Medicine Card Monday #2 - My Gift To Steemit - April 16, 2018

in #medicinecardmonday6 years ago (edited)



As I mentioned last week I initiated a gift for all of Steemit called Medicine Card Monday, and with this intention I am pulling a card of healing for the community. This is different than tarot in that the cards I use are on the medicinal aspect of humanity other than the most common cards found in a tarot deck.

More specifically the decks I use are from the Medicine Cards that work with Spirit Animals, Mystical Shaman Oracle Cards, and the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards. The cards will assist in helping those interested, find comfort in things going on in our community and the world we are now dealing with. Namely, issues around the world, atmospheric, or overcoming health issues of all sorts, etc.

My hope is that by pulling a card for Steemit this will in turn assist with my Medicine training by using my intuition more (which can always use more practice), give back to the community, and help those seeking answers. I will take some of the reading from the guidebooks provided with the cards, but also give intuitive and medicinal words to help our community. We all have days that we need encouragement, inspiration, and comfort.

The card I picked for the week of April 16, 2018, is as follows:

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The Card


Starting in a sacred space with a clear mind and body I pulled card number 19 Fire from the Mystical Shaman ORACLE deck by Jenna DellaGrottaglia, Alberto Villoldo, Colette Baron-Reid, and Marcela Lobos.

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The Reading

What is very interesting about this deck is that the reading is divided into three sections, so let's begin.

The Essence

Starting with a summary of the guidebook; fire tends to consume anything in its path, flames remind us of the impermanence of nature, reality, or how situations transform into beauty or chaos. Fire is passion, warmth and light are heavenly, but too much heat can burn us. To fully step into the energy of fire is to be transformed like the Phoenix rising from the ashes.

This may be reminding us that Steemit was having a dip from $10 USD, when I first started and went as low as $1.50 USD. Those that stuck it out are now seeing us rise out of the ashes like a Phoenix. For those that push through the hard times, we all come together ahead after consistent work.

We may see plagiarism, arguments, or feel negative energy that are not of the content we feel should be on Steemit, but when we push through we find others that are like minded and come together in unity. We stepped through the fire energy and we will continue to rise and leave the chaos behind. When we stick together to clear negativity from the platform, there will be no need to have thought we should not be on Steemit for those feelings will have burned away with fire.

The Invitation

Warm your hands and your heart by your inner fire. Let it burn away your hardships; let it consume your pain and sorrow. Has life become too rigid, cold, or superficial? Light a candle or make a bonfire, toss your feelings of rigidity and pain into the fire. Give everything to the fire for a rapid transformation.

As we can see we need to let our negativity go and do so by lighting a fire or match and imagining that negativity being sent into that flame. Light that fire and let it go away from our body and into that flame, then push that energy out into that candle or bonfire. It works!

The Medicine

Are you feeling too fiery? Have you been reactive and short-tempered toward others? All fiery emotions directed towards others can and usually "backfire" back to you. As we learned from a child, it is not good to play with fire and the same is true when we are out of balance or angry. Now is the not the time to act or react. It is time to remain calm and befriend your inner fire so it does not scorch you.

Here we can see that many times an innocent person comes along and writes something they are passionate about, for instance Grumpy Cat or MadPuppy and their never ending flags, maybe it is about the new Transparency Bot, or the very new post about Payouts for Upvotes Must be above .01 for a valid Payout. We all have a choice to either react in anger or to take a step back and respond responsibly. Maybe if we see a comment opposed to our own viewpoint is not to react with scathing remarks.

Another instance is if we happen upon a discussion and we do not like the topic of that discussing then instead of responding in a negative fashion, the most positive way to react is to step away from the keyboard. Is it not always better to create positivity and to treat others as we would want to be treated?

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I hope you liked the reading for this week! If so, please leave a comment below. I'd love to hear what you think (but not if you think it's all BS!) That's typical Eagle Spirit humor right there.

Have a glorious week and come back next Monday for another Medicine Card reading! Peace.

