Mini Motivation #2 Tough times never last, but tough people do!

in #motivation6 years ago

Tough times never last, but tough people do!

Tough quote.jpg

Just a reminder to those who are having a tough day, week, month or year.

This too shall pass.

Today was an emotional day for me, so as usual with my mini motivation they are meant for me but if you get something out of them then that's a win for both of us.

Why the day was emotional is a whole other post but it mainly has to do with my need for information that is not yet available in relation to the adoption of our son, a huge roller coaster for the most balanced of people which somedays clearly I am not.

We should know more in the next week or two which I would like to say will slow this roller coaster but it will only speed it up in all the right ways. We have no idea what to expect but know we are excited about all the complications and joys being a family shall bring.

Tough I am sure it will be but tough I know I am!

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I got a real bad case of gas lately.... (Figuratively: see @lynncoyle1 comment)

I need to do a full write up, but as you can read in my latest post: a car drove into my house.

It is going to be a 2 month case of 'indigestion'....the insurance adjuster says.

But you are right, this too shall pass!


Oh poop! That's a pretty shitty thing to have to deal with. Insurance companies just suck I hope it doesnt take too long and yes this too shall pass xx

Oh no!! That's so awful...too much gas is right!

Oh gosh, that's a horrible thing that happened but yes it is temporary, not the permanent state of things.

hey @happycrazycon, you responded to me with that one ;)


Whoops! hahah thanks for the reminder, Lynn! :P

Oh gosh, that's a horrible thing that happened but yes it is temporary, not the permanent state of things.

Thatagirl!!! Stay strong and forge on; It's great practice for motherhood :)

Whenever I was upset about something, my dad would say, "Don't worry. Like bad gas, this too shall pass." haha

Haha, it is just like bad gas although i pass that is a very different way to the masses lol. X

hahaha that's just one small reason why you are unique :)

❤🦋❤ So emotionally tumultuous. Your own type of pregnancy. It's all going to unfold in perfect time. You've got this ❤🦋❤

A friend of ours and her husband just adopted a beautiful baby girl. It was in the works a long time but they got 'the call' & had baby in their arms the next day. Very miraculous how it unfolds. Much love & peace to you as you navigate all the twists and turns. Hugs!! 🌹

Oh wow, thats a lovely story. If it had been a local adoption that could of happen but local adoptions are very unusual in Australia.

It is a beautiful story 🌹💜🌸 it's so heartwarming to see & such perfect timing with mother's day happening too. I hope you have a few more answers by now. It's no fun being in the dark on things. Another adoption story, my auntie gave up a baby girl to adoption. And, about 12 years ago or so she started doing a search for her so they could reconnect. She found her and my newest but oldest cousin lives in Australia! It's nice to connect with her on fb. Why are there few adoptions in your country?

Thats so cool. An Aussie cousin. As for lack of adoptions. The social services system in australia is complicated. We have plenty of kids in foster care. But we also have a good welfare sytem. Very long story.

Don’t let it get you down, what I always remind myself is worrying about it never changes the outcome. I’m sure it will all work out.

My Gram says that worry gives small problems big shadows. 😕

Thats so true. Hey @powellx5, have seen much of you since #dolphinschool. I curated your garden post the other day with the @asapers Great job.

Yeah, been going through some time consuming trouble of my own. But I'm BAAAACK!! Thanks for the curation! I was in good company with the other authors in that asapers issue. 👍👍

My hubby said that too. Hes very logical where im a bit the opposite especially with worry. Not sure a child will help that mania lol... but you are correct, what will be will be. 😁

Good luck. I hope everything works out well for you :)

Hugs to you @insideoutlet and this is a very lovely reminder. It is a very powerful motivation despite what you are in. Thank you for reminding me too through your post. Hope everything will go as planned for you from now on for the adoption. I am sure your heart yearns to meet your boy! <3

Aww sorry to hear that it's been an emotional day for you.. i hope tomorrow is better Xx

Gah I hate the lack of information and the amazingly glacial speed that beaurocracies move at. Hope you're not waiting too much longer XD

And nice timing with the motivational poster, today has really made me want to check out (not all the way before anyone panics).


Yeah those days come and go, I'm glad you found the motivation helpful. Its important to remember but not always easy when in the midst of it all. Hope today is much better for you.

If you are anything like you come across in your posts, you have more strength than you may realise, and your sense of humour gets you through almost anything. Your child would be lucky to have you both as parents. Hopefully with time you will come to fully realise this.

All my love - JP

Thats a really sweet thing to say and I really appreciate that. I do use humour to deflect some of the pain and I hope our child gets our resilience. Thank you JP 😁

Yeah yeah. Tough times dont last, but tough people do.

Thanks for the reminder!
I pray things work out well for you too.

Thank you. It will because there is no other choice.

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