Favorite Fictional Characters List - The Terminator or T-850

in #movies6 years ago


🔫 The Terminator or T-850 🔫

The Terminator is another one of my all time favorite fictional characters.
The Terminator is a cybernetic organism sent back through time to assassinate John Conner, who will one day rise up as the leader of the rebellion against the machines or Skynet.
The Terminator consists of living tissue over a robotic endoskeleton, which looks like a human but is nothing like a human.
There are many variants of The Terminator, like T-800, T-850, Model 101. But they all look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.


In the first Terminator movie the Model-101 was programmed to hunt down Sarah Connor and assassinate her before she gives birth to John Connor.
In the sequel Terminator 2 Judgement Day, the T-800 is sent back in time, but this time as the protector of John Connor who is being hunted by the T-1000. A far more superior model.
In Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines, The T-850 comes back yet again as the protector for John Connor and Katheryn Brewster protecting them from the T-X which is a female terminator.


For me Terminator 2 was and always will be the best Terminator movie of the series.
I really love how the terminator is almost unstoppable, and will always be a favorite fictional character of mine.

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saying "I'll be back" and other quotes from the ex-gov - were a way we would have fun at my old warehouse-sweatshop job at GW

Terminator is my favorit film :)

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