Is it any wonder why Voter Machines connected to a Cybersecurity Chief, who worked for Microsoft would be wrought with Fraud? Do you understand who Bill Gates is and his history?

in #dominionvotersystems4 years ago (edited)

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According to President Trump
“The recent statement by Chris Krebs on the security of the 2020 Election was highly inaccurate,” he tweeted, “in that there were massive improprieties and fraud.”

According to Fox News,

A conservative media counterattack is accusing Biden and Kamala Harris of undermining confidence in vaccines with their criticism of Trump’s handling of the effort. As some Democratic officials have urged people to cancel Thanksgiving plans to avoid spreading the virus, some on the right are accusing them of trampling civil liberties. The War on Thanksgiving is the new War on Christmas.

Big Questions on Fox News as they ARE corporate owned and what these arrogant people way who have Constantly and Consistently kept truth from the public.

Never forget most mainstream media including Fox News is Corporate owned. Yes there Are some good people on there, but even they are told at times what they can or Cannot say!

They have caused the division, but continue to attempt to blame The Other side and our President We the People elected.

This IS their tactic as they consider Karl Marx a hero and he blatantly stated, "“Accuse Your Enemy of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing it to Create Confusion!"

Oh how well they use it and they also know Only those awake, who step outside of the box and do their thinking sans MSM and their propaganda pumped out 24/7 on satan's airwaves Know their tactics. Sadly the rest who are tuned into them are susceptible to the brainwashing and the giving up of their freedoms while trusting an overbearing and oppressive government to do their thinking for them. Oh so dangerous!

Lets break down what we know about CHRISTOPHER C. KREBS
From CISA's site. ..Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency,

Mr. Krebs joined DHS in March 2017, first serving as Senior Counselor to the Secretary, where he advised DHS leadership on a range of cybersecurity, critical infrastructure, and national resilience issues. Prior to coming to DHS, he was a member of Microsoft’s U.S. Government Affairs team as the Director for Cybersecurity Policy, where he led Microsoft’s U.S. policy work on cybersecurity and technology issues.

Before Microsoft, Mr. Krebs advised industry and federal, state, and local government customers on a range of cybersecurity and risk management issues. This is his second tour working at DHS, previously serving as the Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection and playing a formative role in a number of national and international risk management programs.

Who started Microsft?

You know who. ..Bill Gates!

Who had an Open Door to this "Pandemic" where it is evidence Much was Planned out?

That's write on the page of Event 201 you will see if you scroll to the bottom who Funded

  • Event 201 which Bill Gates and Melinda Foundation along with the World Economic Forum hosted.

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Notice in the URL bar it says CenterForHealthSecurity. ..Security. Just Whose Security you should be asking?

Whose Agenda, whose Control are they attempting to Secure?

Now, if you click on About at the top of their page you will see this,

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Notice the Date and location!

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Now remember, you were not masked up then were you?

Or for those of us who do not cave and Take a Stand, you were not walking among what looks to be the Walking Dead yet.

Did you see What was going on across our world over in Wuhan, China on the Very Same day?

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Which is INTERESTING because a song from the 80's which was originally going to be called a PSA or Public Service Announcement pretty much talked about all of this. ..Please note the officials lyrics for the line baffled trump. . .for some reason if you look up the lyrics on other sites they try to claim it is trumped, but listen to the song And are they trying to create yet another Mandela Effect? You decide!

Here is a screenshot of the AZ lyrics as I've noticed many sites wrote it incorrectly. Wonder why?

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Note this Portion

Wire in a fire, representing seven games
In a government for hire and a combat site

Note this section,

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Why did they change it? Here is what the Official Lyrics from AZ say,

Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered crop
Look at that low plane! Fine, then

What makes sense to you? Crop dusters for low flying planes? Are they hoping people took no notice and are not connected to their food source?

Who would want Americans to just seek convenience and the giving of the control of their food source over to globalists or in this case also over to a Computer Virus Guru who got his foot in the door according to many by cheating the system and stealing.

Is it any wonder why Voter Machines connected to a Cybersecurity Chief would be wrought with Fraud?

For instance. ..

Just go do a search on this. ..

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Take a cursory look at what Be Your Google states and find a source link for more info at the bottom.

