Release the Kraken! How potent is it? Information on vulnerabilities Scytl, Microsoft connections, Garlin Gilchrist Michigan Lt. Governor, Digital Forensics and OSIT

in #releasethekraken4 years ago (edited)

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From Forbes written in 2017

The small Baltic country of Estonia may not be known for much, but it's the world's clear frontrunner in internet elections. Since 2005, the nation's just over one million citizens have had the option to vote online using their national identification cards. Today, 14 countries use some form of online voting. And, while slow moving, at least five U.S. states allow some voters to submit ballots through an online portal. Still, computer science professors warn that internet elections are seriously vulnerable to bugs and foreign attack.

"The problems are growing in complexity faster than the methods to keep up with them. From that perspective, looking at a system that relies on the perfectibility of computers is a really bad idea," says Stanford computer science professor David Dill, who founded the Verified Voting Foundation. Beyond attack, voting online challenges traditional staples of the electoral process. Online, preventing voter fraud, guaranteeing anonymity and ensuring vote verifiability become considerably more difficult.

Ranked in no particular order, these nine companies, and one non-profit, believe their technology can improve the democratic process.

I am just going to focus on one. . .

Scytl: Founded in 2001 in Spain, Scytl organized 12 state-wide implementations, and its technologies were used in another 980 U.S. jurisdictions in 28 states, during the 2016 General Election. Specializing in online voting and elections solutions, the company's products include online voter registration services, poll worker management, and electronic ballot delivery. Its online voting services employ end-to-end encryption, vote return cords, and a bulletin board audit service. Scytl's customers include France’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Green Party, the Parliament of the European Union and the Swiss Canton of Fribourg. In January 2012, the company bought SOE Software. Scytl also holds more than 40 patents and patent applications. In 2008, the company became the first online voting company to receive certification from the Florida Department of State.

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This TechCrunch article written in 2014 states,

Electronic voting company Scytl — whose name is pronounced ‘sight-el’ not ‘skittle/scuttle’ in case you’re wondering — has closed off a $104 million Series C funding round, with a $44 million tranche announced today.

The new investors contributing the latest and last tranche of funding in this round are Vy Capital, Adams Street Partners and Industry Ventures.

Previous investors in this round were Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s Vulcan Capital, investing $40 million in April; and SAP Ventures investing $20 million in July.

It’s the first funding Scytl has taken in since 2010 — when it closed a $9.2 million round, led by Balderton Capital, with Nauta Capital also participating — although the business has been profitable since 2006 and reports revenue growth averaging 70% per year.

The Barcelona-based company was founded back in 2001 with the intention of offering software and web tools to modernize the voting and election process. Its software platform now covers the whole election process, from planning and voter registration to online voting and election night reporting, and Scytl has built up customers in more than 35 countries, including in the US. It has offices in 15 cities.

In 2015 Scytl was used to upgrade the IVote system in South Wales and here's what happened.
Concerning the International Conference on E-Voting and Identity

The New South Wales iVote System: Security Failures and Verification Flaws in a Live Online Election

  • In the world’s largest-ever deployment of online voting, the iVote Internet voting system was trusted for the return of 280,000 ballots in the 2015 state election in New South Wales, Australia.
  • During the election, we performed an independent security analysis of parts of the live iVote system and uncovered severe vulnerabilities that could be leveraged to. . .
  • manipulate votes
  • violate ballot privacy
  • subvert the verification mechanism

This is a very telling statement.

These vulnerabilities do not seem to have been detected by the election authorities before we disclosed them, despite a pre-election security review and despite the system having run in a live state election for five days.

  • One vulnerability, the result of including analytics software from an insecure external server, exposed some votes to complete compromise of privacy and integrity.
  • At least one parliamentary seat was decided by a margin much smaller than the number of votes taken while the system was vulnerable.
  • We also found protocol flaws, including vote verification that was itself susceptible to manipulation.

This incident underscores the difficulty of conducting secure elections online and carries lessons for voters, election officials, and the e-voting research community.

So the question becomes, Why was Scytl used over in Germany to count votes for our U.S. Election?

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According to Great Game India

The votes cast by Americans were counted by a bankrupted Spanish company Scytl in Spain. Like Dominion Voting Systems, Scytl has a long history of election fraud in various nations including injecting backdoors in its election software. The issue has prompted experts to question why the sensitive job of counting votes was outsourced to a foreign company? How could a bankrupted Spanish company count American votes in Spain? Due to such widespread fraud, the Chairman of the US Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor believes that the 2020 US Presidential Elections is illegitimate. See source below.

