrisy of US leaders including Anthony Blinken? Senators who met in Taiwan recently, what were their Interests/connections?

in #ussconnecticutsubm3 years ago (edited)

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What you will find in this article,

What is the deal with the South China Sea?

Why did Tiger Wang tell Anthony Blinken quite bluntly Exactly what he thought of compromised leadership?

What was up with the senators from the American Institute of Taiwan?

Whose interests were these senators protecting and just how connected were they?

Did you know Coons used to be a Republican, but currently a dem and The New York Times called Coons an "effective" emissary of Joe Biden to former and current Republican lawmakers in Biden's 2020 campaign for president.

So that was Very Useful that he was a Republican Before 1988 so that he could "help build bridges."

Working class or a leg up? You decide as his step father was Robert Gore, you know the one whose father [Bill Gore] used to work for DuPont and invented Gore-Tex not just used in clothing, but also in

cables for electronic signal transmission, diverse industrial applications, medical implants and laminated fabricscables for electronic signal transmission, diverse industrial applications, medical implants and laminated fabrics.
Now it was Bob [aka Robert] who came up with "Multi-Tet Cable"

In April 1957, while Bob was still a sophomore at Delaware, Bill showed him around his home lab and explained the problem he was having.[9]

Bob suggested surrounding the wire with a different form of PTFE, a white tape that was already of uniform thickness. His father expected that the PTFE tape would not stick to the wire, but he tried the idea, and it worked. Wires were laid between layers of PTFE tape and sent through a grooved calender roll, then heated to melt the tape into a coherent coating. The result was a PTFE-insulated ribbon cable containing multiple copper conductors, later called "Multi-Tet Cable".

This special cable has been used in
the IBM System/360 and other computers and in communications and process control equipment.
the Surveyor satellites[5]: 81, 89  and Apollo space craft.
During the Apollo 11 space mission, astronauts used a Gore cable to connect their ship to a seismograph placed on the surface of the Moon.
Some of the company's [W. L. Gore & Associates] earliest successful products, based on work with laminates, were burn bandages developed for the Park-Davis company, microfiltration products for Millipore Corporation, and a membrane for blood oxygenation for Baxter International.

Gore-Tex is particularly useful internally in medical applications because it is nearly inert inside the body. In addition, the porosity of Gore-Tex permits the body's own tissue to grow through the material, integrating grafted material into the circulation system.

Creating Gore-Tex tubes for use as vascular grafts was another area of rapid development.

Gore married his third wife Sarah Louise "Sally" (née Ives) Coons in late 1977. She was a divorced mother of three boys.

One of her sons is Chris Coons, now a United States senator from Delaware, who worked for several years as a legal counsel for the family company.

Gore died on September 17, 2020

A major focus of philanthropy for Gore was his alma maters, the University of Delaware and the University of Minnesota.

Now that ties in nicely as Joe Biden is also a University of Delaware grad and here the New York Times had all those nice things to say about the help Coons has provided for Joe.

Guess who else provided help for Joe and fam?

Emails recovered by from Hunter's abandoned laptop between Hunter and Eric Schwerin, his business partner at consultancy Rosemont Seneca, show Schwerin was working on Joe's taxes, discussing the father and son paying each other's household bills, and even fielding requests for a book deal for the then-vice president, as well as managing the donation of Joe's senate papers to the University of Delaware.

You will find this with all evidence and more connections inside of my latest article titled,

The USS Connecticut Submarine Collision, why the initial lack of transparency? Why did Tiger Wang point out blatant hypocrisy of US leaders including Anthony Blinken? Senators who met in Taiwan recently, what were their Interests/connections?

Yes, it's a long name and I have been told my titles are "autistic."

My response, THANK YOU! I feel grateful to fall on the spectrum and not be a "normie"!

BTW for yet another fun tangent, rabbit hole, whatever you want to call it. . .some Interesting history concerning the #USSNautilus
A collision involving the #USSFitzgerald and a Container Ship.

I would apologize that my "not so normie" brain goes to the Ever Given ship owned by the container transportation and shipping company Evergreen Marine, headquartered in Luzhu District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan.

Aptly named as it really Was the BIGGEST Red Pill Ever Given!

