See Obama & Joe Biden take credit for all President Trump and We the People have done. Obama Virtue Signals with Air Elbow. Sidebar, heads together, then Joe takes the walk of shame back to stage desperately searching for that mask. Found it Bama!

in #bidenrallyinflint4 years ago (edited)

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You guys HAVE to see this. . .what transpires at the end. ..
Notice the whole hat thing (copy cat of the MAGA hats?) but guess what he Leaves the stage WITHOUT?
That's right His Mask. . .watch Obama virtue signal with the whole elbow thing, but even Biden can't follow their script perfectly because. . .
he Still pats Obama on the back AND gets close to him talking. Before you know it, you see Biden heading back to the stage.
He's Clearly forgotten something.
You can tell because he is fishing around, looking around, even dives into his pockets. So Obvious.
Then all of a sudden you see him holding up his mask showing Obama. I'll bet Barry was just shaking his head because Joe Can't follow their script. It's not that he doesn't Want to, it's that Joe has trouble tracking!

Bringing it in at this Exact spot,

You should watch the footage prior to the mask debacle.
Sounds like his script writer has honed in on Our points and our fight against Their corruption and evil!
The digging out the hat and put it on. . .copy cat of the Trump Maga hat?

Bringing it at this exact point here

You decide!

Here is the entire Flint, Michigan rally

Biden, Obama hold a drive-in event in Flint, Michigan

Some comments made while watching this under my TestingTheNarrative account.

Sure is Interesting them trying to give someone credit for the auto industry when this deal was done!
Remember? Henniges auto absorbed by that Chinese company (AVIC) that partnered with Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca firm.

All mapped out here in undr 7min and set to Amazing Music!
What is going on? How many people connected to Epstein? Epstein connected to Biden Deal?

President Trump was hired years ago Obama. ..

The Gig is up Obama. .even CDC has talked about how high the mortality rate is!

The people who Did go against CDC Guidelines were 5 Dem governors who went Directly Against the CDC guidelines and put those infected Back into the Nursing home population.

People get sick with flu Obama.Guess what. ..not everyone dies.
It was President Trump who shut down the travel from China when Biden and Pelosi didn't want to.
Odd you Pretend that didn't happen!

Sounds like YOU"RE jealous Obama as you can't draw Near the crowds President Trump does!
Sounds like it's EXACTLY what You are worried about Obama.

We already know, you're not attacking President Trump. . you're after We the People Obama.
Did you notice they have evidence of someone O knows in H's l*pt_p photos.

Not good. Someone should have protected their children!

Guess what Even Dem leaders are saying President Trump handled the pandemic in a Stellar manner!

You're YELLING Obama. ..your Panic is showing!

It wasn't the Soul of his son we were seeing in that information that leaked out!

We know his eyes light up when he sees a kid.

Didn't Joe have over 40 years as a Career Politician to get all of those things done Obama?
Why didn't he?

Was his mother still alive when Obama was running?
How old is Joe?

YIKES. ..No scandals?
Errrr. . .Fast and Furious
Arab Spring
You can keep your doctor. .. .oops I lied
Healthcare for all. .oops sorry your healthcare costs just went up 4x's the cost Even for the Working Class
ISIS. . .Oops called them the JV team
Line in the sand. ..sorry I didn't mean it
pallets of cash to a country yelling Death to America

Yep, I can see where Joe would call that scandal free Especially after seeing all his son has been up to. . .

Joe, you shouldn't be throwing the word "perverted" around like that all nilly willy. Have you looked at this one?

Biden touching girls compilation

Why aren't you talking about your other son Joe? You know Hunter?
Did you see all those pics Chinese Television released. Whoa!

The Flint deal happened on your's and Obama's watch Joe!

And just as a reminder to everyone. . .

Key videos to watch. . .
Behind the curtain see 2 events 1 in U.S., other China held on the same day. See Corona Timeline

It's been a long road! The Montauk Connection! Have you seen the Script? JFKjr life and times.

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