Many American states commissioned a foreign company based in Spain to provide various election services — including online voting — in the 2020 presidential election. Scytl, a Spanish company headquartered in Barcelona offering a suite of election services, has been used by various states and cities in several ways since 2008.

Scytl was declared Bankrupt in June 2020
What is interesting is that the Spanish firm Scytl was declared bankrupt in June this year. The company filed for bankruptcy as part of a broader analysis of security vulnerabilities associated with digital voting.

On 11 May 2020, facing debts of over 75 million euro, Scytl initiated bankruptcy proceedings with a view to sell its business to the U.S. investment fund Sandton Capital. On 2 June 2020, a Spanish court declared Scytl bankrupt and started the process of auctioning off its assets.

Scytl is funded by Spanish Government
Scytl has been the center of controversy in the past for misuse of European Union funds and mishap with an election. Scytl received large amounts of research funds from the Spanish government which, reporting by Republik shows, was used in ways contrary to what had been stipulated.

Instead of spending it on cooperative work with universities, Scytl used it to stock up its product team and develop new prototypes for its customers. An injection of over 1.5 million euros from Spain’s Ministry for Industry was, according to an internal document seen by Republik, used for, among other things, a «product demo» for Neuchâtel. And 900’000 euros in EU funds were spent on the development of software modules for Ecuadorian election authorities.

Cases of Scytl Voting Fraud
Scytl’s products cover the entire election process, including election planning, online voter registration, poll worker management, electronic ballot delivery, online voting, results consolidation and election night reporting. In 2014, Scytl reported having customers in more than 35 countries. However, Scytl is involved in controversies wherever its products or services were used with allegations as severe as election voting fraud.

For Example,

In 2018, the authorities of New South Wales selected Scytl to provide the software for the state’s “iVote” online voting system until 2022 for $1.9 million. The iVote system is an internet and telephone voting solution that allows persons with disabilities and voters with accessibility problems to vote remotely. During the 2015 election, researchers uncovered vulnerabilities in the iVote system which could be used to manipulate votes, violate ballot privacy and subvert the verification mechanism.

Scytl ran voting machines in several parts of Ecuador in 2014. They were supposed to produce results within 72 hours, but ran into a variety of problems and took over a month.

According to a report by the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), «the system was unable to process the amount of scanned information». Although technology bloggers later argued that the system hadn’t been sufficiently tested in advance, Scytl, in turn, blamed Ecuador’s poor infrastructure.

Always the blame game right?

Scytl deployed electronic voting in Norway in 2011 in partnership with the government. A flaw in their cryptography was discovered in 2013, and 0.75% of all voters managed to vote twice in 2013, once online and once in a polling station. In 2014 Norway abandoned Scytl’s Internet Voting project, due to security failures, lack of increase in turnout, and high costs.

In a joint venture with Swiss Post, Scytl provides its sVote e-voting system to several cantons that allow Swiss citizens who live abroad to take part in cantonal and federal elections and referenda electronically.

Scytl said its sVote system used in Switzerland is “universally verifiable”, but its system has been criticized as overly complex, difficult to audit and not sufficiently transparent. After Swiss authorities launched a public code review, a group of researchers of the University of Melbourne, Université catholique de Louvain, and the Open Privacy Research Society reported in March 2019 that they discovered a deficiency in the code that would allow the system’s operator to alter votes undetected. They found backdoors is Scytl software.

Because of the deficiencies, Swiss authorities disallowed the use of Scytl’s e-voting system in the Swiss referenda of 19 May 2019, and it has not been used since. Swiss Post purchased the rights to the software from Scytl in 2020 as the company faced bankruptcy.

As reported by Expansion Catalonia,

End to the Scytl soap opera. The Irish group Paragon has acquired the production unit of the electronic voting company after the approval of the Commercial Court number 6 of Barcelona, ​​which handled the bankruptcy of the Spanish company. The operation will be formalized through Service Point, the company of reprography and graphic solutions bought by Paragon in 2015, as this newspaper has learned from sources familiar with the operation. The company has published a relevant fact this morning in which it clarifies that a newly created subsidiary, called Scytl Election Technologies, will be formed, wholly owned by Service Point, to manage the assets and intellectual property of the voting firm.

Purchasing through Service Point is understandable, as it is the main link between Paragon and the Spanish market. Service Point is what is known in stock market slang as a pea , due to its high volatility and low activity. In recent weeks, however, the value of the company has exploded. Between October 8 and 9, its shares grew 137%. Its shares are now trading at 0.5 euros per share, compared to 0.3 euros at the beginning of the month.