My brain can't help but probe further into the fact that the Ever Given is registered in Panama and here we have the #PanamaPapers, #PandoraPapers and one cannot forget though I have been belittled for daring to point out Brian Laundrie and some Eerie/Uncanny connects to some goings on in our World [this realm] and truly #whatliesbeneath
Think #MODESofTransportation and who all built and continues to aid in the infrastructure?
Engineers, the firms that front them, people at the top of industry and just who makes all the traffic possible under the guise of "Progress" and helping you?


Now if you are LOST at all, just give that article a read or a skim and consider it all as One BIG picture!

The above is also archived from a Facebook Post in case it goes missing as the "powers that be" don't like a Light being shone upon this!

Here is the link,

Interesting question one of the Frames in comments in which the topic contains important information asked by Tammy Craig.

Frames was the The Nuclear Threat Initiative
Do you find it interesting that. . .
NTI helped eliminate more than a dozen bombs' worth of highly enriched Uranium from Kazakhstan as reported per their 2020 Annual Reports?
See Facebook Frames Link below in sources

Question posed from Tammy is,
"Is this about the USS Connecticut collision?"

Guam is the port for the US Seventh Fleet, so the primary force stopping China mainland from uniting with Taiwan. Many countries compete for the rich resources found in the South China Seas. China only owns the waters in the Nine-dash line and the waters within 12 nautical miles. It is also entitled to exclusive rights within 200 nautical miles. Most of the water in the South China Sea are international waters as China does not own all waters inside the Nine-dash line. Others are always free to pass within the international waters. Billions of dollars of cargo pass within the waters of the China South Sea annually. China has not stopped one ship from passing by this region.

The US warships safeguard this navigational freedom in the area.

The South China Sea was not an issue between China and the US when the Chiang Kai-shek's Republic took back island sovereignty within it's Eleven-Dash line [what it used to be] after Japan announced Unconditional Surrender in 1945.

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The area became a problem after Obama decided to pivot to Asia.

The "Navigation Freedom" appears to be a political and military maneuver rather than protecting Navigation Freedom. It is just what many Should be Leaders do to get their way and control, the rephrase and repackage predatory actions to make it appear to be about "Freedom" [example Patriot Act is anything BUT patriotic] when it is quite the opposite and a play/ply by the cabal who are the puppet masters of their major players in the political and financial arena.

Are Chinese Netizens oversensitive when US strike groups pass by the China Sea?
They should not be for as long as US ships go through International Waters all is fine.

Chinese nuclear subs and aircraft carriers are allowed to go to Alaska, California and Florida to safeguard navigation freedom, so it is a two way street/waterway agreement!

The Bay of Mexico is another great place for Chinese Warships to show their kindness and friendship.

If 1.5 billion Chinese people worldwide do not care, then do 330 million Americans also do not mind allowing the Chinese soldiers to enjoy the beautiful views of North America's coastal cities?

The US Tax payers do not have to pay Chinese Warships fuel costs and Chinese people do not have to pay US Aircraft Carriers costs.

Will the Pentagon will force Capitol Hill to pay American Soldiers?

It looks like it did several days ago and it was the first time in history the military threatened congress.

Can US Members of Congress protect their own freedom of speaking and voting differently?

So why do they continue to pass laws that protect the freedom and independence of other regions and people when their Own People's freedoms are Not Protected?

Taiwan is a good example as several senators visited there several months ago, but only met the Taiwan Lady for dozens of minutes then left hastily. Why?

One of them was Coons. Do you find this interesting?

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This is interesting as their own write on this in here shows the following,

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Father of Bob or Robert Gore,

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Interesting! Not sure why that name Brian Laundrie keeps coming to mind!

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The Daily Mail spoke with John Cassara, a former U.S. Intelligence Officer and Treasury Special Agent who is an expert in money laundering investigations. Cassara said the public information available was “very worrisome particularly in the areas of corruption” and that if Joe didn’t occupy the office he holds, a prosecutor would likely be looking into him.

Now back to the Taiwan visit and story,
23 million Taiwanese are held as hostages. WHY?

Why is Beijing reluctant to pay the ransom?

When Biden took office he first attacked China for the Xinjiang Genocide. Then he played the Taiwan card.

China's treatment of Uighurs, the Muslim ethnic group that has historically lived in China's westernmost province, known as Xinjiang, has come under increased scrutiny in the last couple years, as the Chinese government ramped up what it casts as a "re-education" campaign that uses mass detention camps.

