UN connections, Haiti, recent arrests involving UN Pedophile Officials, the Despicable Fraud of Hillary, Bill through their CF & Preying upon Haiti, Qanon Connections

in #greatawakening5 years ago (edited)

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Page 294 of OIG Report Mid Year Review

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Entire download here,

I recently did a report on this,


Interesting because these statements were made,

The Prime Minister, Jean Henry Céant, claims this,

According to a senator who spoke with him, the men planned to break into the central bank and then assassinate Céant.

Really, is That the explanation? Then why are they back home and just fine?

According to Private Osman,

“We were being used as pawns in a public fight between [President Moise] and the current Prime Minister of Haiti,” Osman said on Instagram. “We were not released, we were in fact rescued.”

I wonder whose story makes more sense as,

Osman thanked “the American government, the State Department, the U.S. Embassy in Haiti, The American Ambassador to Haiti and the hundreds of men and woman who stepped in to save us.”

Let's get into the nitty gritty of what has Already been pointed to in the Q drops and what anons, patriots and researches have been looking into since 2016.

Let's just start with the UN and see what and Where that leads Directly to.

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I'm sure the Globalists would have Loved to carry through with the plan, which was aided significantly by Deep State players. Many in place were involved in things of this heinous nature,

Top UNICEF children's rights campaigner - who led UK's anti-smacking campaign - is jailed for rape of boy, 13, in latest charity sex scandal

Peter Newell was a leading children's rights campaigner who worked for UNICEF

The 77-year-old, from London, led the UK's anti smacking campaign in a long and distinguished career
Newell also helped prepare UNICEF's Implementation Handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the Child

But now he is facing six years and eight months in jail for the abuse of a young boy

The 'horrific' sexual assaults took place over a three-year period in the 1960s

A UNICEF spokesman said today: 'We are deeply shocked to hear of the arrest of Peter Newell.'
He was convicted at Blackfriars Crown Court and has been put on the sex offenders register

See Source at bottom.

According to the New American,

And Newell-style abuse of children by UN officials is systemic, experts say — UN officials were even caught running a child porn studio in UNESCO's basement forcing children to engage in sex acts for the cameras. “There are tens of thousands of aid workers around the world with pedophile tendencies, but if you wear a UNICEF T-shirt nobody will ask what you’re up to,” said attorney and professor Andrew MacLeod, former chief of operations of the UN’s Emergency Coordination Center who became an anti-sex abuse campaigner after realizing the enormity of the problem. “You have the impunity to do whatever you want. It is endemic across the aid industry across the world.”

See source at bottom.

In a report, the UN admitted much of it. “The evidence shows that from late 2004 to mid-October 2007, at least 134 military members of the current and previous Sri Lankan contingents sexually exploited and abused at least nine Haitian children,” the UN report explained. “The sexual acts described by the nine victims are simply too many to be presented exhaustively in this report, especially since each claimed multiple sexual partners at various locations where the Sri Lankan contingents were deployed throughout Haiti over several years.”

Citing UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' own figures released last year, MacLeod and a group of campaigners known as “Hear Their Cries” estimated that there have been 60,000 victims of UN sex abuse just in the last decade. They also estimate that the UN currently employees some 3,300 pedophiles, many of whom have access to children and “diplomatic immunity” to shield them from justice.

According to Zero Edge in an article titled,

U.N. Child Abuse Scandal Is Latest In History Of Sex Crimes Committed By Officials, Peacekeepers

The United Nations has been rightfully blasted for its apparent unwillingness to take action and prevent repeated instances of the sexual abuse and exploitation of both women and minors. A 1996 U.N. study, The Impact of Armed Conflict on Children, noted that in half the cases examined, the arrival of peacekeeping troops to war torn areas was associated with a rapid rise in child prostitution on those states. In almost all cases, perpetrators are never prosecuted for their crimes. This is partially a result of the way in which the U.N. functions: peacekeeping forces enjoy immunity from prosecution in the state they are deployed to for policing, which can only be waived by the U.N. secretary-general to assist the flow of justice. Before that can even happen however, investigators must be sent to establish that a crime did in fact take place, making the U.N. the judge, jury and executioner in many of the reported cases of abuse. This effectively results in an almost complete lack of convictions, such as in the case of the Haitian ring reported on by AP this year.

