My Niche – My first Texas BBQ Review

in #my-niche6 years ago (edited)

There are whole herd of folks writing about food and making substantial amounts of money and steem on the internet but I’m not like most folks. Rather than throw a post up about the thousand different ways to make Ramen noodles or different variations of fruit pies I have opted for a different approach. I won’t tell you a damn thing about making Texas style BBQ, I will tell you where you can buy it though.

Once a month I dedicate one of my Daily Dose blogs to giving a straight forward review of some of the best BBQ joints in the great state of Texas. You can find it on my blog on the 15th of each month titled “Will Eat BBQ 4 U” because that is exactly what I do.

My travels around the state take me to places that most folks have never heard of and probably couldn’t find on a map if there life depended on it, but I make the effort , so that you won’t ever take a bite of less than high quality Texas BBQ. This may sound like I am some type of martyr, risking life and limb to give you the information, but the truth is I’m not; I just make it sound like it.

For those of you who have never been to Texas I have only one question, why not? We are friendly folks with hearts as big as our state. We have the things that most people desire in life so if you come for a visit I guarantee you will miss us when you leave, if you do leave that is.

Texas BBQ is best known for the deep rich smoked flavor that is achieved by cooking the meat at very low temperatures for several hours. The wood used to supply the heat determines the flavor that is cooked into the meat. The most common fuel sources are oak, pecan, hickory and mesquite, my favorite is the mesquite by the way. It’s not uncommon for a mixture of woods to be used and that just multiplies the flavors that can be created, you will even find some BBQ joints that will use wood from fruit trees. Apple, cherry and occasionally some pear will make its way into the fire box at some places.

Brisket leads as the meat of choice here in Texas, but we smoke ‘em all. You name your favorite meat and I can pretty much point you in the right direction to find a place that serves it as BBQ. We don’t stop with just meat, fish and shrimp are very popular as well, and for you veggie folks we’ve been known to smoke those as well. Hell, some Texans enjoy even smoking weed, but currently our state kind of frowns on that so we go to Colorado and pretend to go skiing or mountain climbing.

My BBQ review is a little different in that it not only reviews the restaurant; I also give you a little look around the town. The best BBQ is not always found in the big cities like Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and Austin. In fact, while there is good BBQ in those places, so far in the four volumes of the review to date, only San Antonio has made the list. My first Texas BBQ review was in Giddings Texas at Lost Pines BBQ, Schulenburg, and Cuero have made it and those towns all offered some unique history as well as great BBQ. Giddings is the county seat for Lee County, this court house was constructed in the 1870's.

I told you in the beginning, I’m not like most folks when it comes to food writing, I’ve yet to make enough on a review to pay for the meal I reviewed. I can tell you though that I have enjoyed each and every one of those meals; that’s something I doubt those other folks writing about food can say.

My first BBQ review was a challenge for sure, it was hard to review a BBQ meal when the restaurant was closed. But I didn't let that stand in my way, the 15th is the 15th so I delivered all but the food, I later did a follow up to the original review. I've attached links to the first four volumes of "Will Eat BBQ 4 U" below should you like to see the type of review you can expect each and every month.

So, my niche is reviewing Texas BBQ and I do as I say, “Will Eat BBQ 4 U “. Come see me on the 15th of each month, I’m easy to find @sultnpapper .

Until next time we meat, or meet,

All Photos are property of @sultnpapper


Thanks, I still have a lot to learn on making things look cleaner and fit better.

I can remember that there was a wysywyg editor a few months ago. But that failed with adding pictures back then. Using URL's now works and uploading now worked 2 times, after MANY tries. I think it times out somehow.

Anyway, the use of images is a nice tool to make things more readable. Specially long text.

Another thing I just noticed is the term "Smokehouse" Are you sure that is a BBQ and not a 'ski' resort? :-D Here in the Netherlands we have coffee-shops where they sell more 'smoke' then coffee. So the term Smoke-house could well be acreative Texan term for 'coffee'-shop.

I eat there all the time, they even smoked my Thanksgiving turkey as our company buys all the employees one from there. It is a BBQ place , that all and no smoking is allowed and I can't recall if they sell coffee or not. Smokehouse is a fancy term for BBQ in Texas.

Interesting how smoke causes all these fancy terms.

Great idea, right up my alley. My wife @texasbodi and I fire up the smoker a couple times a month. You can find great BBQ all over the state. Look forward to reading more.

Yes, there is great BBQ all over this state and in some of the least expected places. Glad you like both BBQ and the idea, come back and see me for sure on March 15th, if not before then, and tell your wife to come along for the ride, I don't bite, except good BBQ.

sounds real good next time eat some extra for me

That's what I do, eat bbq 4 u.

the mention of smoked veggies triggered my curiosity.

also wondering how carbon tax is dealth with in texas. hehe

We just empty the the firebox after all the embers are burned completely out and cooled , and toss them in the flower bed, yard or garden.

HAHA, love it.


this post is making me super hungry!

My apologies, but I can't help it that your system recognizes delicious food.

Thanks for sharing you did a great job. Did you visit Gruene Hall when you were in New Braunsfields ? I love that part of Texas. I was born in Odessa and lived in Tyler, Longview, Dallas and Austin over the years. My favorite BBQ is Ironworks in downtown Austin. I am very jealous of you right now. I look forward to reading more of your blogs.

Very familiar with Gruene Hall, my wife's cousin is a musician/singer and when he tours in that area I always make sure to take customers to hear him there. I don't know how much longer Ironworks is going to make it , the convention center is sucking up all that property right where they are located. Good BBQ, but it is just a matter of time before the wrecking ball will get them. Nice to have aboard, thanks.

I look forward to your BBQ reviews. I do on occasion visit Texas and it is always nice to know where I can find good food, especially BBQ.

I look forward to bringing them to you as well, each month is an adventure normally as well as the BBQ review, I love the small town BBQ joints.

Yup, I saw your latest this past 15th and then @exyle hadda go and smoke a brisket and so today was BBQ day with the family. Nothin' fancy - we went to Rudy's and I know it isn't famous like some other Austin places, but it's damn fine BBQ at a reasonable price. Everyone left stuffed and there's some pulled pork for later. They say it's the worst BBQ in Texas, but that's a damned lie.

As far chain store BBQ goes Rudy's is right near the top of the list, the thing I like best at Rudy's is the chicken,followed by the jalapeno sausage. The worst, in my opinion as for chains is Bill Miller or Dickey's , pretty much a toss up there.
This post I entered in a writing contest, that is why I have 2 BBQ posts so close together. It said write about your "niche" so this is mine BBQ.

Yep I know, you probably found the contest on my list :)
It was the timing though since I saw this one right after getting home from BBQ.
I can't eat either Dickey's or Bill Miller - waste of money. Donn's is pretty crap as far as I'm concerned too.

I got hungry of that! :-) yummy

Well, that is good, I think. Now too bad your not in Texas.

that really is too bad :-) I never been to US but my brother has, and he told me the place where you have to eat steak is us, they have something they call chicaco style? Black on the outside, red inside. ? That idea and smoked crispy meat hmmmmmm

Yes, they have it in New Orleans as well, they "blacken" several things there but mainly steak. It tastes good as well. In N. O. it is just called blacken steak or blacken fish but is tasty for sure.

everytime I come to answer I without kidding feel a rumbling stomach :-) hmmm

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