According to Wikipedia,

Founded in 2001 in Barcelona, its products and services are used in elections and referenda across the world.

Scytl is owned by Paragon Group. Scytl is one of the largest election services companies, as is its competitor Dominion Voting Systems.

Were they a Competitor?

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I wonder who else would have counted on this. . .

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Just How Neutral are you really when your company has all these "Venture Capitalists," and tie-in's to people like Microsoft, Bill Gates and another founder of Microsoft. . .

Note on Civiciti's website it states,

Fast-forward to 2019. Civiciti is now used by over 100 customers across nine countries, partly thanks to support under the European Innovation Council pilot’s SME Instrument strand. “Thanks to the EU-funded feasibility study, we first found out that Civiciti could easily be used in Latin America, where no product adaptation is required.

Check this out from their website and link found below in sources,

Horizon 2020 is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe's global competitiveness.

Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market.

Interesting Dates!
Also Better Society and European Council. ..what all is involved there?

I'm seeing a LOT of Globalist phrasing here, how about you?

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Take a look at what they are touting!

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In 2017, Scytl reported having 600 employees, of which a third were in Barcelona. In 2016, it divided itself into three companies:

the original Scytl Secure Electronic Voting, which develops voting software,
Scytl Voting Hardware SL, which develops voting hardware, owned by Scytl and an anonymous Dubai-based investor, and
Civiti (formerly OpenSeneca), which focuses on civic participation services.
The company's systems have been implemented in numerous countries, but problems have cropped up over the years in some of its solutions and voting systems, including those used in Australia, Ecuador, Norway and Switzerland.

Scytl was funded by venture capital. It raised $9 million in 2006 from investors including

  • Balderton Capital

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Founded in 2000 as Benchmark Capital Europe, Balderton Capital became fully independent in 2007. The company made over 100 early-stage investments between 2000 and 2020, including Revolut, Betfair, The Hut Group, MySQL, Yoox, Bebo, Talend, Recorded Future, NaturalMotion, Kobalt Music Group, GoCardless, CityMapper, and Sophia Genetics.

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See how it works?
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So Scytl
funded by Balterton Capital exited from Sunrise. ..
Sunrise sold to Microsoft

According to the Verge,

It reportedly paid at least $100 million for the company. Microsoft has recently been working to revamp its mobile apps and reach out to other platforms, and Sunrise will clearly play a big part in that. This is actually the second time now that Microsoft has scooped up one of the best iOS apps: it previously purchased Acompli and then rebranded it as Outlook.

On Sunrise Technologies site it states,

These companies needed a Microsoft Dynamics partner with expertise and solutions in manufacturing, distribution, and retail. They found success with their digital transformations by partnering with Sunrise Technologies. It's a winning combination — exceptional industry solutions plus a proven track record with Dynamics 365, Azure, and the Power Platform.

This is claimed by them for Sunrise Technologies,

When you partner with Sunrise Technologies, you're partnering with a Global Microsoft Partner of the Year. Once you learn more about the breadth and depth of our experience, you’ll see that we can help you deploy and support the entire portfolio of Microsoft cloud solutions.

Yes, I get it. ..Sunrise calendar app., just interesting they were partnered with a company with Sunrise in it's name since 2004.

  • Nauta Capital

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So Scytl verified in their portfolio,

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  • $104 million in 2014 in multiple funding rounds from investors including Vulcan Capital, Sapphire Ventures, Vy Capital, Adams Street Partners and Industry Ventures.

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Check out some of the investments for Vulcan proving Once Again. ..these elitists Scratch each other's back. What happened to "helping the little people?" Oh, that's right, that's just a Virtue Signaling statement for elitists and their followers to latch on to.

FYI, their phrasing. .."thoughtful investing" appears to indicate investing to help themselves be furthered in the event shall we say, Cover is needed?

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Sapphire Ventures

Originally started in 1996 as the venture capital arm of SAP SE, it was known as SAP Ventures. It split from its parent in 2011 and was rebranded to Sapphire Ventures in 2014. SAP SE is now a limited partner in the company, and their ties are used in investing in companies working in the Enterprise Software ecosystem. As of December 2019, the company manages approximately US$4 billion assets, and is active in the United States, Europe, Israel and India.

In March 2019, the company announced SV Explorer, a free online platform to connect corporate IT executives with emerging technology vendors in the startup ecosystem.