As per the documentary movie “ Pirates of Silicon valley”, Bill gates bought this operating system from someone else. They called it as DOS and named under Microsoft. Actually, Microsoft wasn’t producing any OS that time. Moreover, the reason behind purchasing this OS was because of a first deal of Bill gates with IBM. IBM said that they want an Operating System and if they don’t have they would go to some other vendor. Bill gates said that “Yes, We have an operating system”. BUT

In reality, they didn’t have such. In order to save that deal, they bought DOS and named it under Microsoft. Bill gates then visited IBM again with a non-negotiable deal. And the deal was that DOS would be licensed with every machine they launched.

Meanwhile, Steve was working with Bill gates intensely. Steve and his team somehow got an idea that Microsoft could steal their idea of making that graphical software sooner or later. They got this huge clue from Andy Hertzfeld. He was the core member of Macintosh. Andy noticed that his contact who was working with Microsoft was asking too many questions about Macintosh and its functioning. They got an instant clue that Microsoft is planning to clone the Mac.

Then we have Bill Gates working in conjunction with Monsanto as seen in this article from 2010

Why are radicals, who claim they are about natural foods and clean environment okay with this main many of them herald as a Hero, okay with him partnering with a Known and Proven predatory company like Monsanto?

I have broken down their history before so go here and simply go do your own search on the predatory fake sugars, chemicals and warfare tactics of Monsanto.

History found in here the following articles and well worth the skim if you are not familiar. Tons of tie ins and connections!

If not familiar with what others around the world are saying take a look at this,

'Bill Gates is continuing the work of Monsanto', Vandana Shiva tells FRANCE 24

Cited here in Research Gate

In 1993, WHO announced a “birth-control vaccine” for “family planning”. Published research shows that by 1976 WHO researchers had conjugated tetanus toxoid (TT) with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) producing a “birth-control” vaccine. Conjugating TT with hCG causes pregnancy hormones to be attacked by the immune system. Expected results are abortions in females already pregnant and/or infertility in recipients not yet impregnated. Repeated inoculations prolong infertility. Currently WHO researchers are working on more potent anti-fertility vaccines using recombinant DNA. WHO publications show a long-range purpose to reduce population growth in unstable “less developed countries”.

Find more info in sources below

Those are only a Few Examples of what Bill Gates has been involved in!

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Go through your time line from Monsanto onward and what happens?

  • Public Service Announcement by REM is where the song It's the End of the World as We Know it Came from.
    First appeared on their 1987 album Document. It was released as a single in November 1987, reaching No. 69 in the US Billboard Hot 100 and later reaching No. 39 on the UK Singles Chart on its re-release in December 1991.
  • Dr, Fauci already had a long career in working with infectious diseases at Fort Detrick, known since WWII times to work on bioweapons, as some even died from their experimentation. In 2010 the organization he was head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) when he collaborated with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with UNICEF for a decade of work on Vaccines.
  • Dr. Fauci back in 2018 claimed Trump would have to face a "Surprise Infectious Disease". Well that's interesting considering Bill Gates then stepped down to focus on Climate Control errrr change and his Vaccine pushing.
  • September 18, 2018 Military drill in Wuhan China (See Jennifer Zen's tweet)
    Check these lines from It's the End of the World As We Know It. . .

Wire in a fire, represent the seven games
In a government for hire and a combat site.

  • October 18, 2019 exactly one month after Wuhan's military drill for the novel coronavirus, the 7th World Military Games are held which celebrate, feature and honor the UN. See evidence in video link just below this timeline.
  • At the Very same time Just across the ocean. ..Another event was being held in which people from the UN participated as "Players" along with other health and financial industries in Bill Gates Foundation sponsored Pandemic Exercises called Event 201. Coincidence?
  • First Coronavirus (Covid-19) case in Wuhan, China in December 2019 as verified by Newsweek.

The virus, named 2019-nCov, which causes a type of pneumonia, was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December. Since those first few cases, it's spread to more than a dozen countries
Cases were first reported in December, but since the virus shares symptoms, such as cough, fever and shortness of breath, with many other illnesses, it's possible people were infected even months earlier. Columbia Professor of Microbiology and Immunology Vincent Racaniello told Newsweek it's possible the virus was "silently" circulating in people in October before it built up, and officials began to take notice.

