What Happened to Rock Music?

in #music7 years ago (edited)

While scanning through the FM dial the other day in an effort to avoid terrible overplayed love songs, I was reminded of the other terrible songs the music industry wants us to hear. I'm sure most are aware that country music has largely become a joke, but rock seems to have fallen pretty flat, too.

Rx (Medicate), Theory of a Deadman

Remember when Rock n' Roll was about sex, drugs, fast cars, and fun? Apparently you can get by with singing about using drugs while complaining about not having fun. I know there's an audience for angsty music, but this? I mean, I certainly remember grunge, nu metal, emo, and various other trends over the past few decades, but this song just is not fun.

I am so freakin' bored
Nothing to do today
I guess I'll sit around and medicate

I understand that the song is intended as a commentary on the opioid epidemic and drug abuse, and apparently it speaks to a lot of people, but it just falls flat to me. I find songs with a message to be either tedious or preachy, and the worst combine both. I suppose it's fortunate that this one is merely tedious. In addition, as someone who suffers from chronic illness, I can understand the desire to escape into drugs, but not due to boredom. There are times when the fatigue and pain make doing fun stuff impossible. If I were to use drugs, it would be to escape pain, not to solve boredom.

Maybe this song just doesn't speak to me, but I still stand by my assertion that rock should be fun, and this song isn't.

Scare Away The Dark, Passenger

This song is a bit on the opposite end of the spectrum. Instead of dull and dreary, this one tries to be joyful and triumphant. It also falls flat though. Passenger's voice has always struck me as... less than pleasing to the ear, but your mileage may vary. He's also in that overcrowded market segment of "white guy with an acoustic guitar" that tries to escape criticism by being "folk indie rock." Nope. You're a whiny white guy with a guitar trying to sound soulful by spewing empty platitudes.

Well, we wish we were happier, thinner and fitter
We wish we weren't losers and liars and quitters
We want something more not just nasty and bitter
We want something real not just hashtags and Twitter
It's the meaning of life and it's streamed live on YouTube
But I bet Gangnam Style will still get more views
We're scared of drowning, flying and shooters
But we're all slowly dying in front of fucking computers

Yeah, you're just a pretentious asshat. Social media isn't a scourge on civilization, and technology benefits us all in innumerable ways. Yes, stupid things sometimes become inexplicably popular. We see it in Facebook shares, on Youtube, and here on Steemit, but so what? These tools have also allowed us to connect with people around the world, find old friends, share with distant family, and more.

Sure, sometimes people do need to get outside, meet real people, and do new things, but the song's overwrought sentiments are just an absurd oversimplification of real problems and misdiagnosis of the causes behind them. But there is another problem in his lyrics much earlier in the song, too.

We wish our weekdays away
Spend our weekends in bed
Drink ourselves stupid
And work ourselves dead
And all just because that's what mom and dad said we should do

Work isn't fun. I get it. Some people have poor priorities. I get it. But you know what? Econ 101: Consumption requires prior production, and the modern economy of specialized activity is very productive. We work in order to achieve the goals of food, shelter, and recreation. We defer enjoyment in order to invest effort now for future pleasure. It's not some kind of conspiracy or mistaken idea of past generations, it's the reality of the physical universe in which we live.

We should run through the forests
We should swim in the streams
We should laugh, we should cry
We should love, we should dream
We should stare at the stars and not just the screens
You should hear what I'm saying and know what it means

Sung by someone who has clearly never actually lived anywhere close to wilderness. Life out here is hard, too. Forests are not a magical escape from drudgery. Cities do not preclude laughter, love, or dreams.Admittedly, we can actually see stars at night here, so there's that going for ya. But I hear what you're saying, and it really doesn't mean much at all you self-righteous entitled jerk.

Your turn!

Am I missing something here in my senseless attacks on artistic masterpieces? that possibility certainly exists. Or if I am on the right track here, what other songs lead you to similar criticisms? Comment below!


At least there's no more "rapcore". We should thank Limp Bizkit and Kid Rock for killing that.

Last real (commercial) rockers = Foo Fighters? White Stripes?

Since indie rock is getting stale, maybe this is a good time to revamp rock and bring it back. Something needs to give.

I'm still waiting for 4th Wave Ska to turn up, or swing revival to return. They're due.

I can't say Rock is dead. Actually I use to listen a lot of new bands. Do they offer me something new? Well, most of them no, some of them yes. Even that they don't offer me new sounds, I can enjoy a lot their music. Let's face it. What do you think about a band like this one:

Unfortunately, the stuff that gets a lot of airplay - even on the stations that offer a bit of variety - is the bland overproduced meaningless drivel, or songs trying far too hard to make something meaningful out of the songwriter's nothingness. That video of yours is a bit of the exception. I like good bluesy hard rock that's just trying to be fun.

