Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 11/18/17> … new monthly feature dose of “Will Eat BBQ 4 U”

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

It hit me last night that food might be a good subject on this Steemit.com, you see I have over 50 years experience in BBQ and other “smoked” food items, so maybe I should start sharing some of that experience.
I looked around on here and sure enough there are plenty of women making serious bank, showing how to prepare food dishes from all around this world. One in particular is @ramengirl , this young lady has a knack for knocking it out the park with her blog which is mainly food related. She isn’t just any young blogger either, she has mastered the art of blogging getting up votes (cash) from both the English speaking folks and the Asian folks as she puts her work out here in dual languages. My hat goes off to her for utilizing her assets to the fullest. Did I mention two languages?
Now let me say, I have never bragged on here about my BBQ prowess, because I’m not much on bragging. I really enjoy firing up the smoker and smoking meat, but that really isn’t my strong suit when it comes to BBQ.
Really good BBQ brisket requires that it has the right dry rub seasoning to give it an additional flavor besides the smoke. My dry rub, which is a secret family recipe, will not be divulged here. Family secrets are best kept in the family. So, how I am I to gain audience and votes if I am not willing to share? The information I am willing to share is where you can get good BBQ in south Texas.

There are several cities and towns that I travel that have some really great BBQ. So I am going to make it that I give you the best information you can have when it comes to finding the best BBQ. So, once a month I will select one of my favorite BBQ joints and tell you a little bit of background about the place. Where it’s located, how it is priced, any awards it has won and what wood they smoke with. I think I will titled those posts as “Will Eat BBQ 4 U “, patterned after the “will work for food “ signs so many “homeless” panhandlers use down here in the south.

So, yesterday as I was leaving Austin, TX. in my rear view mirror; I had my sights set on the little town of Giddings, TX. and the Lost Pines Bar-B-Que.
Before I give you the low down on Lost Pines I thought it would be best to give you some background on the town.

Giddings is a quiet little town with a population that stays around 4,800 folks and is about midway between the capital of Texas, Austin, and the big city of Houston. US Hwy 290 is the main road through town and for most people traveling between Houston and Austin it is nothing but a place to stop and pee or swing through the Mc Donalds for a large drink. Other than that, the train tracks would be another reason, if the crossing arms are down. City people are in too big of a hurry to appreciate the beauty of this little town.

The town was named for the Giddings family that was instrumental in bringing the Houston and Texas Central Rail Road to town in the early 1870’s. The rail line gave the cotton farmers and cattle ranchers a way to move their products to the larger cities of Houston, Austin, Dallas and San Antonio.

Situated in the area that would become Lee County, when counties were established, Giddings became the county seat. When the county seat has a population of 4,800 that should tell how rural this area is, so I won’t bother too. The court house is a beautiful old structure built in the 1890’s, the original burned to the ground in the 1880’s.

The first church is still standing and holding services to this day, it is caddy corner from the court house. The church is a nice small wood frame structure with a tall steeple, just like a country church should have.

The old rail depot is being restored right now, I guessing it will be a restaurant and bar, since the sign on the door says they have applied for a liquor license. The luggage platform and building is in good shape but doesn’t appear that anything is in the works for it.

The town has some other interesting places but this isn’t a tour guide service so let’s go eat some BBQ, climb in the truck and let’s have it, we are 3 blocks away from some lean brisket. Lost Pines BBQ is right on the main road, US290, on the east end of town.

Well, son of a biscuit, the parking lot is empty and there isn’t a puff of smoke coming from the pit. This isn’t looking good and I’m hungry from dragging ya’ll all over town. The little sign on the door said closed for a funeral. All I could think at that point was “at least I’m alive and having a bad day, the poor soul being buried can’t say that.” So I drove away hungry and disappointed I couldn’t get my favorite sandwich and smoked baked potato. The three ladies that run the place are gems, always friendly, always a smile to greet you.

The food is good and priced fair, over all, a good BBQ place. Worth the stop if you are traveling between Austin and Houston. I’ll just have to get you pictures of the inside and food next time. So there we have it, the first edition of "Will Eat BBQ 4 U" is in the block chain, without taking a bite.

Until next time,

all photos property of @sultnpapper


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I love BBQ and I make decent bbq but I must admit the American smoked beef ribs are awesome

You won't get any argument from me on that comment.

Ha ha .... I’m trying to start a beach bar / restaurant bbq / grill .....I cook an island style bbq

Where are you located? We've talked but I never asked where you are at.