  • After 45 years (That's a convenient encoding of 9 as above so below so also a 6) Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation, has stepped down from all his duties on March 13, 2020 (cool, there's their 11 from 3+3+1+7+2+2+11).
    Impending doom perhaps?
    Then as you've Watched it All play out, Knowing Bill Gates funded and on the board of Monsanto, pushing Genetically Modified Food for a company who has been found to push the poison glyphosate, and has historic roots in manufacturing Agent Orange, but Hey Bill Gates wants to get you hooked up with a Cure in the form of a vaccine so don't you worry too much. . . just put it out of your mind that he partnered with a known cancer causing company!
    How about these lines from It's the End of the World. . .

Renegade and steer clear!
A tournament, a tournament,
A tournament of lies.
Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives
And I decline.
Who bashes the Natural Alternative, yet Stands to make money off of the synthetic form in a vaccine in which you Really Don't Know All that is in it? Trump has offered a Natural solution and MSM along with the elites howl and complain! Why Is That?
How about the fact that Bill Gates father from Planned Parenthood was photographed with people like Rockefeller and other elitists known to haunt meetings like Bilderberg?
Melinda Gates is known to attend the Bilderberg meetings. Her father was involved with the Apollo Missions as an Aerospace Engineer.
Do you want someone who was alleged to have Stolen software for his big company which his mother, connected to IBM helped him further? She also got his foot in the door to South Africa and I believe many people there speak out about what he did!
It's like hearing the people of Haiti talk about the child sex trafficking and predatory actions against the people of Haiti through their "philanthropy" and scam called the Clinton Foundation under their umbrella shade of the Clinton Global Initiative.

According to Wired,
A forensic computing researcher may have settled one of tech's longest standing controversies: whether the original version of Microsoft's seminal MS-DOS operating system contained code copied from an older OS called known as CP/M.
But now we have another controversy: the researcher has close ties to Microsoft.

In many ways, the Microsoft empire was built on MS-DOS. The company got its start selling tools for programmers, but its big break came in 1980 when it licensed MS-DOS to IBM for use in the company's first desktop PCs. The irony is that Microsoft didn't develop the operating system in-house. It acquired 86-DOS – originally called QDOS, short for "quick and dirty operating system" – an operating system created by Tim Paterson at Seattle Computer Co.

Far more to this story which I will link in the Frames photos.
I would wager your praise touting MSM person who fancies themselves a "Journalist," but is in reality a corporate owned mockingbird puppet (Real program by the C_a Operation Mockingbird) appears to have No idea what the Real story behind Gates is.

Why is it that Not ONE of them question the fact he has allegations all over concerning his predatory practices in Africa, India and other countries, not to mention his Huge connections and contributions to a company known to cause cancer. . .Monsanto.

Not one single Virtue Signaling Progressive, even those who claim they have been affected by cancer say One Word about this Elephant in the room!

They are Trusting a person connected to harm against humanity to produce testing and vaccines for a virus which pales in comparison to the lives taken out by flu and can't even begin to compare to traffic deaths, cigarette deaths and cancer deaths if you just Look at the numbers on the Worldometer.

Dr. Rashid Buttar wonders WHY MSM, politicians and the people who fall for their false reporting weren't this worked up over the Cancer deaths. Because Guess What. . .Cancer did not have to happen. As reported by another medical researcher who worked with Dr. Fauci, cancer was purposely fostered. In the same way they were 'experimenting" and jumping the coronavirus from animals to human cells. ..they were experimenting with viruses that can cause a host of diseases in people. Will drop a link to that Frames also.

So these progressives, elites and corporate owned media are all putting their faith in someone alleged to be a thief and disease pusher. WHY is that? Why do they want you to take a test Proven to be faulty and a vaccine? What has been Known to be in the vaccines they already have? Why did people from these same world health orgs. intentionally give aids to men in Africa in a small pox vaccine. Why does this go unreported in MSM though it is Public Knowledge with declassified documentation? Why do Progressives prefer drama Over Reality?

What about the fact they continue to push a test that has been found in many cases to be tainted.
And don't forget what you already know. . . Bill Gates funded Pirbright who has a patent on the novel Coronavirus.
As far as Patents go, sure is interesting that elitist like Bill Gates keep Virtue Signaling and funding Climate Change when there are patents out there proven to cause the kind of respiratory and immunity issues which they claim are the at risk challenges for those who are Most susceptible to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Check out a few and I will put source links inside of the Facebook Frames photos.

