Tennessee Steemit Meetup, with Some Live Music

in #meetup6 years ago (edited)

This weekend was the Nashville meetup, and what an amazing time! But anyone there could tell you, I don’t sit still for long.

So let me invite you on a walkabout. I'll even sing to you.


Steemit family, I was thinking of you.

Before I go into my own story, I want you to know that I was thinking of you. There were a lot of people who weren’t able to be at this gathering. Those of you in different corners of the world who wanted to come (@saffisara, @hazem91, @mariannewest and so many others), or who were close but unable to make it (@patrice, @brandyb, @gomatthew), please don’t feel left out.

Also, a shout out to @snook, for being a big sister when I've needed it this week. I’m sorry you didn’t get to meet up with @topkpop—hope you feel better, Jenny!

I carried this crystal (citrine) around most of Friday and Saturday, and it came to symbolize all of you who wished you could be at the meetup with us.


At first, I brought my crystal with thoughts of @thekittygirl, but then I realized how much @zen-art, @nainaztengra and many others would love it as well. The more I held it, the more conscious I was that the crystal could help connect our energy—share the love on a broader scale.

It also gave me something to do with my hands. ;)

I played with this crystal while sitting in on a fascinating conversation between @lukestokes and @sircork. A little later, @ameliabartlett commented that I was holding a piece of citrine while radical truths were flying around, and that the stone was amplifying it. I laughed when she said it, as the thought hadn’t crossed my mind, but she’s probably right. More on that conversation later.

Oh, and sorry Petra, the kilt thing did not happen. No one was up for Ren Faire Sunday, and honestly I would’ve been a zombie. Not enough sleep! Plus, the father has been doing a fair bit of driving. He deserved a day off with his family. But I digress…

Let’s go back to Friday, shall we?

Walk With Me.

I drove out with @enginewitty on Friday, as he was doing his Hots or Shots shoot with @jonny-clearwater. I did mine on Monday, and really enjoyed the interview.

My favorite thing about Hots or Shots are the questions Jonny asks, and the thoughtful conversations that are sparked, giving us a chance to get to know each person in the episodes as well as further insight into @jonny-clearwater’s mind.

I had intended on watching Witty’s show live, and the others that were filmed over the weekend, but I couldn’t sit for that long.

I met some great people, including @instructor2121 (Rick), and @freedompoint (the Yeti), who were hanging on the veranda with @enginewitty in this shot.


That’s Rick doing his patented “lean back in the chair without falling over” lounge. The man is really good at chilling out.

Me, I can’t stop moving. So I wandered the yard first. Come with me!


This tree looked like a good place to sit, but of course I didn’t. This mama loves to hike, and I haven’t had much chance to move at my own pace in a while. I kept going.


Love this curl of vine. I’m blown away by the lushness of the landscape here. The forest is so thick in places it may as well be jungle.

I headed up the driveway, and along the road for a while. The sun beat down on me, and I returned maybe forty minutes later wet with sweat.


After a bit of conversation, I figured I’d go out for another walk, the other way on the road this time. Big clouds had built up in the sky, which I thought would be a nice change from the heat on my previous walk.

A little ways down the road I decided those were rain clouds, but I ignored the voice that told me to turn around. Instead, I walked farther. Of course, the rain started coming down, and I hightailed it back to the house. I walked fast, ran a bit, and still got soaked.

But it was so warm I enjoyed getting caught in the rain. I travel with a change of clothes, and @flowerpowerart showed me the dryer, so I wasn’t drenched for long. (Thank you, Heather!)

Now that I’d gotten some energy out, I could chill and get to know people a little bit.

@daltono showed up, and from his kind smile and funky style I liked him immediately. I had him show me his tattoos, and got the short-version of the stories behind the amazing amount of ink covering his body.

Speaking of ink, I loved @freedompoint’s tree tattoo up his right arm. The light within, the cosmos, and everything that makes the tree grow… Nice one!

