Maturity V, Contributed By @olawalium.

in #maturity6 years ago

…continued… from part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4

Still on the topic: “Maturity”.


This post seek to address the issue of maturity in a relationship, with few more focus on the man, due to our ego, and of course general lessons for ladies too, due to their longing to hold on to their need to be right and dragging issues which they could have easily forgiven without taking it too much to heart.

Maturity allows you to see a jewel in the midst of rubble. Maturity in a relationship makes it easier to withstand any issue that comes up. Both parties need to act mature and more is actually expected from the man, which is why I will address it more to the man here, but like I always say, it should be applicable to both parties because relationship is a two way street.

When you apologize as a man, let it be genuine. Don’t trample upon her because ‘she is a lady’. Denial of a fact does not extinguish the fact. You can live in denial and try to justify yourself all you want, but that doesn’t remove the fact that your conscience will always tell you that you are wrong. If everyone cherishes your wife but you wonder why you are the wonderment and same thing for her. If you are cherished outside but she treats you anyhow, that is not wisdom and that is definitely not maturity. What we take with levity or what we disparage, we tend to lose, always. What we refuse to acknowledge, we are certainly not entitled to it.


As a couple, you have to create your own happiness in your marriage. You need to deal in maturity and know what works for you. Marriage shouldn’t be a difficult thing if you look at it from the real perspectives. Why create a toxic atmosphere for each other all because of selfishness and ego, when you can deal in love while you focus on why you picked her in the first place? This is why picking your spouse on other things rather than outward appearance, matters a lot. In marriage, you create your happiness and hell at the same time by the things you do and allow. What you see is determined by what aspect you feed.

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

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As for ego is concerned, I think it should not be involved in relationships. Show positive attitude towards each other. Don't be panic. Resolve every issue with table discussion.

Ego is the major problem that wouldn't allow maturity manifest. Once we let our ego go, focus on making our spouse happy, then happiness sets in.

Correct, we need to kill ego.

Maturity comes with responsibility. Responsibility to have your life partner happy and helping her all the way and fullfiling her wishes is what maturity is. If maturity never comes in your mind then you never successfully carry the marriage responsibility.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, if maturity steps in, then it would be easier as we would be more concerned about making our spouse happy, and when our spouse is happy, that relationship would bloom.

Naturally...a mature head can only respect a feeling and love and help to built life on it

Posted using Partiko Android


Maturity is not who is right always and stressing the point. Its infact who is right and willing to be wrong not because of cowardice but for the peace in the long term and this in itself is also been Responsible.
This is my take witb ref to this key point...selfishness and ego

Leaving our desire to be right to pursue peace, is maturity.

Honestly sir. It is.

Maturity can even sold a lot of problems in relationships. When your spouse take it hot and you take it cool does not mean you are a fool, its just that both of you cant be hot at the same Time

Events if your spouse see that you didn't drag things with him/her, you could later be the one it favours. And that's what makes relationship longer

Maturity in handling conflict...yes i like that. Good one brother.

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