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For more information in Erik Prince you can go here,


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From Fox News,

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BERLIN – The U.N.'s nuclear watchdog says its top inspector has quit with immediate effect, just as the agency's work in Iran is once again in focus.

The International Atomic Energy Agency didn't give a reason for the sudden resignation of Tero Varjoranta, stating Saturday that it doesn't comment on confidential personnel matters.

Varjoranta, who was in the role for almost five years, will be replaced temporarily by Massimo Aparo, an Italian nuclear engineer who was most recently the agency's top inspector for Iran.

The move comes just days after U.S. President Donald Trump announced the United States would withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear accord designed to keep Tehran's atomic weapons program in check.

The Vienna-based nuclear agency says it has no indications Iran is in breach of the accord.

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According to NYT,

By Jack Ewing and Stanley Reed

May 9, 2018

FRANKFURT — European companies moved quickly to invest in Iran after it agreed in 2015 to mothball its nuclear weapons program in return for an end to economic sanctions.

Automakers like Daimler and PSA Peugeot Citroën linked up with Iranian partners to sell vehicles. Siemens of Germany struck a deal to deliver locomotives. Total of France began a project to explore offshore natural gas.

Yet even before President Trump pulled out of the agreement with Iran, many companies had already tempered their expectations and limited their investment. Now their prospects look murkier as European leaders try to determine whether there is a path forward without the United States.

Officials in Europe want to protect its companies by finding ways to shield them from American sanctions while they continue doing business in Iran….

From The Hill,

State Dept nuclear expert leaves agency after Trump withdraws from Iran deal

State Dept nuclear expert leaves agency after Trump withdraws from Iran deal

A top nuclear expert has resigned from the State Department following President Trump's decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal.

Richard Johnson, acting assistant coordinator in the agency’s Office of Iran Nuclear Implementation, stepped down this week, according to Foreign Policy.

Johnson had been involved in negotiations with European countries working to save the deal.

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Existential Threat Like they've Never Seen Before. This is a Crossroads. Will We the People Reclaim our Government?

He states much of the destruction here.

Establishment Exists to Protect Itself!

Controlled by Global Special Interests

Only a little over 5 min. and Oh So Telling!

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Military OP.


General K [JFK]

Full Disclosure.

General Statement:

Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.

[RR] problems.

What was RR's Senate Conf Vote?

WRAY reports to RR [important fact].

Who do you TRUST?

[RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller?

Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?

Who is Rachel Brand?

Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?

Think timing.

"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically."



When does the clock run out?

Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?

TRUST (name).

These people are stupid.



Rachel Lee Brand (born May 1, 1973) is an American lawyer, academic, and former government official. She served as the United States Associate Attorney General from May 22, 2017, until February 20, 2018, when she resigned to take a job as head of global corporate governance at Walmart. Brand was the first woman to serve as Associate Attorney General.She also served as Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Policy in the George W. Bush administration and was appointed by President Barack Obama to serve on the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. Prior to becoming Associate Attorney General, Brand was an associate professor at Antonin Scalia Law School.

Rachel Brand Joins Walmart as Executive Vice President, Global Governance and Corporate Secretary


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until February 20, 2018, when she resigned to take a job as head of global corporate governance at Walmart.


Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?

Think timing.

Feb 20, 2018. "Think Timing," Anons.

Further…what exactly does a "head of global corporate governance at WalMart" DO?!?

Anonymous 05/21/18 (Mon) 19:13:03 31b486 (2) No.1497834

Remember, Hillary Clinton was a Walmart Director.