@anarcho-andrei came in as well. I was looking forward to connecting with another writer, especially since he’s on my #SteemWars crew in The Writer’s Block. We had fun laughing about the torture of law school, since he’d just finished up finals. Well spoken guy. Great sense of humor.

Andrei was set to do a Hots or Shots that evening, but @enginewitty and I decided it was time to call it a night and headed back to our respective families.


The plan for Saturday was we’d all show up early and attend the witness chat on the Steemit Ramble discord together, but that only sort of worked. First off, people rolled in at a leisurely pace (Witty calls it irie time), and second, the power was out for a little while.

So I went for a morning walk. Of course I did.

When I got back, more Steemians had arrived, and @sircork’s laptop was broadcasting the discussion so we could all hear it.

Yay! I finally got to give @sircork a hug, and @rhondak!


As always, @shadowspub did an amazing job mediating the witness chat.

Rhonda posted a pic of me to the chat, then a second one as my response to @thehive commenting on my legs being too white. I may have flipped off the camera on that second shot. Whoops! I had a bit of attitude that morning. ;)

Thanks to @rhondak for this photo!

A little later, @ancapbarbie rolled in with her dog, Adam. She drove such a long distance to be with us! What a treat to be able to stand on tiptoes and give her a hug, to sit on the porch and laugh with her. To just spend time together in the flesh.

During a lull in the day, Adam the dog came for a walk with Witty and me around the property.


@freedomtowrite was there with her family, and I’m sorry I didn’t get much chance to connect with her. The wonderful thing is we can now deepen the relationship via Steemit. I love this platform!

How about a shot from the loft, where I stopped to enjoy the view of some wonderful people conversing. Here’s @lukestokes chatting with @rhondak, @anarcho-andrei, and @jonny-clearwater, while @enginewitty and @flowerpowerart help set up the eats that @sircork BBQ’ed.


While @ancapbarbie and @freedompoint sat down to do their combined Hots or Shots shoot, I went for a walk with Corky.

@sircork and I sat on a porch swing. He told me about the artwork on the side of the barn being something unique to the region, which I thought was pretty cool. I told him about the origin of my middle name, Hokule’a, and how it was one of those moments in life where you reach a fork in the road. Grateful we had that time to just chill together, and swing in the shade.


How ‘bout a song?

At some point in the afternoon I picked up the guitar @sircork was kind enough to bring, and played a song. Massive gratitude to @enginewitty for getting this on video.

I’d posted the lyrics a while back, and was happy to have this recorded, especially with the voices of friends in the background. Such a special moment. You can even see Cork’s reflection in the guitar.

--Detours: Original song by Katrina Ariel--

Excess excess you know I feel it,
Feel it from time to time.
Liquid and smoke in my memory,
Memories in my rhyme.
Drunken fingers trip over their strings…
Dark gravel voice slips her dress off as she sings.

I know that the magic’s in the moment
So I hold it there.
Then the present takes my imagination
And strips it bare.
But I’m still attached to my stories
I love to let ‘em fly
So I swirl my reality in the sky…

I can be inspired in any state
Of mind in any space
These detours have their place.

Breathe in breathe out
You know this body likes to play
Sway with the rhythm
Inside of me and I can
BREATHE it out.
But I gotta get comfortable with dancing alone.
If I’m gonna grow it’s gonna be on my own.

So excess excess let’s enjoy this time together
While we have it.
Singin’ my smoky sexy song voice
Thinkin’ in fragments.
Between these sliding words
I take a moment to think
‘Bout the impact of my actions
Then I blink…

I can be inspired in any state
Of mind in any space
These detours have their place.


One of the highlights of the day: SirCork and LukeStokes sit down together.

The conversation between @lukestokes and @sircork was amazing. It lasted at least an hour, probably two. These guys have not seen eye to eye in the past, and Stokes was about to leave. Instead, he sat down with a genuine desire to hear Cork’s side of things.

@enginewitty sat next to me, mostly quiet, listening in his laid-back way. Witnessing. Me, I’m not so good at keeping my mouth shut, and jumped in with my own perspective once or twice.