Dear Steemian, Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine Woman in Training, first time blogger since November 2017 right here on Steemit, paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with minnows @minnowbootcamp by helping fellow minnows adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, energy work, and the paranormal. If that’s you, please say hello! See you soon, @eaglespirit

Thanks for this Eagle. I can certainly relate to being consumed by fire this week and the advice to step away from the keyboard is as good as it gets.



thank you for reading my anj! miss you tons and we all have to take care of ourself first and foremost. :)
burnt by fire and release.
let the negative out with the smoke and ashes to come out renewed with strength and deeper understanding, refreshed perspective. :)

love always,

That's beautiful. Thanks Eagle. You really know how to connect the dots.

Anj xxx

you are too kind, i'd love to learn some tips from the AnjPro ... when she has time and energy. :)


I like this one, feels like it was written just for me, (almost, right on target)...

Being too reactive is probably a bad idea here on steemit, (or in life in general), but being completely passive or indifferent like a robot, (or worse completely false), is also not of service for oneself or the community...

I like fire as a ritual transmutation tool, it does work.
Great article, and I loved the phoenix illustration and the "footer"!!!

Thank you!

hi FF! thank you for reading this and your helpful comments. they will jusy help me get better abd thsts always a positive! :)

Thank you @eaglespirit , resteemed your post also by the way! =)

going to hit up your comments because i missed that last post you wrote by just a little bit. just hit 7 days agghhh

ps. we all get discouraged and many of us babies feel this way, your 50 rep says a lot. are you in any groups? they help a lot

Yeah I am just cooling down a bit, I have a new slightly esoteric crypto article in my mind... Also I have a lot of real life things to fix so I don't have that much time, but it is good, good things are happening! =)

i like that "esoteric" LOL
can't wait ... biting my nails ...
no worries Life happens. :)

That's crazy. Two days ago, @armshippie started a raffle and I sent my numbers in via wallet memo right? Well, @fat-elvis didn't know I already picked 7 so I said don't worry about it, give me #19 ;)

ahahahah I SAW THAT!! You got my lucky number!! I'm a 9's person ... all 9s!! I woulda WON Dangitzz

that was my sentiment when old grumpy cat showed up and wanted to burn his fur!! Grrr

This is an interesting side of your ES!

i saw that and great comment! lol
i thought if you, but many others too when i wrote thi. grumpy had quite the week last week, he got wuite a few i know.
“burn his fur” 🤣🤣🤣

@eaglespirit never heard of medicinal card..oopss sorry forget this is one line i never understood. I do belive in all the astrology, tarot...but never understood it any way...once i started palm reading...then jumped off my head......subject is quite interesting. Wish you could guide me some best way to success 😉

yeah they exist, especially when a person handling the cards is from my lineage. :)
astrology never works out for me although i always hope it will! lol
never had my palm read except for mesding around with friends as a kid.
whats jump off your hand?
you are successful, youre on steemit! hahahaa

Thats true..👍.still many things happening around...i try to keep calm althThatssometimes i loose on my calmness

are you talking about anger or stress?


ah, hmm i guess fire can be stress too -- any type of anxiety.

Burn, baby, burn! A little bird told me that big change is incoming. Maybe the Phoenix is about to rise... Or maybe we're about to burn first o.o

no! no burning LOL
what burdy? ahahhahahahhah
no fiyahhhhh nooooo
why be so warped ... eon warpeddd heeeheee

Interesting read, i grew up in a house full of occultist fans, my mom and my aunt read tarot cards a lot... I never really got interested in the mystical aspect, but i really liked the pictures and the names the cards had lol.

My mom to this day still reads the cards using Spanish Cards.

Baraja 40 cards.preview.jpg

very cool! i wish i could read those better, i never practiced enough and it didnt flow for me as id hoped. i tend to do better with colors, vibrant colors and animals. i have no idea why. the spanish cards are gems.

it can be mystical or just the gift. i preminition in dreams since a child. things just always came true, the cards just help train what is already there. indont dabble with spirits, if anything angels or current situations. the Now as many of is call it. :)

This is so awesome my sister and comrade from the SVQ, I love this and I want to see you do more of this. You have struck gold with the oracle readings, I am a reader and I work with the Tarot and the Oracle Decks - Sacred Rebel Oracle and the Moon Deck Oracle. Also Colorado is one of my favorite places I hope to live there one day. Your message of fire was right on time for me because I woke up feeling deeply (I am a gifted clairsentient empath) that I needed to do some candle work. I chose for later today. I chose to work with the a beige/peach candle the color that is one of the shades within the yellow family. Thank you for the inspiration @eaglespirit.