So consider carefully. you want a Cure from elitists who have been involved in causing the Problems to the health of the world's population or will you Take the Alternative Offered?
Renegade and steer clear!
A tournament, a tournament,
A tournament of lies.
Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives
And I decline.
Whose SS nickname was Renegade? Where did the funding come from in 2015 for chimera virus research? Who was president then? STEER Clear! You were told back in 1987 how was that Possible!

Who does Fauci work for?

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Who has been working to vaccinate you? WHY? What has been Proven with their Other Vaccination Programs?
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So a man who got his foot in the Door by Mama Gates who served on a Banking Board with IBM's CEO, John Opel, and the first woman on the First Interstate Bank of Washington's board of directors.

Now the guy who got a leg up,

  • who came from an elitist family,
  • Who has profited on "Software" Viruses. ..
    Is NOW telling you and me what to do with a so called Medical Virus.

Does all of this make Any Sense to you?

Yet all of these people under the Spell. ..YES Spell take a look here if you're not already aware,

Those under the Spell and listening to the frequencies of those controlled by the Prince and Power of the air as God called him. . .

Ephesians 2:2
King James Version
2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

Is telling YOU and your family how to handle a Planned Demic!

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Do You SEE it yet?

I KNOW Anons, Guardians of Children and the Awake see it. How do we make it any Clearer to those asleep and still connected to the Mind Hive or Matrix?

So take a look at his patents through Microsoft. ..

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Poem wrote a few months ago, but not allowed to have my YT channel where I did a breakdown because the Tech Giants Hate and Despise Vetted Truth


So they signaled to you and I, even back then
As satan continued to deceive many men
Anyone who will give a listen
the devil is happy to assist you, If you join his mission
but in the end
you will find out he was Never your friend
he is not a benefactor
but rather a malefactor
intent on being a prime soul collector

As Gates stood at the ready
when tech problems became steady
Gates had the Help for his computer errors
as he was also embarking on a new kind of terror
Come one, come all, it's in the directory
Join in, he has in store for you a New Trajectory
Antivirals touted as "You will have to accept it"
Your computer's at risk, you must Protect It!
You want your devices, well there's a "New Normal"
Don't worry we can mask it, it's not that abnormal
As Software Viruses caused Quite a fray
It was clear Microsoft was here to stay

How lucky are we
How can it be?
Gates Now stands ready to help,
Just give out a yelp
Viruses pertaining to You and me!
Don't you worry There's a cure. . . you will soon see!

Sleight of hand
and a Quick reprimand
Just a slite price to pay
Give up all your say

Show you have fallen for their trap
Be Trendy. . .Just Shut Up your trap
then replace it with a mask
If you dare say it's crap
they'll just cry out. . ."You can't Unmask!"
To adhere is the game
Not to question brings fame

Anyone who doesn't fall for the sham
If you hold truth up, they will censor and slam
As you gave him access to your device
Now simply give him access to your Virus
He will fix all that ails you
it's the cells he claims, that fail you
He likely shudders because you're human
If only he could make you more subhuman

Allow him to tamper with your dna
He's a genius you see, Viruses are his Forte
How would he do that, what could convince you
to Not be You?
Perhaps the You. . .you were was faulty
What if you believed you could be less salty?

How despicable you are to satan's kind,
It's why he seeks to infest your mind
you are after all made in the image of God
Satan prefers you to trust a fraud
Come one,
come all for your contact tracer
we're the ones to help you, a literal tech savior
Here, we laid it all out for you in Event 201

As we signal in All of our World Entities
We just need the Economies to Freeze
Only Listen to what we say
and not the fact it's an actual Play

Pay no mind that you can gather or mingle
as long as it's a corporation
Remember. . . form a line in a single
For the virus holds no power if They Say
But from other places. . . you Must Stay Away
Don't you Dare try to enter a small business or store
The virus seems Viral if you don't engage where there's MORE
more people at the top, more control from the elite
Our world would Not be Complete
For crying out loud you can't govern yourselves
"It's our job!" says Mika," to tell you what to think!"
It's not corporations they want to Sink
So only shop stores that contain Loads of shelves
Otherwise the small stores just may rise from the brink

