Happy Mother's Day, Indonesia I'm With You || Aku Turut Berduka Indonesia-ku

Happy Mother's Day!

To all birth mothers, adoptive mothers, substitute mothers, and single parents, I wish you a very happy and memorable Mother's Day.

Yearly I celebrate Mother's Day TWICE, in May and in December.

Canada and Australia celebrate Mother's Day on second week of May, while Indonesia celebrates it in December. How lucky aren't I, right? 😊

Wait until you hear that there was a time I celebrated Mother's Day for 3 times a year. We lived in Europe where Mother's Day was also in different date as Canada/Australia/Indonesia. I'm the luckiest mother in the world, I know 😊


For this Mother's Day, I would like to thank my husband for giving me my two precious and I also would like to thank my curly boys, for making me a mother.

Hope you lovelies are getting spoiled with lotsa hugs and kisses, breakfast in bed, a day off from house chores, get to be pampered and relax, and get to enjoy your day.

Sadly I have to note, as much as I love that today is Mother's Day, my heart bleeds for Indonesia, as suicide bombing just happened in Surabaya.

Hug your loved ones tighter today 💔

this one.jpg

Find me on Discord, being friendly on #teamcanada, #teamaustralia, #thealliance, #vegansofsteemit, and helping new comers on #indonesia

Hai teman,

Bagaimana kabarnya? Apakah turut berduka akibat pem-bom-an di Surabaya😢

Semoga kalian semua selalu dalam lindungan-Nya, aamiin

Hari ini disini adalah Hari Ibu. Berbeda bulan dan tanggal dari Hari Ibu di Indonesia

Berita pertama yang disampaikan suamiku pas bangun tadi pagi, bukan selamat Hari Ibu, melainkan pem-bom-an di Surabaya😐

Peluk keluargamu lebih erat hari ini dan bersukur masih diberi waktu untuk menyayangi merka

Salam damai dari Kanada💔



Aktif membantu pendatang baru di channel #indonesia di MSP PAL Discord

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Thank you for sharing mother's love with everyone. i love mother same to yo.

Who doesnt love their mother, am i right? Thanks for visiting!

Right. thank you

Selamat hari ibu, dan turut berduka cita atas terjadinya hal yang sangat merugikan ini. Semoga tidak ada lagi kejadian yang memalukan ini. Salan damai dari saya @thekitchenfairy

saya tirut berduka juga kawan

Bagaimana kabarmu hari ini Donald, semoga sehat

baik bg, kapan balik ke indonesia lagi

Ih kamu emang repeat offender yak

Sudah dibilang aku perempuan berulang2, eh masih manggil abang juga


he he he aku orang nye pelupa, he he he

Happy mom's day @thekitchenfairy. Yep, you're so lucky to be celebrated three times a year, but I think mom's day must be every day!! =D

And father's day at least should be once a week 😉

Iyaaa mbaa turut sedih dengan pengeboman yang terjadi di Indonesia. Semoga mereka sgera sadar bahwa tak ada agama yang membenarkan membunuh sesama, apalagi tak ada sabab musababnya.

Anyway, Selamat hari ibu untuk super mommy @thekitchenfairy, selalu menjadi ibu terbaik bagi sang husband dan the curly boys😇

Terimakasih Fit 🤗

I hug my loved ones tight every day! Happy Mother's Day, @thekitchenfairy!

Salam Damai...
semoga kita semua bisa selalu saling menyayangi sesema.

selamat merayakan hari Ibu tuk Mbak @thekitchenfairy di negeri rantau, doakan Indonesia aman sentosa.

Happy Belated Mothers Day to you @thekitchenfairy :)

Salam Damai...
semoga kita semua bisa selalu saling menyayangi sesema.

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