I am wondering why more people in mainstream media didn't have a problem with the sterilization of Kenyan Women under the Bill Gates Vaccinations in Africa like the sterilization component put into the tetanus shots for young Kenyan women?

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President Xi Jinping wouldn't meet Biden for months for fear he would borrow money and Never pay it back!

China's history dates back over 5,000 years so their ancient politicians wrote hundreds of books teaching their politicians how to play Political Tricks.

You may have heard of one of these books titled The Art of WAR!

Here the United States was established less than 250 years ago.

Most Chinese leaders can speak English and understand their Western counterparts, but very few of the Western Politicians understand Mandarin.

They also do not know the Chinese people. For example, if Blinken knew how to deal with the Chinese Diplomats, he would not have allowed World Media to witness the awkward moment when Yang lectured him in Anchorage, Alaska.

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Attended by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, national security adviser Jake Sullivan, Chinese Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Yang Jiechi and Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

Was Tiger Yang inserted into the US, China Summit because China is more confident than before? You decide.

Despite endless accusations from the West, China has been deploying a range of military hardware in the South China Sea as verified by the Pentagon.

Including anti-ship and surface to air missiles.

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As reported by Reuters,

The South China Sea is one of a growing number of flashpoints in the U.S.-China relationship, which include a trade war, U.S. sanctions and Taiwan.

China and the United States have repeatedly traded barbs in the past over what Washington says is Beijing’s militarization of the South China Sea by building military installations on artificial islands and reefs.

A U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said China tested multiple anti-ship ballistic missiles over the weekend.

They also declared their historical claim over the South Sea Islands.

Many were actually excited when the US Sub had a collision because they thought it was an encounter between the two superpowers.

But as stated earlier, Navy officials denied that China caused the collision.
Is there a group who Wants war and destruction?

Now who Always benefits from that?
The people or the elitist, cabal controllers who consider themselves, desires, destruction then posing as the saviors Above the Rest of us? You know the answer. Remember Rothschild Always played both sides of the war as it was profitable and people took each other out doing all the work for him!

Zhao Lijian, the Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman said the USS Connecticut Collision was a serious threat and significant threat to regional peace and stability.

The US Naval Operations in the South China Sea were aimed at challenging China's claim to the waterway, as the party involved the US should clarify and detail the situation of the accident. Including the location and the intention of the sailing.

Details of the accident such as,

  • exactly what it collided with
  • whether it caused a nuclear leak
  • and whether it damaged the local marine environment

Zhao Lijian also accused the US of delaying the release of information involving the collision. Why Did they do that?

It occurred on Oct. 2, 2021, but no reports to public until Oct. 7?

Ironically, China used to be a country blamed for it's lack of transparency.

Zhao Lijian also reiterated China's objections to the deal to provide Australia with nuclear powered submarines.

Beijing sees it as part of a campaign to counteract it's rising military and economic power in Asia Pacific.

Joe Biden said he did not expect a cold war with China. . .

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Will nuclear secrets be sold to countries that are not supposed to posses them?

This was Quite Interesting,

Going to change this into another thread or Facebook Frames called Moniker Alice undercover FBI agent taking secrets from Naval nuclear engineer Toebbe and teacher wife passed through Peanut Butter sandwiches and gum wrappers.

Link here,

Zhao Lijiang urged the US to abandon it's old Cold War thinking and narrow geo political concepts.

Washington should stop this wrong approach that undermines the peaceful and stable development of the region Lijiang added.

At present, the Chinese Navy has become the world's No. 1

CNN reported that at the end of 2020 China had 360 warships while the US had only 297.

China is still building more warships.

Yang responded angrily, chiding Blinken for trying to “speak to China in a condescending way from a position of strength,” telling him: “So was this carefully all planned and was it carefully orchestrated with all the preparations in place? Is that the way that you had hoped to conduct this dialogue? Well, I think we thought too highly of the United States. We thought that the US side would follow the necessary diplomatic protocols. So for China, it was necessary that we made our position clear. So let me say here that... the United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength.”

His blunt, out-of-character remarks went viral in China, and were praised for their forthright denunciation of America’s hypocrisy. Some media comments drew comparisons to Mao Zedong’s famous declaration in 1949 that “the Chinese people have stood up,” viewing his words as laying down a marker in China’s challenge of American dominance. Others said there had only been “one winner.”

