The Buddhist 10 Fold Path

in #meditation7 years ago


Right Concentration is not the end of the noble path. The next step is to sharpen one’s concentration and for it to become more penetrative. The two Buddhist methods of meditation in the Pali Canon are explained separately, although they could be seen as a single method together:

The first is the development of serenity (samatha), which has as it’s aim concentration [of the mind] (samadhi). These were discussed in the previous step of Right Concentration.

The second is the development of insight (vipassana), which has as it’s aim the knowledge and wisdom (panna) of how things truly are (yathabhutam). This is the true insight into the nature of reality.

To illustrate this in the teachings:

“Monks, these two things pertain to true knowledge. What two? Serenity and insight.

When serenity is developed, what benefit does one experience? The mind is developed. When the mind is developed, what benefit does one experience? Lust is abandoned.

When insight is developed, what benefit does one experience? Wisdom is developed. When wisdom is developed, what benefit does one experience? Ignorance is abandoned.” — AN I.61

In meditation the role of serenity meditation plays a slightly lesser role compared to insight mediation, because the latter is the important method used to rid oneself of the root causes of suffering, i.e., ignorance (avijja) and delusion. The attainments through serenity meditation were not new to India before the Buddha, but they can only bring about a better rebirth and not Buddhist Enlightenment. The Buddha includes serenity meditation as a practice, as the foundation and preparation for insight meditation:

“A mind defiled by lust is not liberated, and wisdom defiled by ignorance is not developed. Thus, monks, through the fading away of lust there is liberation of mind (ceto-vimutti), and through the fading away of ignorance there is liberation by wisdom (panna-vimutti).” — AN I.61

The usual order of meditation practice goes from concentration [serenity meditation] to wisdom [insight meditation], but several passages in the teachings explain different ways to reach the higher path. In general, three methods are mentioned:

  1. Developing serenity first and then insight [the usual order]
  2. Developing insight first and then serenity
  3. Developing the two together

Insight meditation is more refined contemplation on the ever-changing reality and to establish penetration into the true nature of forms and mental phenomena, to remove wrong views and our clinging to conceptual reality to see things as they truly are; to see them in three characteristics: as impermanent, as suffering, and not self.

The three characteristics are discussed in relation to the five clinging aggregates of material form, feeling, perception, mental formations, and consciousness:

“Monks, what do you think?

Is material form permanent or impermanent?”—“Impermanent, venerable sir.”
Is what is impermanent suffering or happiness?”—“Suffering, venerable sir.”
Is what is impermanent, suffering, and subject to change, fit to be regarded thus:
‘This is mine, this I am, this is my self’?”—“No, venerable sir.” — MN I.138

The knowledge and vision that is the result of serenity and insight meditation is considered Right Knowledge to the true nature of reality:

“Seeing thus, monks, a well-taught noble disciple becomes disenchanted with material form, disenchanted with feeling, disenchanted with perception, disenchanted with formations, disenchanted with consciousness. Being disenchanted, he becomes dispassionate. Through dispassion [his mind] is liberated.” — MN I.139

The Sangiti Sutta in the Digha Nikaya mentions four concentrative meditations, of which the 2nd pertains to gaining ‘knowledge and vision’ that is Right Knowledge. It summarizes the practice of the jhanas, serenity meditation, and insight meditation:

“‘Four concentrative meditations (samadhi-bhavana). This meditation, when developed and expanded, leads to:

  1. happiness here and now (ditthadhamma-sukha)
  2. gaining knowledge-and-vision (nana-dassana-patilabha)
  3. mindfulness and clear awareness (sati-sampajanna)
  4. the destruction of the corruptions (asavanam khaya)

  1. How does this practice lead to happiness here and now?

Here, a monk practices the four jhanas.

  1. How does it lead to the gaining of knowledge-and-vision?

Here, a monk attends to the perception of light,
he fixes his mind to the perception of day, by night as by day, by day
as by night. In this way, with a mind clear and unclouded,
he develops a state of mind that is full of brightness.

(3) How does it lead to mindfulness and clear awareness?

Here, a monk knows feelings as they arise, remain and vanish;
he knows perceptions as they arise, remain and vanish
he knows thoughts (vitakka) as they arise, remain and vanish.

(4) How does this practice lead to the destruction of the corruptions?