Hey Hey @rensoul17, thank you for stopping by and giving me some Love! I really appreciate your support, since I am stoking these new fires. Your encouragement is so very much needed. I am who I am and most of my life I blocked. So glad to hear you work with oracle cards, I have been more drawn to them than the regular tarot. The colors and messages (to me) are much different, maybe more positive? I haven't figured that part out yet, but they will definitely help train me on the path I am on.
Yes, Colorado is pretty great I have to say -- coming from San Francisco and New York City this is a great place -- especially because my ancient ancestors are from this area too.
I have all gifts in the 10 descriptions of Empaths but that has now grown into psychic ability and many other gifts related to healing people, lands, and homes.
OMG I was in a discussion this past week with PAL and the person was discussing the Judith Orloff MD book and their belief is that all people are empath and no difference of empath/empathy but that people just need to work at it.
Of course, I feel we all have the ability to have empathy but not empathic ability. Then there is High Sensitive, which many argue as to if this is semantics. Eek! I should just write a post really, because I was asked over and over to define empathic, which i have in 3 posts. I dunno.
What have you been feeling? (if you dont mind me asking), i haven't slept in 3 days and did you see that a meteor just missed the earth today? i tend to feel a lot astronomically.
yay candles! i have a rainbow one i'm about to light myself. the beige/peach sounds nice!
so happy i could inspire and thank you again.

Thank you for such a rich full response. I so love everything you are doing and wish you much success on your journey. First I must say that I do think we all have Empathic abilities and that most do not use them. Either because they are unaware of the ability or they in some way are blocked. I also feel as we shift deeper into fourth dimension that many are waking up to this ability. Its like a muscle the more we use it the better we get at it. I did not begin to take my gift serously until my mid fourties I was aware of it previously through religious connotations. As I got older and begin to question everything the more lies and falsehoods fell away from me. I am in a good place now but it took a lot of work, heart work, mind work and being open to receive the information, wisdom that the universe and my ancestors and spiritual guides had to give me. and I know this is only the beginning. Yet finally I am at the point where I can offer my gifts as a service to others and begin to do this as a way of life/ life work. What I have been feeling as of late is emotions from the collective ~ people all over the world. I don't watch the news yet I can sense by way of feeling as a clairsentient a lot, and it causes mood swings, sadness and just that funky feeling you get when you're having a cloudy day or you feel a heaviness and you are stuck, that's why I wanted to light candles today. I burn a lot of incense as well my favorite Black Copal it allows me to really go inward deeply and get in a zen space and, then the magic happens. Okay, I will stop now. But please let's talk again soon. And please keep writing. @eaglespirit

Beautiful words sis, I look forward to connecting more in the future.

Much love,

I really loved this medicine card reading! Now I found new ways to embrace fire in my life thanks to you @eaglespirit. I will try the exercises you recommended.

When we stick together to clear negativity from the platform, there will be no need to have thought we should not be on Steemit for those feelings will have burned away with fire.

I also really enjoyed this analogy of cleansing with fire to push out negativity in our community or our space. It is a good way to see how we can embrace our positive actions together to overcome negative emotions.

Yay, thank you so much for this and your positive feedback! This really helps me in return. I am so happy you read this and took the time to comment. Much appreciated.


Well done, I’m a fire sign so this reading fits perfectly with my temperament. Burning is one of my favorite outdoor activities, it’s ok I live in a rural area! 😉I like the way you wove Steemit drama into it, and hope you continue to do these types of things. My totem animal is the Owl, In my youth we used to do medicine cards for fun.
BTW, my favorite jewelry style is Hopi.

Thank you so very much! :) I really appreciate the feedback, since I do not normally do this kind of thing but I do use my intuition. Just differently.
I am a fire sign too and my temperament. LOL! I have learned with time to keep calm but my first reaction is usually to go NYC on someone.
Burning is fine, even if it is just burning a match or a fire, right? I'm not environmentally freakish about burning a fire, we need fire. Fire is good. It is okay to burn the lands to clear them, that is the ancient way. So, you can pretty much be open with me in discussions.
I love Hopi/Zuni, okay Navajo, Apache, Ojibwe ... alright pretty much any N8ive jewelry.
Glad to know your totem is Owl, that is nice! :)

what's the box? ahahhahah I prob can only see it on my iPhone. :p

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