Quote of the day: "Everything you want is on the other side of fear."

Dear Steemit friends and followers,

I would like to share another interesting quote with you today.

Source: Me.me, author: jack Canfield - renowned American author, motivational speaker and entrepreneur.

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”

What do you think of this inspirational quote, my fellow Steemians? What was the biggest fear you have managed to overcome so far? And did you really find what you were looking for on the other side of it?

Let me know in the comments, I am looking forward to reading your opinions and stories :)

Have a wonderful day and Steem on!

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You don’t simply conquer a fear and think that’s the end of it. The fear stays with you throughout your life. However, how much that fear controls you is something you can do something about. I’ve been scared of many things ((still am)).

Heights, fortunately, isn’t that big of a deal, though I definitely dislike being in high places. Mainly because I can’t help but think of the worst possible event that could happen, and that would psyche me out. But usually not enough to the point I can’t do anything. Unless it’s a cliff, then I’m out.

Being alone is something that I consciously don’t think about, but deep down terrifies me. I get lonely easily, and while I’m good at brushing these things off, I get put off if I’m ignored. Or just alone in the house. I like to believe it’s something I can deal with, but until that happens ((which hopefully doesn’t)), I’ll never know.

These two, failure and rejection, aren’t necessarily fears, but are more of my own self-esteem issues. I had a hard time until just recently of getting over my own self-doubts and self-put-downs. It’s not as bad as it used to be, but it’s probably something that’ll stick with me forever. But as long as I can bring myself back, it shouldn’t become a problem.

“Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it… that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear.”
— Dale Carnegie

For me, I am most fearful of heights because of many reasons due to my personality.

It scares me to be too far off from the ground and I then imagine things that would happen if I ever fall down that distance.

My imagination disturbs my mind very easily that I then think of myself falling off that high place and crashing down onto the hard stony floor below; then my bones crack and I will feel pain in all the parts of my body. Infact thinking of it now even chills me to the bones already.

When I find myself with this fear, my legs go weak and sweaty and I become paler than I have ever been. Due to this fear I make an iron grip onto whatever is near to me.

I would try to ignore my surrounding and try to think of anything else. I grip insanely hard on whatever I am holding. I also try to think of things to distract me. I finally figured out that imagination plays a big role in fear.

All in all, my dreadest fear is heights and it always will and does scare me to this day.

well siad

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

Their is a win in front of fear. All you need is to pass the bridge of fear and have success/win in life. Fear is our big enemy. Fear of unknown ceased your creativity and skill it make us demotivated and lose hopes. It is the silent killer of big dream.
My father had a severe car accident in young age. Fortuately he remained safe during accident but impact of accident created a fear which was so great that he didn't allow me to drive car. It's a big problem if you don't drive in metropolitan city. I was also in state of fear that i can't drive a car but thanks to Almighty God I over come my fear now i can easily drive a car. Every one can overcome fear as long he remains hopeful and optimistic. Thanks for sharing @czechglobalhosts

Thank you for sharing your story! I am glad to hear you have overcome your fear, that´s fantastic.

Hi Thomas, That's most interesting but hard to say quote as Jack Canfield. If I want something definitely other side has fear like as positive and negative thinking. Example:- I have planing to travel not using English language indeed country or Island. I want to see those state's or Island's geographical side. Other side I've fear how will I find un known places without native persons assistance. They know only their native language. But I know only International language. You need to think seriously. What do you feel if you face that moment? This is a serious issue. Thanks for giving me opportunity to telling my idea @czechglobalhosts.

Traveling is a great example of how to find the way to fight the fears you might have. It might be really hard for some while a piece of cake for others. Thank you for your thoughts.

Wow what an amazing post.Really loved the amazing quotation.We all have one fear in life all of us.We are afraid of something that we don't want to suffer anytime.But we don't know the real achievement after overcoming our fear.We know that it would be really hard to do it and it may seen impossible to you but you can overcome it.When we try to go to other side we have try one,two times and even more the we will the success.We can do anything if we try hard and focus on it.Thanks for sharing amazing quotation with us.@czechglobalhosts

The bottom line is to never give up:)... Thank you for your note on the subject.

osh, I think I could hit a softball after I had a (before& after beer ) in about..36 times lol
Yep...I took your article to mean keep putting out the inspiration that turns into quality content, but keep going even if you delete your article..like I did!
If fear could be personalized, what would it look like....to you...this is what I ask the Ballet dancers when I taught dance....I would ask them to draw it or write it out.
100 times...when I reach writing 100 articles let's see where we are then!

Fear is fearful that it won't have anything to fear L.S.
see the circle...been trying for years

Someone said this to me today and I found it very profound. Very few people are gung-ho all the time. Most of us have fears, insecurities and hurdles we must overcome to be successful. I for one am not immune to fear and how it can prevent your dreams from coming true. It can be relentless and lead to depression and anxiety.

yep, we all do but some of us can handle them with ease while other cannot... I hope you are fighting yours without any major difficulties.....

fear acts as a wall between success and failure
once you break this wall your world be alot more beautiful,
once you overcome the fear there is no stopping after that !

I like that, there is not stopping after that:)....

Fear is a natural response to danger. Most fears only exist in our mind and there is no real danger. If we flee from what frightens us, we will always maintain those feelings and emotions. It is necessary to learn to be able to face everything that comes our way. It seems simple but fear often paralyzes us and prevents us from being happy, everything is in the first step so that everything changes in our favor. Believing in ourselves is vital.

Very well said! Thank you for your insights!

This phrase is very true. I have lived many fears, one of them was to start my own business in the world of baking, although I am almost bachelor's degree in food technology and I have many skills that I could use, I was afraid that the results would not be as expected, if my clients could like what I prepared. However, I made that brave jump and started my first desserts, I lost expensive material but with the suggestions of my clients, the practice and with all the information that I read daily improved a lot, to such an extent that I am the official bakery of many clients. If I had not risked, I think I had not known the wonderful world that was on this side.

I am very happy you went forward with your dreams and become successful after all.... The best of luck to you:)

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