I’m in Sydney .... but I’m think of moving to USA , I lived there

Okay, I am not sure what island style BBQ is ... but if it has sauce or glaze I pass on those, if it needs sauce it goes on the bun as far as I am concerned.

So would you marinade meat at all ? Salt or pepper or sauces ? I need to learn how to do a great steak for bbq ... I use lamb a lot in Australia ... I marinade using spices n sauce ,.... in Hawaii n Fiji we used that a lot

No marinading for me, all dry salts, peppers, etc. , hey are you trying to get the family recipe here?
I almost started to spill the beans on the recipe.

nice... it a new you... all photo'd up and food posting. 😁
yeah... i have certainly noticed a fair few successful foodies. did you ever see @sweetsssj she also has the two language thing going.... she never makes under 200$ and talks about eating beef noodles or whatever and takes pictures of the menu and where she eats. i dont get it. but she sure does get it.

So you , noticed the pics... the constructive suggestions were to add some to break up the paragraphs for easier reading. I'm not turning to food to prop up the blog,,, BBQ is part of my soul .... it will be like confession once a month. I hadn't seen your foodie , may go take a look . It is amazing though...

yeah... i had no doubt that you were not gonna prop anything... your love of bbq is felt. just writing BBQ is making me salivate. 🍗 🍠 🍔 🌭 LOL... those are all the lame bbq emoji's i could find

I like your idea of "Will Eat BBQ 4 U" in your blog! Once you've written about a place (if favorably), you might drive additional traffic to your page by sharing the URL of the review with the owners of the place. And that is, indeed, a lovely courthouse building! 😊

I am only going to share my findings on the places I regularly eat at or a new one that I would go back to again. There won't be any unfavorable posts since this will be a once a month thing I will be doing. The information is so that somebody doesn't have to experiment around to find good BBQ, especially if they are just passing through, I'll take the guess work out of the equation for them.
That's a good idea about sharing the link with owners, may get some more people interested in Steemit.com
Thanks Tiffany.

I was reading you post again (I read it this morning, but I was in a rush, had to go to work) and I found myself wondering if you ever had Franklin's BBQ Brisket, from Austin. And if you did, is it as good as some people say? It's one of the things that I wanted to check out,(I blame PBS for that :) but I never got to do it yet, it's a 5 hour drive... :(

Franklin's is real good BBQ but you pay a premium price for it. The lines are long to get in at lunch time, so you better plan on at least an hour and a half normally to get through the line and eat. Yes I have eaten there but not often because of the lines.

Wow.... I didn't expect to get an answer this quik.... I know about the waiting line, and I don't mind. I was just curious about your say, it has more value then the people I seen on a TV show or UTube. Thanks for answering back!

Lol - I love this post! It really felt like I was right there with you! Thanks for dragging us through town and so sorry you didn't get to even take a bite for the first post. I'll look forward to the post next time. My husband's favorite BBQ is Bill Miller in the San Antonio area. All I can say about it is that it has good tea and I like the chicken strips. We also really like Rudy's. There is actually ONE place about an hour from us that does good wings. That's about as close as we get down here. ;) Thanks for the post - awesomeness. #theunmentionables

Thanks Mama, I'm a fan of Bill Miller's for breakfast tacos, the sausage, potato and cheese, NO EGG in a flour tortia . I eat Rudy's , in fact, the hotel I stay at in Corpus Christi is about a two minute walk from front door to front door. That is the reason I choose that hotel, it is an older hotel, but I don't eat the bed or the walls so I don't care. My favorite with Rudy's in the chicken.
Yes. I was pretty bummed on Friday when they were closed at Lost Pines, I just hope that the funeral wasn't for one of the ladies. Besides the good food, really good people run this place, the next time I go in I hope they are all there.
Thanks for riding along with me, maybe next time we'll get to even eat.

Lol - along for the ride! Yeah, I hope it wasn't for one of the ladies either! I didn't even think of that! Sounds like a yummy breakfast taco - makes me kind of hungry while I'm sitting here. I hear Rudy's has some amazing breakfast tacos as well. I ate one once and it was really yummy but I didn't get a chance to try them again. For some reason my favorite donut shop always won over getting a breakfast taco if I ever went out for breakfast... We brought some Rudy's BBQ sauce with us when we moved. It's going to be time to have someone bring us some more when we have some visitors come see us. ;) Have a great rest of your weekend! :)

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