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On March 24, 2015, Sapphire Ventures, along with technology companies Cisco Systems, Inc. and Siemens, co-hosted the first industry summit on the Internet of Things, named "IoT: Empowering The Enterprise" in San Jose, California. The event was advertised as "connecting investors, startups, technologists and Fortune 1000 executives to explore IoT in the enterprise.

Since 1996, Sapphire Ventures has invested in more than 130 companies across 10 countries. By September 2018, the company participated in a $45 million venture capital investment in supply chain technology company project44. There was another private fundraising round announced for project44 in late 2020.

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This offered a common system for multiple tasks. This permitted the use of a centralized data storage, improving the maintenance of data. From a technical point of view, therefore, a database was necessary.[20]

In 1976, SAP GmbH Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung ("Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing") was founded as a sales and support subsidiary. Five years later, the private partnership was dissolved and its rights were passed on to SAP GmbH.[17]

The headquarters moved the following year to Walldorf, Germany. Three years later, in 1979, SAP launched SAP R/2, expanding the capabilities of the system to other areas, such as material management and production planning. In 1981, SAP brought a re-designed product to market. However, SAP R/2 did not improve until the period between 1985 and 1990. SAP released the new SAP R/3 in 1992.

SAP developed and released several versions of R/3 through 1995. By the mid-1990s, SAP followed the trend from mainframe computing to client–server architectures. The development of SAP's internet strategy with redesigned the concept of business processes (integration via Internet). As a result, R/3 was replaced with the introduction of SAP ERP Central Component (ECC) 5.0 in 2004.

Architectural changes were also made to support an enterprise service architecture to transition customers to a services-oriented architecture. The latest version, SAP ERP 6.0, was released in 2006. SAP ERP 6.0 has since then been updated through SAP enhancement packs, the most recent: SAP enhancement package 8 for SAP ERP 6.0 in 2016.

Since 2012, SAP has acquired several companies that sell cloud-based products, with several multibillion-dollar acquisitions seen by analysts as an attempt to challenge competitor Oracle.

Credit Suisse called the acquisition an "aggressive" move.

In 2014, IBM and SAP began a partnership to sell cloud-based services.
In 2015, SAP also partnered with HPE to provide secure hybrid cloud-based services running the SAP platform.
Both HPE and IBM provide infrastructure services to SAP, and SAP runs its SAP HANA cloud solution on top. SAP has announced additional partnerships with Microsoft in order to give customers tools for data visualization, as well as improved mobile applications.

The company announced plans in 2016 to invest heavily into technology relating to Internet of Things (IoT) as part of a strategy to capitalize on the growth in that market. For that purpose, €2 billion is planned for investment in relevant sectors by the end of 2020. SAP will also launch a new product line called SAP IoT, which "will combine large amounts of data from things connected to the Internet with machine learning and SAP's real-time database S/4 HANA.

On 29 January 2019, SAP announced plans to cut approximately 4,000 positions at the company in a strategic plan to shift to more modern cloud-based technologies such as blockchain, quantum computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence.

SAP has positioned Enterprise SOA to deliver the benefits offered by service-oriented architecture, including enabling both flexibility and business efficiency.

SAP markets Enterprise SOA (service-oriented architecture) as a cost-effective way of adding new applications to existing infrastructure. SAP Solutions that currently use Enterprise SOA are mySAP CRM, mySAP ERP, and mySAP SRM.

Incredible amount of partnering with Microsoft Yes, it makes sense from the earlier IBM connection.

SAP Labs are R&D locations that develop and improve SAP core products. SAP Labs are strategically located in high-tech clusters around the globe.

Known Corruption
From Africa to Panama. Here is one example

In February 2019, SAP was accused of ‘improper conduct’ linked to state contracts in Kenya and Tanzania. An anonymous whistle-blower claims, through a firm of attorneys, that SAP used Twenty Third Century Systems (TTCS) to bribe officials at the Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) to win a US$6.6 million enterprise resource planning software tender that involved the provision of software licenses and services.

Now check out this company also recognized above Sapphire Ventures for their exits.

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This firm has establishment and vast resources from all over!

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In March 2020, NEA named Liza Landsman as a General Partner. She joined the firm as a Venture Partner in 2018 after serving as president of, an NEA portfolio company.

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Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft with Bill Gates) invested $40 million in 2014.

Now let's go back to Dominion and Ooter Odd

Let's take yet another look at a so-called computer ‘glitch’ in one of Michigan’s counties has led to 6,000 votes switching from President Trump to Joe Biden. It was revealed in Georgia that the “glitch” was caused not by hackers but by the vendor itself uploading a piece of software at the last minute.