Yes, you're right, radio stations are not airplaying the best songs (as it use to happen until mid '90's). From those days they are airplaying plain songs, maybe some are catchy but without quality on the songwritting and producing. Is why I don't use to listen to music radio stations, it's better to have your playlist on the car or the computer. As a rock & blues fan I like to search for new artists and can say that I could list at least a dozen artists who (in another time) were have been stars, but today are only known for the most die-hard fans.
For example, "Blues Pills" it's an underrated band that I love. Enjoy it!

Best around

My not-politically-correct theory is that most of the good musicians and songwriters were aborted after 1973.

My parents never told me to drink myself stupid. That was a choice I made on my own.

What passes for music these days is sad. I rarely listen to music on the radio. Even the classic rock stations are starting to redefine "classic" and play newer garbage. Maybe it is a generational thing, but I like a lot of music recorded before I was born.

I listen to bluegrass and old-time music a lot. Much is from the 1940s through the 1970s.

Now the "classic rock" stations are starting to play grunge. No. Classic rock doesn't even include hair metal. Grunge is out of the question. Rename your station and stop the "classic" creep. No one will ever think a K car is a "classic" in the sense of the muscle cars of the 1960s and 70s, and the music delineation is similar.

I was so sad a quite a number of years back when one of the bigger rock stations turned into a sports stations(I think that is when rock died...) It was something along the lines there not much new rock anymore and the advertisers have moved on.

I could not even name you a single “new” rock artist. I recall listing to something a few years back and was like “nope, I’m old now” and just stick to older stuff.

Give me someone screaming into a microphone over whatever ear poison they are selling now a days. That is so mind bending repetitive to everything else why even bother.

Nice post man. I know my life would be happier without social media and technology. It's breaking me trying to keep up and to be something.

I don't want to sound snide or insulting here, but is that a fault of social media, or a personal issue?

I moved to Asia to escape the monotony of the UK in late 2015.. Still playing music of course.
But I never owned a computer.
My confidence and musical ability was not developed then, even though I had been playing for 20 years!!
But the time came mid last year when I cracked!!
Seeing other players getting great reviews for not so good music made me want to buy a cpu and release all of my ideas. I did so but have spent a year learning how to edit,,record etc...
Very hard going for a stubborn 80s'kid.

So I have decided I am a guitarist and am dedicating my life to share my creations.
Very happy with some of the results I have gotten but very hard to createin 35dg heat in Cambodia!!
All good man. It's nice to have a moan now and then eh :)

Thanks for asking.. I have never really spoke about it.
Personal reasons and a uninterest of technology.

I have played the guitar since being in my teens, but never showed my talent to anyone.
Those that did hear weren't so intrested, so I kept it quiet as I lived in a small town up untill 3 years ago.

On the other hand, social media like Twitter and Youtube allow people to express their talents to a far wider audience though.

I have an account on both.. Not going so well. lol

Music has taken a fall in every genre, in my opinion.

There's always the possibility we're just getting old...


I think you would like my page Dr :)

It certainly seems like music is getting a bit stale these days, especially in the rock genre. I was going back and listening to some bands that I used to jam to in high school the other day, got really curious what they sounded like now. They all pretty much sound like generic bullshit and none of it is enjoyable. I don't listen to a lot of rock anymore, and my tastes tend to venture into the heavier sides of music but I was pretty bummed to hear how generic some of my old favorite bands have become over time.

There is a huge advantage in music: she can, without mentioning anything, say everything.

I think the same thing happens with everything, not only the music also the television programs, the style of the clothes, maybe everything is falling or maybe it has always been like that and we do not accept the new trends because we are used to what impacts us In our generation, trends are always "evolving." My grandparents did not like the music that my parents heard, my parents do not like the music I listen to (and we all hear the same genre), maybe in the future when my son is of a certain age to decide what music he likes, I'm going to listen to him and say "fuck how the genre is broken".

It's possible, and looking back I can certainly say that a lot of popular music from my teen years was garbage. But even then I thought most of it was garbage at the time too. And it's also fair to say that most of the music from our parents' generation was crap. The record industry seems to be incentivized by a drive toward mediocrity regardless of time and place.

i didn't understand the blog... i wrongly to write it
I am extremly sorry

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you are very right in your commentary on these singers and styles!
I think the same things.
thanks for nice sharing

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