Here, a monk abides in the contemplation of the rise and fall of the five aggregates of grasping:

“This is material form, this is its arising, this is its ceasing;
these are feelings, this is its arising, this is its ceasing;
this is perception, this is its arising, this is its ceasing;
these are the mental formations, this is its arising, this is its ceasing;
this is consciousness, this is its arising, this is its ceasing.” — DN III.223

This Right Knowledge is the king of the world:

“But among knowledges, Ananda, this one is unsurpassed, namely, the knowledge of these things and those things as they really are. And, I say, there is no other knowledge higher or more excellent than this.” — AN V.38

In the next post No. 10, the final and last step of the path will be discussed: Right Liberation.

The Nikayas are Buddhist books that form the earliest Buddhist canon of scriptures containing the teachings of the Buddha.

First of all, it really helps to have these books in digital form, so you can search for a particular word easily and be able to read how it is mentioned and in what context it is placed in the teachings of the Buddha.

The following English translations of the primary texts are available and used:

  • The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya (SN)
  • The Long Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Digha Nikaya (DN)
  • The Middle-Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya (MN)
  • The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Anguttara Nikaya (AN

B. The Virtue and Moral Discipline aggregate of training

  1. Right livelihood (samma-ajiva)

C. The Concentration aggregate of training

  1. Right effort (samma-vayama)
  2. Right mindfulness (samma-sati)
  3. Right concentration (samma-samadhi)

The Ten-fold Path consists of two additional ‘folds’:

  1. Right knowledge / wisdom (samma-nana)
  2. Right liberation / release (samma-vimutti)

    Note: Quotations follow the PTS (Pali Text Society) naming and numbering format:

  • AN = Anguttara Nikaya,
  • DN = Digha Nikaya,
  • MN = Majjhima Nikaya,
  • SN= Samyutta Nikaya); followed by book number in roman capitalized numerals and verse number (for example, AN I.30 = Anguttara Nikaya book 1 verse 30).

Pictures From Pixabay

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In the teachings of Buddha that vices are due to stupidity and lack of understanding of things in the right face... This also introduces into the RIGHT KNOWLEDGE

Once one is free of craving, hatred, and ignorance regarding self, right knowledge will be easier to intuit...

Stupidity can't be changed, stupid is as stupid does, but ignorance can be transformed into wisdom!

This is just an opinion of a ignorant person....hahaha

Hey @reddust, I'm a Buddhist. I'm so happy to see that you're interested in our meditation. People spend a lot of time on many things but they don't have time to control their mind.

Btw, some people didn't even read your article, did they? I hate these scammers and I appreciate your work to discourage them.

Nice to meet you @mashiliyanage. Were you born into Buddhism or like me I found the teachings from reading a book on religion? I went and found a nice Korean Monk who taught me what I am writing about today.

People either don't know the unwritten rules regarding how to be successful on Steemit or they just don't care. I am not here to judge, just trying to help and keep my comment section clean of spam.

No, I was born into Buddhism. I'm very glad to know that some foreign people are interested in our meditation because many Buddhists in our country are only for the name. I couldn't understand all of this post because you have studied and written this so deeply. It's a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for replying :D I can help you if you have any questions in Buddhism. But I'm not as educated in Buddhism as you.

About scammers, it's a sad thing that they don't understand. Maybe they'll understand someday. Have a nice day :)

This is very interesting and is much needed instruction in our world today. I was on a plane with a man who was coming back to his now home in America after spending about 2 weeks in some sort of meditation camp in his homeland of India. He explained that he had been having trouble getting rid of a rash over his body and his wife had suggested that he try meditation. He said after the two weeks of intense meditation his rash was completely gone and he was so relaxed and healthy feeling.

I think many afflictions start in the mind, you know habits and reactions to data that is taken in and reacted to with negativity. Of course a healthy life style starts in the mind....I know this from my own experience🌀

It is hard to manipulate an individual who isn’t ignorant of self and realty as it is, there is no profit in selling wisdom. I think this is why this knowledge is not well known😉

Integrity also includes doing good and helping people at every opportunity. But most importantly, we understand the concept of true knowledge and reality. Thank you for sharing @reddust

There is a sutta that speaks of a village that was so virtuous it was easy for the Buddha to teach the Dhamma . I think from what I've read living a virtuous life makes it easier to see reality as it is rather than seeing the reality of wishes and could of beens...

I loved this and now I am just so enthusiastic and motivated to read the previous parts. I am meditating and chanting regularly these days and I am on the phase to build and unlock serenity. I am not there yet, but hopefully in some time, will have unlocked serenity. Trying to take things slowly and one at a time and see where my right concentration takes me. As for right concentration, I think I yet to have work on improving it completely but I can see some shift in that since the past 8 months.