As reported by Politico:

A technology glitch that halted voting in two Georgia counties on Tuesday morning was caused by a vendor uploading an update to their election machines the night before, a county election supervisor said.

Voters were unable to cast machine ballots for a couple of hours in Morgan and Spalding counties after the electronic devices crashed, state officials said. In response to the delays, Superior Court Judge W. Fletcher Sams extended voting until 11 p.m.

What's interesting is this "Fact Check" that hasn't paid attention to FACTS at all! When will the corporate owned media and the tech giants Have to take accountability for blatant lies and attempts to spread disinfo?

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If there is no evidence, then why did this happen?

On November 5th, two days after the presidential election, an election clerk in Antrim County Michigan discovered that the total votes counted by election software DID NOT MATCH the printed tabulator tapes. Their Dominion voting machines flipped 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden.

On December 4th a judge in Antrim county ordered a forensic audit of 22 Dominion Voting Systems machines in the state of Michigan.

Secret Audit:
slams efforts by Michigan’s AG and the courts to hide a forensic audit of Dominon’s voting machines in a county where 6,000 votes were flipped from
to Biden. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs

The Detroit News reported on the fight for the forensic results:

So the evidence is out there, why didn't Corporate owned media on your Tell a Vision Box and Tech Giants want you to read or hear about this?

Is it because they only want you to have Their Vision and Version of the "news?"

Judge Kevin Elsenheimer ruled Thursday that Attorney General Dana Nessel's office could intervene on behalf of Benson, who had argued she had supervisory control over the Antrim County clerk, had an interest in any audit discussions the case may raise and was party to the county's contract with Dominion Voting Systems.

The Secretary of State's office is concerned particularly with forensic imaging performed on Antrim County's 22 Dominion tabulators earlier this week by a Village of Central Lake resident and Allied Security Operations Group, said Assistant Attorney General Heather Meingast.

"We’d like to know more about what was obtained, what the intent is for the use of the images obtained," Meingast said, noting the disclosure of some elements of the tabulators could compromise their security in future elections.

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Looks like the trail is long and rather obvious!

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It is very interesting all that has taken place in Michigan and the connections some of the leaders with a great deal of reach have. For instance, according to the Michigan Chronicle,

Michigan Lt. Governor chosen by Gretchen Whitmer

Gilchrist’s background is in progressive politics and computer programming. He used to work for Microsoft, was a political organizer for, and managed social media for Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign.

In 2017

  • he ran for Detroit city clerk in and was endorsed by a range of left-leaning groups, including Our Revolution, which grew out of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential run.
  • He lost his run for city clerk by 1,482 votes out of nearly 100,000 ballots, but out-raised his incumbent opponent Janice Winfrey by more than 10-1.
  • Before that, he ran Detroit’s Innovation & Emerging Technology department under Mayor Mike Duggan.

Here is what they are involved in,

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According to Gretchen Whitmer's page,

Garlin Gilchrist II

His mother worked at General Motors for 32 years, and his dad worked in defense contract management for the Department of Defense for 31 years.
His mother is the President of their neighborhood associations in Detroit and Farmington, and his dad was Vice President.

Garlin spent four years as a software engineer at Microsoft in Seattle, where he helped build SharePoint into the fastest growing product in the company’s history. As Lieutenant Governor, Garlin is helping to move Michigan’s state government into the 21st century.

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According to CPO Magazine,

A journalistic investigation by The New Humanitarian based on leaked documentation from the United Nations (UN) reveals that the global organization had suffered a major data breach that began in July 2019.
The attack made use of a Microsoft SharePoint vulnerability to compromise the UN’s entire European IT system — leaving staff information, commercial contract data, and health insurance data exposed to hackers in its wake.

In total, the breach targeted information held on 42 servers belonging to three UN branches: the UN Office at Vienna, the UN Office at Geneva, and the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) headquarters, also housed in Geneva.

According to The New Humanitarian, the SharePoint vulnerability could have been mitigated had the software merely been kept updated — an action which would have reduced the inevitability of data breach in the first place.

Interesting as. . . some Dem leaders were talking about outdated machines here among other issues with Dominion Voting Systems with other companies.

As evidenced here with these Dem's letter.

