Lineage and Caste in Early Buddhism

in #mindfulness6 years ago

Part I — Lineage


Lineage is an important part of Buddhism, not only for the various Buddhist schools today, but also in the original sense of how lineage was perceived during the time of the Buddha. The ideal of lineage can be found in the Pali words gotta/gotra, which is the family lineage traced through the side of one’s father.

Mahapajapati Gotami Becomes A Nun

Becoming of the lineage is equal to initiation, and this is always a spiritual affair, entering into the ‘clan’ of Buddhist mystics who walk the Buddhist noble path. The followers of Gotama can be seen as the initiated that now belong to the Sakya ‘clan’, of which the Sakya lineage name (PDF)gotto was originally used and re-used to designate Buddha’s initiated followers.

As seen in the Anguttara Nikaya, the lineage-enterer is part of the group of noble persons (ariya-puggala) who are worthy in the Buddhist sense:

“Monks, these nine persons are venerable, worthy of honor, worthy of gifts, worthy of salutations, the world’s unsurpassed field for making merit.

The Arahant, he who has attained to arahantship,
He who has attained to the realization of the fruit of the Non-returner,
He who has attained to the realization of the fruit of the Once-returner,
The Stream-winner [stream-enterer]
He who has attained to the realization of the fruit of the Stream-winner [stream-enterer]
He who has become one of the clan [lineage] (gotrabhu).” — AN IV.373

King Bimbisara The Good King

Another list of noble persons is given in the Book of Tens in the Anguttara Nikaya, of which the lineage-enterer is once again included:

“Monks, these ten persons are worthy of worship, worthy of reverence, worthy of gifts, worthy of salutations with clasped hands, a field of merit unsurpassed for the world.

What ten persons?

A Wayfarer, arahant, a fully enlightened one, a Pacceka-Buddha, one released in both respects, one released by insight, one who has testified (to the truth) in his own person, one who has won view, one released by faith, and one who is has become one of the ‘clan’.”

To ‘become one of the clan’ is synonymous with becoming one of the elect, becoming part of the spiritual clan of Buddha’s followers, and it’s first stage already empowered with insight and noble thought, with immediate prospect of attaining the state of Stream-winner and the Way. The stream-winner here is the person who enters the stream and swims against the worldly current of becoming, back to the source of true being, and no longer being designated as a mere-worldly-person (puthujjana).

Another related term in the Pali texts is kolankola, translated in the P.T.S. edition of the Anguttara Nikaya as ‘reborn in a good family’ or ‘one who goes from family to family’. Now this family is not based on hereditary lineage or caste from a family such-and-such, but similar in meaning regarding the lineage-enterer in that it is a preparatory move into the right direction of stream-enterer.

“Of him who has but seven more births at most, of him who is reborn in a good family, of the one-seeder, and of him who in this same visible state is arahant. Of such the goal is won here.” — AN V.120

Awakening to the initiation of stream-entry is also a dying, a symbolic dying to the world of ordinary becoming in the stream of suffering. A transmission of this awakening is what the teachings of the Buddha means when it is said that the Dhamma is a teaching of ‘come and see’ for yourself and to realize for yourself.

In the second part we’ll be discussing the concept of Caste and how it is understood in the Buddhist teachings.

Pictures From Pixabay

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  • The "Timeless" Teaching-Being Beyond Temporality

  • The Nine Successive Cessations In buddhist Meditations - Part 3
  • The Nine Successive Cessations In buddhist Meditations - Part 2
  • The Nine Successive Cessations In buddhist Meditations - Part 1

  • The Twelve Links Of Dependent Origination


  • The First Noble Truth
  • The Second Noble Truth
  • The Third Noble Truth
  • The Fourth Noble Truth

  • 10 Fold Path Series


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    It's amazing to see your knowledge about the Buddhism! Specially the way you took references! I assure you my dear friend, you found a great teacher and he found a great student as well!

    I would like to see that kind of cultures and ideas in the future i mean we need more love and support to improve our cities so now with technology we just take a cellphone and "share time with others". Regards

    What I find interesting is to research migration patterns of our worlds major religions...hehehe

    So many Gods have come and gone... but there is only one true God to believe in and everyone is fighting over their God is the one true God...

    I think lineage and caste is irrelevant and against humanity right, but every religions have specific rules and I appreciate and respect that, in Islam every person is have same position, no differences by the caste or other caused, thank you very much for your sharing to us valuable post, success always for you @reddust

    During Buddha's time over 2500 years ago their was a caste system and no one could move out of that system...the cultural caste system was caste in cement...Buddha removed the material caste, anyone could attain enlightenment...this article was about the spirital clan/family one joins once one enters the stream, to go against the worldly ways to find freedom.