I found avoiding tv and violent sexually charge entertainment has helped my serenity/calming the mind and body as well as trying to speak kindly. I don't have to meditate to do this. I found paying attention to my body sensations helps me as well. Staying aware that sensations can trigger old habits and letting the sensation pass without taking action also helped me...this awareness or mindfulness is developed on the cushion and integrated through practice in daily life. Many of my friends use chanting as a form of meditation as well. I think, this is just my opinion cultivating serenity/mindfulness/calmness is much like gardening. May your practice bring sweet fruit @sharoonyasir

For me, doing things mindfully is a type of meditation because from my research, I found out that meditation is about bringing a state of complete awareness which if you nurture can help you do everything with a peaceful state of mind and complete consciousness.

Staying aware that sensations can trigger old habits and letting the sensation pass without taking action also helped me.

What you said above helps me a lot too especially when I realize I'm thinking of the past or future concerns. It is then I bring my awareness to the moment and regain my sanity.

Embracing the mind is a good thing. Too many Americans do not reach their full potential because they do not understand concentration and the wonders that it offers. I often am quiet and and silent. It is then that I gain direction and understanding and creativity. Thanks @reddust.

I tried to hug my mind and fell on my face...hahaha, j/k

Seriously, it is odd don't you think people think that everything that goes on in the mind is really and who they are but actually it is like a reflection like in the mirror...

I didn't realize how hard it is to stay quite until I did a ten day silent retreat...hahaha <3

Of course, you should not lose sight of the physiological benefits you provide, such as reducing your heart rate, blood pressure and getting rid of the accumulated lactic acid in your muscles that can cause stress and fatigue and give you a quiet sleep. It also calms the nervous system, which is the basis of the body's safety, which also improves our physical and health condition.

being healthy is helpful regarding breaking free of the rounds of rebirth but not essential...what I read is..It is important to develop calmness and insight no matter what the mind and body are going through.

We cannot avoid sickness and death so the art of living is also the art of dying.

This is an opinion of someone who is still ignorant regarding reality as it truly is ...hahaha:p

You have wonderful ideas haha

Something else here related to my steemit noticed some disputes between some of the adult members here and the ancients
To notice something else there is a kind of new excellence that does not motivate them
I have been working hard for months and results. Nothing. I do not know what to do. I want your advice. I respect you very much @reddust

Have you joined a minnow group like PAL and also look up smartsteem, if you have a good reputation they may be helpful. It is hard to get noticed on steemit without a network to help. @curie for artist helped me...

Use only these Do you know one of the best onesIMG20180316164624.jpg

But it is very weak that raises my upvote 0.1 every 42 hours
I do not have income and study requires a lot of expenses and I want to help my mother

I don't know which one is the best, I cannot give advice, but PAL Network can help you. There are dedicated people on Discord that can answer all your questions @faissalchahid.

Thank you for helping me very well


good post friends.
but i want to ask.
why Buddhism symbolizes his religion with that leaf ... ??

Gautama the bodhisatta found freedom from suffering under the Bodhi Tree and became a Buddha. The bodhi tree and leaf represent the Dharma teachings and enlightenment, freedom from craving, hatred, and ignorance regarding who we truly are...

if you do not know what this is really for what you believe .... ???

I know this from study of ancient text translated into English, experience, and from teachers I trust because I studied with them for years. Blind belief is not acceptable in Buddhism. The leaf isn't worshiped and neither are statues, rituals, text, or teachers...also Buddhist do not worship gods or idols or believe rituals will save their souls....

how we believe if it does not exist.

It is up to the individual to figure that out😉 in Buddhism the individual must save oneself from ignorance no one else can do that even a God...hehe

hehe. Whatever you want. there's something I'm talking about with you. do i say here. .. ??

This is amazing over the years, Nidra Yoga has helped me on many levels. In times of crisis, when I felt tired and tired, or sick and stressed, it helped me regain my health and restore my health. In times of turmoil in my life, when I could not figure out the way, she guided me. It also helped me at some other time to get rid of bad habits and behaviors. The most important of these achievements was to change my relationship myself and enable me to get rid of smoking after many years of conflict with addiction to nicotine.

Many of the practices from Buddhism originated in India, which holds an amazing amount of wisdom. I agree changing the relationship with yourself help you find health. I found this to be true as well...

Its very interesting blog. I must say it is an inspirational writing. Bhudda says about family in his famous quote “A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if these minds get out of harmony with one another it is like a storm that plays havoc with the garden”
Family is what the result of love. Where there is love there is family. All humans are just like a one family if all of us know the real face of humanity

Family is very important and so is gardening. Both take a lot of work...hahaha <3

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