I think @rhondak (the other half of the witness duo that is @sircork) summed it up wonderfully in a recent comment thread:

The discussion between Luke Stokes and Sircork was powerful. Riveting. Friendly!!! No shots fired. No punches thrown. Just two of the brightest minds on the platform meeting for the first time, setting aside misconceptions, previous crossed wires, and just getting real… [It] brought out the best in both of them, I think. If not the best, at least the unvarnished truth. I was awed and humbled by that conversation, not only because of how technically in-depth it was, but because of the humanity I saw in both of them.

I gained an immense amount of respect for Stokes during this discussion. I already had love for Cork, but hadn’t had a chance to interact with Luke before the meetup. I’m grateful I was there.

@ameliabartlett showed up during this discussion, and jumped in with her bright mind. Her man Alhen sat in on it as well, with no idea of the history, but I guess he felt welcomed enough as he’s just joined Steemit as @hobotang! Wish you two had been there longer, but I'm so glad you came!!! 💖

Fireflies! And a fantastic interview.

I went chasing fireflies while others were doing various interviews. Fireflies!!! I got so excited seeing them light up! We don’t have fireflies in BC, and it’s been many years since they brightened the night for me.

via giphy

When I got back from my wander, I was asked to do an interview with @steemcafe. Now, I didn’t know how to take you at first, IJ, but I absolutely loved our conversation. Thanks so much for inviting me to chat!

Unfortunately, only part of the interview with @steemcafe was caught on tape… seems the data card was full before the end, but we're going to continue the conversation. Also, @instructor2121 pulled a sly move and broadcast the conversation to SteemSpeak, which I thought was pretty cool. Apparently @fyrstikken thinks I sound like @battleaxe. ;) Thanks for the compliment, dude. I love that lady!

Anyway, the party wrapped up out in the barn. I don’t have shots from the night, but here’s the setting.


Maybe you can imagine yourself there, with a very drunk Cork (after filming his Hots or Shots, with 13 shots in him at this point), Rhonda, her husband, Scott, Rick, Liberty, IJ, Witty, Barbie, Jonny, and myself, of course.

The conversation was hilarious, and we got some after-hours footage with questions from Jonny’s stack of cards.

Then I picked up the guitar and played a few songs. By the time I got home it was after 2:30 in the morning. I haven’t stayed out that late since before I had kids!

Memories made, and shared.

A big hug-tackle (without feathers this time) to @liberty-minded for taking this group shot!

If you ever get a chance to meet with other Steemians, do so! The camaraderie I felt was amazing.

I’m so glad this meetup happened, and grateful to everyone who was there. Massive love to each of you!

To those of you who weren’t able to make it, love to you as well!

Here’s that porch swing. No one on it in this photo, but maybe you can imagine yourself walking over and sitting down. I’ll sit there with you, for a little while at least. Time enough to trade stories, to have a hug, and to feel even more like family. 💖


Hope this made you smile. Thank you for reading!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel
(all photos mine unless otherwise credited)

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of Steemit.

dragon art: Liiga Smilshkalne

Banner by @PegasusPhysics




These detours have their place

Hey, thanks for the yuge 100% upvote worth 10 cents. Should we circlejerk each other? Who you delegating all your SP too?

Gosh lots of cool initiatives. I give everything away pretty much or loan it out. <3

Gosh sakes alive.

circlejerks and daisychains make Steemit the Shangri-La it is! <3 ;)
looks like a wonderful time and great peeps fo' sho'

lol! Happy to have you. Thanks for bringing the guitar, but thanks most especially for bringing YOU! 💖

Y'all come back now, hear?

You better believe it! 💖💖💖

Pssssht.... @katrina-ariel, I see a time-traveller in the last pic, right in the middle, see
He is impersonating @sircork, be-aware, take care!

lol! That guy is fun. Time traveller, 'eh? ;)

Was editing @sircork, found you catching my attention.