You can hear why here,

In 1986, Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, was under pressure to appoint a woman to the company’s 15-member -all male- board of directors. So, Mr. Walton asked a young lawyer, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who just happened to be married to the governor of Arkansas at the time, where Wal-Mart is based, to be the sole female member of the board.

During six years (1986 -1992) as a member of the Wal-Mart board of directors, Hillary Clinton remained silent as the world’s largest retailer waged a major campaign against the labor unions seeking to represent store workers. See source below.


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Now What does this have to do with the UN, Clinton Foundation and Haiti?

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Q proof as the drop is dated 2017 from this one,

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See this article from Feb. 19, 2018

UN Exposed as Haven for Child Rapists; More Scandals Coming

Which states the following,

As the scandals grow, the UN formally announced — for the first time ever — that it would not claim “diplomatic immunity” to protect the estimated 3,300 pedophiles working for the global organization. So far, though, virtually none of the UN troops involved in the widespread rape of children have been held criminally accountable. In fact, those who tried to stop the pedophile rapists were viciously persecuted while the predators continued their horrific abuses.

Meanwhile, as the UN faces global criticism for the abuse, the UN “education” agency known as UNESCO has just sparked controversy by releasing radical new “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” standards for humanity. Among other concerns, critics suggested the radical indoctrination program, which begins by normalizing the “LGBT” agenda and promoting "sexual pleasure" at age five, would help sexualize and “groom” young children, facilitating sexual abuse. UNICEF and other agencies repeatedly caught in pedophilia scandals were also involved in the new sex standards that critics say facilitate exploitation and abuse of children.

Aside from the UN itself, a number of globalist and leftist “non-governmental organizations” that purport to fight for “children” are also ensnared in growing child-rape scandals. So far, tax-funded Oxfam, the radical left-wing outfit that shills for globalism and statism, has taken center stage, with some of its top executives implicated in organizing or covering up orgies with local victims in Haiti, including allegations that some of the girls coerced into the bizarre “sex parties” were children. The scandal reportedly goes all the way to the top.

Among the explosive stories coming out is one that just hit the headlines this week. Former UNICEF “child rights” campaigner Peter Newell, who led the global effort to jail parents who spank their children as a disciplinary measure, was sentenced to six years in a British prison for raping a young boy, who was just 12 when the predatory UN official began raping him. The “horrific” abuse was perpetrated by Newell while he worked for the UN drawing up the guidelines for the totalitarian “UN Convention on the Rights of the Child,” a global scheme that sidelines parents and parental rights — thereby facilitating abuse of children by predators. The U.S. government has not joined the UN CRC.

And Newell-style abuse of children by UN officials is systemic, experts say — UN officials were even caught running a child porn studio in UNESCO's basement forcing children to engage in sex acts for the cameras. “There are tens of thousands of aid workers around the world with pedophile tendencies, but if you wear a UNICEF T-shirt nobody will ask what you’re up to,” said attorney and professor Andrew MacLeod, former chief of operations of the UN’s Emergency Coordination Center who became an anti-sex abuse campaigner after realizing the enormity of the problem. “You have the impunity to do whatever you want. It is endemic across the aid industry across the world.”

“The system is at fault, and should have stopped this years ago,” he warned. Among other policies, MacLeod says tougher background checks, an end to impunity, and more would be a good start. Acknowledging the enormity of the problem is important, too.

Other former UN employees-turned-whistleblowers have cited the culture at the UN as one of the reasons for the horrors. Speaking of “predatory pedophiles” in the so-called “aid” world who abuse children with impunity, former UN official Rasna Warah explained that “the culture of silence allows such wrongdoing to continue.” Warah, who wrote the book UNSilenced: UNmasking the United Nations' Culture of Cover-ups, Corruption and Impunity, said that this impunity was likely to continue at the UN — especially if the predators in question are senior UN officials.