CPO goes on to say,

As a result of the SharePoint vulnerability, the report suggests that the hackers managed to get away with as much as 400 gigabytes worth of sensitive information, compromising the personal information of around 4,000 staff members, as well as corporate and political information relating to UN operations. The data breach was able to occur in the first place as a result of the targeted hacking of several UN infrastructure components; including its human resources, printing, and antivirus systems.

Well that's interesting concerning all the Glitchiness as Microsoft has a Long History of Glitches, viruses and the need for antivirus protection.

Appears that the same Tech Giant, elitist with vast resources of wealth, who came from a family with connections and a Ma Gates who got his foot in the door at IBM when she was on a board with John Opel, who was the President/CEO/Chairman of Board of Directors at IBM.

Microsoft not so grassroots after all now was it?

And of course you've heard of the True History of who the idea actually belonged to in the first place. If not go here for a rundown with source links.


Find a list of SharePoint Vulnerabilities in sources below.

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Interesting. After the election.

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Another major bug fixed this month is also a bug in Hyper-V, Microsoft's virtualization technology, used to host virtual machines. Exploitable via a malicious SMB packet, this bug could allow remote attackers to compromise virtualized sandboxed environments, something that Hyper-V was designed to protect.

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Moved fall, 1993 as part of the 111th Military Intelligence Brigade to Fort Huachuca, Arizona.

Remember when Sydney Powell stated, "“Release the Kraken!"
Who or what could that involve?

Have you noticed what Gen. Flynn's career has involved?

  • His military assignments included multiple tours at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, with the 82nd Airborne Division, XVIII
  • Airborne Corps, and Joint Special Operations Command, where he deployed for the invasion of Grenada and Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti.

Flynn took a 40-foot leap off a cliff to retrieve two soldiers stranded in the ocean and bring them back to shore to be airlifted. Though he was reprimanded for his unauthorized actions, Flynn garnered respect among his fellow soldiers for what he did.

  • He also served with the 25th Infantry Division at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, at the Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana, and the Army Intelligence Center at Fort Huachuca, Arizona.

It is this one at Fort Huachuca that is of the most interest right now.

  • He commanded the 111th Military Intelligence Brigade from June 2002 to June 2004

  • he was the director of intelligence for Joint Special Operations Command from July 2004 to June 2007, with service in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) and the Iraq War (Operation Iraqi Freedom).

  • Flynn and his superior, General McChrystal, streamlined all intelligence so as to increase the tempo of operations and degrade the networks of Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

  • He served as the director of intelligence of the United States Central Command from June 2007 to July 2008

  • as the director of intelligence of the Joint Staff from July 2008 to June 2009

  • the director of intelligence of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan from June 2009 to October 2010.

Concerning Sydney Powell

Cases filed by Sidney Powell and others are not affiliated with the Trump Campaign and are riding on completely separate tracks from the campaign itself.

Interesting case filings include,

  • an affidavit out of Georgia where Sidney Powell includes expert witness Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia,who is an expert cybercrimes investigator & digital security executive, who has worked with the CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA and U.S. military counterintelligence.
  • His sworn affidavit statement includes and describes the specialty tools named Hammer and Scorecard which have been alleged to have been used to alter vote counts in many elections for decades.

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An overview of Hammer is that it is a general purpose tooklit used for State level cyberwarfare. It’s a general toolkit that is used with other plug-in applications that carry out job-specific tasks like spying, moving money, tracking people, or perhaps changing votes. One plug-in application that’s described by Lt. General McInerney is Scorecard. He explains it as an app designed for rigging election results.

A server farm in Frankfurt, Germany was where the Dominion Voting System was transmitting the voter data for counting calculations, and presumably alteration.

According to Repub. LI

Major Jeffrey Prather, a veteran of the DEA and the 4th Psychological Operations Group in the Army Special Forces describes the latest developments in his investigation. He describes Kraken as counterinsurgency tool that is able to track vote-switching. He says the vote-switching operation against the 2020 Election was a cover operation based in Frankfurt Germany.

In the phone interview General Flynn discusses how China’s efforts to become the sole superpower by the middle of this century were foiled when President Trump won in 2016. He says they didn’t like the new direction of the USA and decided not to let it happen again. Before the election there were various events that indicated China in particular had a lot of interest in meddling with the 2020 US Presidential election. Foreign interference in the US election is unacceptable as a National Security Matter and perhaps the Military was ready as a backstop.

Lt. General Thomas McInerney and Lt. General Michael Flynn gave interviews yesterday to WVW Broadcasting Network. It was Flynn’s first interview since his pardon.

Special Forces Raid CIA Run Server Facility in Germany ~ Seize US Election Servers



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