I'm glad I stuck around for that conversation also. :)

I really enjoyed meeting you and thank you also for your words of wisdom and insight.

Epic conversation! I'm lucky I didn't take off for a walk and miss it. ;) Thank you for giving me a chance to peek into your thought process, and to see how much you care. 💖

I just love cool people. You are among them for sure. I am chatting with cork right now. He says the meetup was great, the debate was awesome, and lots of awesome people showed up. Thanks for writing this! Wish I could have been there.

Thank you! I wish you could've been there, too. He tells the truth, it was awesome indeed. One day I hope we can get to a meetup at the same time! 💖

Me too! I'm in the West, though, and it looks like you guys are all too far away for a likely meetup with me anytime soon. But I betcha we'll cross paths some day soon. I can feel it in my bones...

My eye was leaking when you sang that song, could feel the emotion and sentiment. I'm getting impatient, I want to see all the episodes already LOL! And yes, that convo exchange between the two of them was intense and if it hadn't happened, I am pretty sure @ameliabartlett would not have been able to meet @lukestokes. He said he was leaving like 4 hours prior to that LMAO!

  • EDIT
    Irie is a term I picked up when I played with a Raggae band in Chattanooga when I was younger. It means good or feeling good and they would always say, 'eryting iss Irie, we get there when we gets there mon'. All in good time. IE - Irie time. :)

I know, we're going to have to wait sooooooooo long to watch the Hots or Shots episodes filmed here. But oh well, it'll be worth it. Grateful I had a chance to sing for you, my friend. Thank you for everything. 💖

I like irie time. Knew the term, but think I need to relax some and apply it to my life. ;)

Katrina! Oh, this post is wonderful. Lots of love to you. I removed my trail vote and re-voted at 100%.

You really captured the spirit of our time in Nashville. It was incredible.

Thank you! So glad you enjoyed the post. Wish I'd gotten more hugs with you... more time together next time. And yes, there will be a next time! 💖💖💖

You bet there will! I soooo wish you could do Gatlinburg at the end of June. But there's always Atlanta!

What a pretty crystal! And what a wonderful recap of your amazing weekend for those of us who could not be there! How sweet of you to think of us, despite all the excitement! I enjoyed reading every word and looking at your lovely photos! It looks like a perfect place for a meetup! Just wish I could have been there to give you a hug! 😊

Thank you so much my friend! The citrine has this sweet spot with rainbows. Such a gem (pun intended). Of course I was thinking of you! You're all my family. Hope I can hug you in real life one day, but sending virtual hugs now. 💖

Couldnt decide which part is my favorite. I guess that happens when you llove the story and the story teller... wait and the song and the singer. Great time you had, maybe one day I'll make it there :)

Aw, that's so kind of you to say. 💖💖💖 Glad you enjoyed the story, and the song. I do hope we end up at the same meetup one day!

Thank You for writing this!!!!!! Love all the photo's and your song!!

I'm so happy you had so much fun!! Love You! <3

You're most welcome! So glad it brought you joy. Much love, my friend! 💖💖💖

It did make me smile. Thanks for bringing the citrine and thinking about us, I was thinking about you too, for two whole days, wishing I was with all of you. It is so lovely to see you all together, you all look so cute and happy and are surrounded by such great positive energy. Your song is very nice, I love hearing your voice, reminds me of something, not sure what, like I have heard it before somewhere, a crazy feeling like I know it. Thank you for making this post and sharing your experience with the rest of us who were not so lucky to be able to join you. Much love 💚💚💚

Your song is very nice, I love hearing your voice, reminds me of something, not sure what, like I have heard it before somewhere, a crazy feeling like I know it.

We're all connected, and I think you and I quite strongly woven together. Thank you for reading, and for your sweet comment, and for thinking of us. I'm so glad you enjoyed the post and the song. Much love, sister! 💖

Oh honey, what to say to you @katrina-ariel, what to say...

Interesting! I had that same feeling, especially around 1:55 that was my favorite part :)

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