Very Interesting.

Why does this remind me of this military intelligence drop?

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Also reminiscent of this with Anthony Blinken and the blunt, rather apt statement made concerning the blatant hypocrisy of Should Be leaders in the US that are clearly self serving!

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Interesting because word out is some of her collections were safeguarded under the Getty. This is where many Guardians/Warriors/Anons requested an investigation a few years back.

If your curious why see the John Paul Getty bit inside of here,

Interesting history,

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The US Navy released the identities of the seven sailors who were tragically killed after their Navy destroyer collided (left inset) with a Philippine-flagged container on Saturday. Gunner's Mate Seaman Dakota Kyle Rigsby (top left), 19, from Palmyra, Virginia, was the first sailor to be identified Saturday night. At the time it wasn't clear whether or not he had survived the collision. The US Navy confirmed on Sunday that Rigsby, who volunteered for the Lake Monticello Volunteer Fire Department and was a graduate of Fluvanna County High School, was one of the fallen sailors. Yeoman 3rd Class Shingo Alexander Douglass (top right), 25, from San Diego, California, Sonar Technician 3rd Class Ngoc T Truong Huynh (top left), 25, from Oakville, Connecticut, Gunner's Mate 2nd Class Noe Hernandez (bottom second right), 26, from Weslaco, Texas; Fire Controlman 2nd Class Carlosvictor Ganzon Sibayan (bottom second left), 23, from Chula Vista, California, Personnel Specialist 1st Class Xavier Alec Martin (bottom right), 24, from Halethorpe, Maryland, and Fire Controlman 1st Class Gary Leo Rehm Jr (bottom left), 37, from Elyria, Ohio, were identified as the sailors who tragically died in the collision. Mia Sykes, the mother of US Navy sailor, Brayden Harden (left with his mother), 19, who survived a direct hit to his sleeping berth during a collision at sea said her son kept diving to try to save his shipmates until the flooded berth began running out of air pockets, while others - believing the ship was under attack - hurried to man the guns. Authorities have declined to speculate on a cause while the crash remains under investigation.

What Really Happened?

US Navy finds a number of bodies after destroyer collision - Daily Mail

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Still no answers?

What was on the container ship?

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According to NewNPR,

Meanwhile, Guam’s onshore maintenance infrastructure is deteriorating, especially as MSC transfers most of the work to lower-cost overseas plants.

Two floating docks in Guam have disappeared, of which the World War II-born Richland was sold to a Philippine shipping company in 2016. The other, Machinist, which was handed over to the US in 1980, was damaged. damaged after a typhoon in 2011, was moved to China for overhaul in 2016 and is still located in the country.

Experts say the USS Connecticut incident could be a wake-up call for the US, showing a dangerous weakness in infrastructure in the Pacific.

“The U.S. Navy will have to provide funds and resources to Guam so that it continues to be a safe harbor for warships in distress, from the damaged USS San Francisco to the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier that suffered a flare-up. The outbreak of Covid-19 last year, now the USS Connecticut. The process of change will be very expensive, but the United States cannot leave its flagship battleship stranded on remote islands and unable to return home safely.” Hooper made a point.

Sources and Connecting Articles/Reports

Another connecting Facebook Frames thread titled,
Moniker Alice undercover FBI agent taking secrets from Naval nuclear engineer Toebbe and teacher wife passed through Peanut Butter sandwiches and gum wrappers.

Be sure to check out the comments as there is even more info and connectors there.

Speaking of Who built the infrastructure, and don't forget Robert Maxwell was also the owner of a publishing coming. Prior to the Mirror Group it was Pergamon Publishing where he published all those Russian scientists, yet the intelligence agencies were always singing "Russia, Russia, Russia!"


The Robert and Ghislaine Maxwell Playlist found on my TestingTheNarrative here,

See a run down in under 7 min. of the Biden Corruption and more of what is involved for the Big Picture here,


Also see more Eerie, Creepy, uncanny details of underground bases and other findings throughout history in this vid that is under 13min.


Also see more on the Biden's including his son in laws deals made off of covid and the True Biden history inside of this playlist,

For more info on the Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie Case go here to skim where they are fully sourced,

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