The Opening Statement of Sen. Advisor on President Trump's Legal Team. Preservation of Election Integrity, Will the mainstream media do their duty to the American People and cover this Court Case? Who really decides the Election? Who owns the Airwaves?

in #election20204 years ago (edited)

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Dancing around the merits of this case.
This is what Jena Ellis stated in regards to the media's handling of the case, the corporate owned media that is!

Worth the watch, you will find the link at the bottom.
I have given a summary of Key Points and my take on this.

Are Press Conferences from President Trump still allowed or are those not on the approved FB Overlord list?

Asking for a friend.

This was on CSPAN, you good with that Zuck?

This is to protect integrity.

This is a case that would general take Years in Civil Litigation.

In cases where only One Law was broken it can take days as it must go through the system.

Right now, the mainstream media and those who are left tuning in to them, are the Court of Public Opinion.*

The actual ruling Will Not be passed down by the Court of Public Opinion; therefore, because if we were we would get Biased Jurors.

In other words Mainstream Media and Public Opinion Do Not Call Elections.

Worth repeating?

MSM and those voicing their Public Opinion Do Not Decide nor do they call Elections!

So only a Judge

  • on a bench
  • in a courtroom
  • who has sworn an oath to be unbiased in our Separation of Powers

What Does Matter in a Court of Law


Fair Reporters will cover that fairly and appropriately.

Their corporate owned media employers will allow coverage of the Legal Team If they are Fair.

Do you think they are?

Will they be?

Jena Ellis, President Trump's Senior Legal Advisor clearly states,

" That is absolutely Shocking that all you cover are round the margins, and I've seen all of you taking pictures right now."

"And I can anticipate what your headlines are going to be."

"If you are not willing to talk about the Evidence that has been presented, then that is Absolutely Unacceptable for journalistic standards!"

She continues,

This is an opening statement. This is something where we have told you what the Evidence Will Show, and we have given you a brief description.

That happens in a courtroom all the time, where that is not a Fact Finding Process. ..that is just an Overview.

That is what we have given you today because the American People deserve to know what we have uncovered in the last couple of weeks.

She reminds,

  • this is such a short time frame
  • this is an Elite Strike Force Team that is working on behalf of the President and the campaign to make sure that our Constitution is Protected.
  • We are a Nation of Rules, Not a Nation of Rulers.
  • There is not someone who can just Pick who the next president is Outside the Will of the American People. (We are not going to be a banana republic).

The Voter Fraud being spoken about is actually Election Official Fraud.

The Constitution requires that the State Legislators make the election law. ..the part some left out was. . .
**it Still Has to go by the Constitution!"

Think, who keeps wanting to Change the Constitution?

Who doesn't want to have a foundation and set of rules that Both sides must adhere to? Who is always tampering with law and order? Who touts programs of defund the p_ic?

You know who. How will anarchy benefit their side?
Has it already worked well as a distractor and divider?

So in This Case, what has happened is state and local officials all the way up have changed the rules.

Jena Ellis specifically states, "That's what the De*o_rats do, if they Don't like the Rules, they Change them!

  • They change them at the last minute
  • They manipulate them
  • They want to tear down our American System

Our founders were so brilliant that they anticipated this. That there would be corruption, foreign influence, there would be attempts to manipulate the outcome of the election.

Who all have read Alexander Hamilton's Federalist Paper 68? It concerns his address to the People of New York and the Chief Magistrate.

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What did Hamilton describe as an Advocacy Position to Adopt and Ratify the Electoral College and the Process by which we select our President?

We select our President through the Electoral College not because it disenfranchises voters, but because it is a Security Mechanism for exactly the type of corruption that we are uncovering.

Our founders had the foresight to put in those Protections and Provisions to make sure that your Legitimate, Legal Vote is Not disenfranchised.

That is what this legal team is advocating for. That want to Protect Election Integrity.

President Trump is in this fight because he understands that when he swore into this oath of office, he swore an oath to uphold and defend the United States Constitution. That is what he is doing and That is what We the People hired him to do way back when a Presidential Exploratory Committee was established in 1999 not long after the disappearance of JFKjr. Evidence and link with the footage where it was stated on Larry King Live way back in the day in the comments of this Original Post. Access if seeing elsewhere by clicking on the time stamp underneath my name.

Just a reminder, that is why it is the Duty of We the People to Always be TestingTheNarrative. Their narrative is there to benefit whom? Are they looking out for you or their globalist overlords that control the purse strings and who is put in power?

"If the United States caves to corruption or this Kind of Election Integrity Disaster, then No Election will be secure from here on out!"

How about that Time in History where the call and duty has come to Unite and take a Stand Together?

This legal team is not just standing in the gap for President Trump's defense, they are there to defend We the People. This is OUR Country. The government is supposed to be By the People and For the People, not for the globalist, elite overlords and their gatekeepers of information.

There will be

  • No Backing down
  • We do not cave to intimidation tactics
  • censor us, we have other avenues of releasing and spreading the information already in place
  • the press should choose to cover this fairly and know that it matters. Will they?

This once again, is an Overview. This is not a Court of Law. We will get there!

The verified corruption in certain counties has shown to be irredeemably compromised.

This has just been our opening statement.
The rest will take time and we do have time as
You are HERE on the Time Continuum.

The white hats told you it would be Historical.

You are watching play out. ..What has been Before, will be again.

We are in Those Times!

Ecclesiastes 1:9
That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun.

That encodes 10, God is a God of Numbers and this is His coding for Completion!

This has been archived and will be distributed across various non censoring platforms including blockchain where the "Powers that be" cannot tamper and attempt to Delete the truth.

This is Why Project Looking Glass foretold Nothing They Do Can Stop What is Coming!

Thank you Great Guardian and Stellar Patriot Elsie Delaney for the following share on What a Republic is!

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Full Sources in comments and my archived article.
Godspeed Guardians and Patriots.
We are on our Way!

Never forget who the Prince and Power of the Air is...

Ephesians 2:2
“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:”

Now ask yourself, will the Corporate Owned Media do their job?
Who will they do their job for?
We the People or the bidding of their Employers?

Thank you to all who share this info out on various platforms as FB has been pulling this well before they canned me prior to the Election.

When I try to share out to groups they always put up this message so that I can't. Everyone is well aware they do it on purpose and there is Always a problem if a Truth teller is sharing out Truth!

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Trump Lawyer Eviscerates Media As They Try to Scream Over Her About Voter Fraud

Some of you have been asking where to find me as I just did another 30 day jail stint on FB for trying to share out truth with Vetted information and sources.

They came after me Big Time on YT and threatened to remove my channel even though my verified sources were some of their Own MSM. Channel content hidden and new channel under TestingTheNarrative2 More vids on Bitchute and Rumble.

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Youtube new channel
Melissa McGarity

Rumble Channel gives us time to upload, far more content on Bitchute though right now.
They are giving Bitchute troubles, so if they continue to lag their upload ability, we will upload the latest content on Rumble.

Other non censoring platforms where you can find me.

Natural News (I was told by the FB overlords their link is Not allowed on their site, wonder why? What are they afraid of?)

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Source and Connecting Articles/Reports

Facebook Post link all archived here as they tend to remove or at least bury truth info.

Why do they Need a Great Reset?





leave us and extradition area, vakay... I am not a fan of your writting style, but I don't think that you are with the pedo... and apprently there is 0 chance, almost, of anything in this regard... anyway... you are on your own :).

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