The Old Dog Describes: Four Ways to Mentor Fellow Steemers!

in #mentoring7 years ago (edited)

Mentoring is crucial in all aspects of life! On Steemit, with so much to learn and so much to gain it's essential! Let's briefly look at 4 different ways to give and receive help. Please keep in mind that there are many "how to" articles on itself and every member has the responsibility of doing lots of learning on their own.

Like any willing student @airmatti is taking notes during our mentoring session! What a great guy!

The other day  a fairly new Steemer @airmatti came to visit me to get some help with Steeming! He's very nice, an interesting guy and a talented artist. Although I'm about 30 years older than him we have a lot in common and we're becoming good friends! Please check out his site @airmatti

1.) Mentoring In Person

We had a great time discussing Steemit and I was able to show him some of the "tricks of the trade" that I've learned over this past year! This was the first time that I've mentored someone in person and there are huge advantages to showing someone things in a practical way!

Here Is Some Of What We Discussed

  • He had posted this example of his work that morning from home: Kids animals #2: Little Red Panda taking a nap and we decided to edit it a bit on my computer. I showed him how to send me the html code so that we could work on my nice big Mac! We added a nice footer with his logo and I showed him how to use the built in editor to change font sizes, and add links and bullet points. 
  • We also discussed adding a few facts about the subject of his art rather than simply posting a picture of it. He added some info to make things more interesting and now that he knows better how things work he'll fly!
  • Next I showed him some of the artists on Steemit that he could follow and interact with and since I have a good rapport with them I asked a few, by means of if they could have a look at his post!
  • We then examined and so that he could see other interface options! He already knew about e steem.
  • I was also able to answer any and all questions about Steem, Steempower, SBD, curating, building a brand and the value of commenting among other things! What a great session!

I'm looking forward to seeing some incredible things form @airmatti in the future!

2.) Mentoring Via Video Conference

I've only had the chance to do this once. It was with @fistaganos and it was a wonderful experience to speak to a Steemer in Nigeria while sitting in my office in Switzerland! Try it and I'm sure that you'll love it! Below you can read about the experience. 

The Old Dog Reports: In Africa, Steemit is Changing One Life At A Time. Meet @fisteganos

I'd definitely recommend this type of interaction!

3.) Mentoring On

From time to time I get a pm in with a request for mentoring. If I can, I'm willing to help out. That was the case last week with @steemlifestyle. We don't know each other but he reached out to me. Here's a bit of our conversation.

It was great communicating with, helping and getting to know @steemlifestye He's doing great so check him out!

4.) Mentoring By Leaving Comments On Posts!

Below you can see the post of one of our younger members, 13 year old @nba05. He is the son of another Steemer that I was able to help a bit @mathworksheets. Notice the comment that I made on his post and then if you're interested take a look at how much better @nba05 is doing now!

Why not follow @nba05. We need to support our young members and perhaps you could give him some tips too!

Sometimes after communicating with someone on their post I invite them into to do some more private mentoring!

Remember: If We're Going To Succeed We need To Do It Together!

I hope that you enjoyed this article about four ways to mentor!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     


Hey man this post is awesome! It is so kind of you to provide opinions to new users and help them improve their blog posts! Do you think the quality of posts is closely related to the number of upvotes? I previously spent quite a lot of time writing posts but didn't get much attention... on the other hand sometimes I posts simple articles but I get even more votes! If you have time would you take a look at my posts and give me some comments? Thanks so much!

I'll have a look!

thanks old dog :)

you really have a huge heart Old Dog
that's why you're also so blessed!

You're right @englishtcrivy. When we help others we help ourselves in so many ways and we find happiness in doing it. Thanks for your great comments and greeting to hubby!

You are right! Steemit is very special platform because all the users have to contribute and do the things together in order to lead ourselves to success.

Excellent post @kus-knee!

I love how you show examples of what you have done on the platform and how it is influencing for the better many of us and your close ones. All for one and one for all!

Namaste :)

Thanks so much encourager and expert commentor!

Has I suggested personally, I think kus-knee aka the old dog, who started steeming without having any social network account before, should open a steem-school. It's a real platform expert and a secret knower and very available if you have questions! Thanks a lot for the very useful lesson and for sharing your knowledge -->
that's the big lesson we have to learn!!

You did a great job

Drops by drops a vast ocean is filled so this is the true with help on steemit. Often newbies get confused here and seek for help here and there. By mentoring they will really be helped and being able to explore it more and more. You are really doing the great job buddy.

Thanks so much but I'm just having fun! I

I loved this article. It is helpful, informative, and made me feel even more welcome to that weird?

This is my first week on steemit and there is a lot to learn, unfortunately my brain is old and tired and I don't learn and retain like I did when I was younger but hopefully someday soon I'll catch on and get as many followers as you have.

Thank you to you, and to the others out there in the steemit community, that are willing to take the time to answer the questions for all of us newbies. :D

What a great comment. My brain is kinda fried to so no worries. How old are you? I'm going to be searching for Steemit Seniors soon!

I'm not 50 yet but I'm on pain medication that makes me a big foggy sometimes and I find that I'm just not learning and retaining information like I used to.

Sorry to hear that. Well for someome with that situation you're doing great. Some pain mess are super powerful! Is it your back that's bothering you? Anyway, the idea is to have fun and enjoy things here!

Thanks. Yes its my back. I hurt it 20+ years ago.

Hello Kus, very interesting article, i am new around here, but in 8 days i read a lot and learn a lot. I think mentoring is very important. I am gad to see that people spend ther time to teach others important things.

I'm so glad your here. Have a lot of fun and the rest will come naturally!

@kus-knee, another great post! And not just because these are useful tips, but also because the post itself is an excellent example of how Steemit grows as a result of being a true community; people helping people... a point I make a lot when talking to users of other social media. This kind of peer-to-peer mentoring and involvement just doesn't exist anywhere else.

It's great that you are taking these steps to help people... my own efforts so far are pretty minimal in comparison, mostly just seeking out newcomers and offering encouragement. But it all counts, I suppose, as part of a greater "pay it forward" plan.

I shall now go have a look at the folks you've been helping!

Thanks a lot! Actually I was thinking today about the best commenters on this platform and you are one of them. Just doing that helps others but you add excellent articles and often remind us not to look at Steemit as way to "get rich quick"!

Nice I will try to be more considerate and patient with my fellows :) Thank you for the great blog as well there is so much great content even after revisitng it there is so much to learn :)

Amazing to have a comment on such an old post. Thanks!

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