    Does Islam respect other religions and religious views as a right of the individual and or society? If not Islam acts as a caste system...@abialfatih

    Islam is very respect to other religious and on religious views as a right of the individual! in holy quran mention the freedom to people to choose they religion, If you have discord channel maybe we can discuss more...@reddust

    @abialfatih, if a Muslim wants to leave the Islamic religion will they be able to without becoming an outcast? I know when I left the Christian faith to become a Buddhist some of my Christian community told my children their Mom was going to go to hell. If there is no way out of a religion or group that is called a cult and is like a caste system.

    However the majority of Christians I know are okay with people choosing another religion even if they leave the Christian faith...I have also attended Buddhist vipassana meditation retreats with Jews, Christians including Christian Monks and Nuns.

    I used to assume that the level (caste) that exist only in hindu belief, when I was a child I often watch the movie "MAHABARATA" which is played on television.
    in the Sufi doctrine of one's birth is not a line of descent, but in practice in closer to God, the Qur'an says "truly the most glorious of you are the most devout."

    I have no knowledge of buddism cause it’s not a practice in my part of the world, but I must confess ... with what I read so far from your post . I will definitely be able to say some things to those who have no knowledge of it at all. Always educative post . Keep steeming and adding value to lives, you’re much appreciated

    @olumideolowyeye, you are being introduced to the basics and esoteric teachings at the same time...hahaha...(hugs)

    Buddha teachings always shown to others better, positive things. You entered massive information using some resource sites. But I know you have more knowledge than book contents. Everyone can learn from here. Thanks for posted glorious post @reddust.

    Thank you @templeflower, anyone who seeks this information can find it easily, it just takes some effort and discipline.

    @reddust, Appreciated explanation about caste in early Buddhism. I totally read these context as you wrote here. But some source details couldn't find coz this is not a time. If I have free time definitely read those contexts via source. Long years ago Caste was most important for show family background. Currently my country has but I dis-agree with caste. We all are humans. I don't like imbalance. But Buddha's period happened massively. Those one nicely explained of Anguttara Nikaya.

    Buddha means when it is said that the Dhamma is a teaching of ‘come and see’ for yourself and to realize for yourself.

    I totally appreciated with Buddha coz above context told by him. Buddhist has more freedom. We had learnt lot of Buddha lessons and we must need to do. We can also didn't. It's reality of Buddhism. But need to be control. Thanks for inspiration.

    There are some controversial words in my article that are translated differently depending on who is translating like gotta/gotra...hehehe

    When I talk about caste it is in refrence to Buddha going aganst his cultures view that only certain families and high caste in India could attain enlightenment. Buddha said anyone can find freedom but of course they have to let go of their material lineage, caste, world view and join the spiritual family, clan, and let go of all views.

    The truth is that I did not know anything about Buddhism but seeing this publication and the previous ones I am going to understand a little more about this wonderful world of Buddhism and meditation

    My first articles are the introductions that all three schools, Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana teach the Eightfold Path, Four Noble Truths, and Dependent Origination.

    @reddust this is a nice post on lineage and cast. this is utmost true becoming of the lineage is equal to initiation, and it is always a spiritual affair, entering into the ‘clan’ of Buddhist mystics who walk the Buddhist noble path.

    ahhh, you got it @peks, congratulations!

    Living in a multicultural environment is a good thing that should not bother you. Knowing different cultures is important. You have to respect all cultures because it can upset the person with a different culture. They grew up believing in a certain set of values ​​and ideas, as did their friends and family. IF you tell them they're wrong it means you insult their whole community. Culture looks like people. Learning about different cultures is fun and interesting. You will then realize the many similarities between cultures. It's fascinating to know what someone else can think about something you believe.
    new and useful ideas. A different culture means different approaches to the fundamental ideas of your society. A different group could learn something new for your community. They could teach you new languages, new ways of cooking or making clothes.
    a unified country. If people can celebrate their differences, they can work together to move forward and grow. They are able to recognize alternative beliefs and accept them.
    Thank you very much for this post I am a Muslim and I respect all the cultres of the world thanks to you I learned a lot about Buddhism

    In the best of worlds this happens @machhour ...but right now the world is in culture shock as cultures mix and try to find balance as large groups of peoplemove into established cultures we all can meet and talk on the internet, which is cool because I can ask questions! ...

    The America's have been traditionally Christian in their short history as Nation States because of European migrations. That is changing now as people from Non Christian's migrate into traditional Christian cultures.

    I can walk right out of cultural competition, take the spiritual path and transcend all this religious/nation/culture/caste/class competition...which is what this article is about.

    I'm glad to reading most inspiration sentences instead excellent article. I study and follow Buddha teachings some years ago. But I didn't remember when's period. Lot of pali words learn to most harder and different than other languages. If we can follow Buddha's word no worries needed you will go higher. Better description here.

    I had to study Pali words to understand my lessons. My Korean teacher didn't speak the English language well enough to teach me the subtle nuances of the Suttas I was studying. So I bought a Pali Dictionary and made list of words I didn't understand.

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