“When in 2005, the UN established an Ethics Office, staff members believed that they could report criminal or unethical behaviour confidentially without being punished,” said Warah, who also suffered retaliation for trying to blow the whistle on UN corruption. “However, the UN Ethics Office has proved to be a channel through which wrongdoing is covered up. Very few staff members who have approached the office for help have obtained justice; on the contrary, many have been forced to resign or been fired.” To deal with the impunity, Warah wrote in her column at Kenya's The Daily Nation newspaper that officials of donor countries should consider withdrawing funds for UN agencies.

The problem of impunity and persecuting whistleblowers at the UN is well documented. When UN insiders have attempted to expose even horrifying abuses such as widespread child rape by the UN and its “peace” armies, the whistleblowers have typically faced persecution by UN leaders, while the perpetrators are generally protected at all costs. Anders Kompass, for example, the former UN human rights worker who tried to stop child rape in Africa by “peace” troops there, faced extreme retaliation for doing the right thing. After the persecution, he even wondered publicly whether ethics could ever return to the UN. He concluded that the answer was probably no.

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Far more connections to this I laid out in an article in which John Legend has also been connected to HRC. See how POTUS touched on the "Village Issue" with the link to the footage here,


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So why wasn't something more done Prior to President Trump? Was there an effort to conceal? Even when Cynthia McKinney called Rumsfeld out for knowledge of child sex trade and Still giving contracts out to organizations involved.

McKinney Grills Rumsfeld About DynCorp Sex Trade

This from March 2018

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So This is where we are now,

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What do you suppose was Really happening over there?


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No one ever told me this when I was in school. Did they ever tell you?

Former President Bill Clinton and his experience with Haitian Voodoo

Former US President Bill revealed in his new book " My Life" his experience with Haitian Voodoo which he found fascinating, and helped him to understand how different cultures try to make sense of life, nature, and spirit forces

Bill Hillary Clinton and their experience with Haitian Voodoo

The former US President recalled that back in 1975 after his wedding with Hillary, the couple was awarded a trip to Haiti from a friend David Edwards

Bill Clinton explained in his book that Hillary, his friend Edwards and he went to see a voodoo ceremony near Port-au-Prince. After a brief description of the voodoo religion, later that day, Voodoo priest Max Beauvoir later conducted a voodoo ceremony in their presence.

The Clinton's watched the arrival the spirit, people putting burning torch over their body, walking on hot coals without being burned while other grabbing live chicken and biting their head off.

Bill Clinton wrote that the lesson taken from that experience in Haiti is that "The Lord works in mysterious ways."

The Lord?

Joshua 24:15
“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

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So in drawing closer to summing this up, once again,

Prime Minister of Haiti, Jean Henry Céant, claims this,

According to a senator who spoke with him, the men planned to break into the central bank and then assassinate Céant.

Now I would say That is Rather interesting Mr. Ceant, because. ..Your bank is under the Roths Central banking system.

You know, the ones in This list,

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See those youtube links and what was said if you're not already familiar in the article I mentioned earlier here,


According to Zero Hedge,

AIDS-Free World maintains a set of guidelines updated yearly by the U.N. in a lame and futile attempt to prevent sexual abuse and exploitation by its personnel. But these guidelines do not address the systemic problems resulting from the legal status of peacekeepers and investigative methods which contribute to the situation. Similarly, it does nothing to address the top-down corruption in the United Nations that was highlighted by the 1987 UNICEF child pornography scandal, which gives troubling context to the apparent disinterest of officials in dealing with allegations reported by whistleblowers such as Anders Kompass. Until the United Nations takes a serious approach to combatting sexual abuse committed by its officials and peacekeepers, repeated instances of this behavior will more than likely continue unabated.

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Hillary Clinton laughed about defending a rapist of a 12 year old - lawyers shocked

The Comments are Always interesting and Many very telling!

Hear the tapes here, bringing it in right where they go over this part,

I leave you with this. Happy Hunting!

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