As mapped out in my Event 201
Our players got to simulate who won
As we played out scenarios
as they consumed gmo grown cheerios
None were the wiser
As we marketed companies like Pharm Pfizer
Why don't they like our common food
for the controlled population and their brood

If you'll just remain 6 feet apart and in your Homes you will obey and stay
We know you will do Anything to have it all go away
Just let us convince you in our Own Narratives
We are Helping YOU, not deceiving you or relatives
It's all for YOU, can't you see?
Just as getting Adam and Eve
to hypnotically hear me
then the ploy was to get them to leave
They should have seen there was a fine trick up my sleeve
Getting them out of their Eden, became quite the inception
So I could "Help" them Fall for the Greatest Deception!
Won't you let me Help you too?
You could be far More than just You

Please stay put, a cure's sure to come along
Wouldn't it be great to transcend, say so long!
To ailments, to viruses, we can finally Combine
All that is tech, we can track we can mine
Just look at my cryptocurrency system with six
we'll use your body activity data with the name WO2020060606
Do you think I hid the 6's well enough for the crew?
Don't worry most churches are so enticed, so easy to fool
Watch. . .they'll think it's cool
They don't even see the HR6666 bill,
I'm not worried they already took the 501c3 deal
Though it states all require my contact tracers
Just a matter of time before they're filled with erasers
I mean haven't you heard of my new tech called CRISPR
I did my part, I clued them, I really can't make my plans any clearer

Then soon they will find who they were is Long Gone
Then at last my New Day will finally dawn
The question Still Stands who are really my spawn
Help me just get rid of those who refuse to be pawns!
Never you mind Revelation that chapter 13
So what it spells out not to be part of the machine
They enjoy signs and wonders, the entertainment is key
It's not my fault they obvious they Don't See
All seem ready for a cure in my Vaccine phase
just sit back let me fill you with my Luciferase
For then we can track all that's inside your veins
Are you part of my collective or has all my planning been in vain?

Here we are on the Time Continuum in Modern Day with evidence of Bill Gates Predatory Actions, and a man who formerly worked for Microsoft (Bill Gates company) attempting to claim there is No Fraud involved in our Election, even though there has been Evidence the software

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According to Just the News,

Dominion has been at the center of a firestorm since Nov. 3, when its election management software, which is widely used across the country, led to an unofficial initial vote count misreporting Joe Biden as beating President Trump in Michigan's Antrim County when, according to election officials, the county clerk neglected to update software used to collect voting data from electronic tabulators.

This is Quite Interesting! Appears that in the face of evidence, they are denying What is displayed Right before our very Eyes! Who has Eyes to SEE?

Dominion also linked to a Nov. 10 Associated Press report downplaying reports of ties between the election technology firm and prominent Democrats. While acknowledging that it is true that former Pelosi Chief of Staff Nadeam Elshami "is part of a lobbying team representing Dominion, according to public disclosures," the AP dismissed any partisan significance in that connection, noting "that team also includes Brian Wild, who counts Republicans such as former House Speaker John Boehner and former Vice President Dick Cheney among his past bosses."

Attorney Sidney Powell alleged in media interviews that Dominion was used to obtain a "rigged" outcome for Biden over Trump.

"It's a feature of the system that was designed with a backdoor, so that people could watch, in real time, and calculate with an algorithm how many votes they needed to change to make the result they wanted to create," Powell told Bolling. "It's incredibly disturbing, and we will hopefully have evidence of it before the end of the week that we can produce publicly."

The Backdoor is of interest because of this deep dive I did,

Democratic leaders of Congress warned last year in a series of letters that election technology companies such as Dominion Voting Systems were "prone to security problems," a result of them having purportedly "long skimped on security in favor of convenience."

The allegations were detailed in a series of letters sent in December 2019 by Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Ron Wyden and Amy Klobuchar, along with Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan.

Letters from Democrate Questioning the validity of Security Problems with Dominion Voting Systems

In other words They Knew!,%20&%20Staple%20Street%20letters.pdf

A Homeland Security webpage called "Rumor Control," created by DHS' Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) after the November election, rejected as "rumor" the claim that "a bad actor could change election results without detection."

This is Interesting and was done by Christopher Krebs

You know something's up when they are throwing shade on a group full of Picked off Generals by Obama and other patriots/Guardians of Children who ONLY encourage the population seeking out information for themselves and constantly do their Due Process to be TestingTheNarrative Constantly!

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Let's take a look at their employees on their LinkedIn page,

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One is Joe Baxter, here is who he worked for,

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Take a look at his interests,

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WHOA. .. Richard Branson. ..he is connected to Epstein Neighbor Necker Island and NEXIVM, along with deals with Richard Branson in New Mexico and connections to Trudeau.

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More of Joe Baxter's interest. Surprise, Surprise even Cuomo, an ardent President Trump hater!

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Notice how this employee of Dominion Troy Christy worked for Walt Disney World

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Another one of Dominion's employees,

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So Tennison Long, who is the Press Specialist for Dominion Voting Systmes with Sharia -4 Ever on his page is one of their employees for a company that donated to the Clinton Foundation, and Hillary Clinton Told Biden not to concede the election under any circumstances. I find that curious, do you?

I believe only those who are committed to truth and have eyes to See, actually see what is right in front of them!
The Others Don't want to admit what is glaringly clear because the don't Like or Want truth, they Only want their rebellious way and are willing to do it no matter how many lies, hate and cheating it takes to get their sick way!

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YIKES. ..Richard Branson Again!

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Did I mention Richard Branson hosted a party for NEXIVM on his Island he owns which is close to Epstein's Little St. James? Here is a photo with one of the Bronfman sisters who were both in the cult and financial backers of Keith Raniere.

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One of my videos with vetted information and sources was removed from YT and they kept giving me strikes for Truth and threatened to remove my entire channel for info like this that I also archived in my research notes found here,

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I wonder why they don't want people to see this info?

No shocker there. ..many of these employees of Dominion Voting Systems, found to cheat the system are linked to Bill Gates.

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To circle back around. ..Microsoft is the Very Company Chris Kremp worked for as he claims in the Face of Evidence that there was no Voter Fraud. These People are Sick!

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All these years later, Obama gave up on you | Joe Pinion

Charity aims to relieve the pain of a particular social problem, whereas philanthropy attempts to address the root cause of the problem.

Take a stab out Their Solution for the problem?**

Facebook Frames on the Truth about the National Cancer Institute and the deep history of it's location at Fort Detrick (bioweapons Deep Dive) close to D.C. Hear this Med Researcher with a PhD tell the truth about Dr. Fauci, whom she has known and had worked with since the 1980's.

Facebook Frames Open Philanthropy group that funded Event 201, and Who's Who connected to them, the Club and you're not In It!

American Eugenics Society now known under another name, back in the day Mrs. E. H. Harriman established the Eugenics Record Office (ERO) at Cold Spring Harbor, the ERO eventually became part of the Department of Genetics.

Facebook Frames Latest Message from Dr. Rashid Buttar where he Says WAKE UP!

The crux of it. . .because they can't justify the numbers, they are Manipulating the numbers!

Dear Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, Globalists, Government Healthcare and MSM. . .Seems like you've done this before! Manufacture, Orchestrate the disease under the cloak and cover of "Philanthropy," all whilst funneling your funds into the industry that Creates the Disease and the Cure! You make Stealing Lives Look So EASY! This song is Very Fitting for all you Contrive!

Evidence and Source Links in comments of the Original Post

Link here,

Facebook Frames Coronavirus traced to the British Crown and many of the ways they have put a Light directly on what they are doing think Intellectual Property and Kobe Bryant's remains buried at Corona del Mar!

Facebook Frames Latest Q drops! Some research on RFID, Satellites and The Corona program. . . a series of American strategic reconnaissance satellites produced and operated by the Central Intelligence Agency Directorate of Science & Technology with substantial assistance from the U.S. Air Force.

RFID chipping, how have they conditioned the population? #SocialDistancing. . .Notice the military needs 5 feet for their line of protection for RFID when tracking soldiers.

This has been done in history and Always connects to a globalist agenda for population control and profit!

From Vector-born and Zoonotic diseases an abstract from 2018

Facebook post on HR 6666

H.R. 6666: COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act

FB Frames, "How did they Know to do the Dead Zone Episode in 2003 called Plague that mimics the Pandemic Now with Chloroquine as the saving cure?

Coincidence? ThereAreNoCoincidences...

**Facebook Frames Do you trust Bill Gates to Help you or Harm you?

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 57800.38
ETH 3127.30
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.40