Is the Russian Federation going to be conducting Military Tribunals in Mariupol Ukraine soon? Are Biden, Clinton, Bush, Pelosi Crime families behind happenings in Ukraine. Will they do Anything to protect their interests? Will there be a NDE?

in #mariupoltribunals2 years ago (edited)

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Is the Russian Federation going to be conducting Military Tribunals in Mariupol Ukraine soon?

Are the Deep State's controlled assets attempting to spin the story so the side committed to good looks to be the perpetrators/perpeTRAITORS? You decide! Have they done this before? Do they repeat their patterns?

Whose side is the UN Actually on? Your side or the side of the globalists ultimately?

Have people who listen to MSM heard the other side of the story or do they only allow themselves to listen to corporate owned media? Who taught them to Tune Out what they don't want to hear?

Never forget their crimes those of the UN and those who support them. . . go here if not familiar with full sources

UN connections, Haiti, recent arrests involving UN Pedophile Officials, the Despicable Fraud of Hillary, Bill through their CF & Preying upon Haiti, Qanon Connections

Was one of the main reasons Putin went into Ukraine because he had been trying to tell the United States Security Council about the Donbass and Luhansk regions there in Ukraine of the abuses on the Slavic and Russian people in those areas.

The genocide was various Nazi regiments out there using the U.S. funded Bio labs to produce genetically targeted bioweapons against those people.

Will there be Nothing the Deep State/Shadow Government/the Nefarious be able to do to stop it from coming out.

Will any of the Americans be involved in those tribunals?
Were some of them captured.

28 Bio labs that were run there
Some from the U.S. and administered by Germany, funded by private organizations some of which are part of the Defense Intelligence Agency contractors, Hunter Biden had investments in some of these as well as Joe Biden getting a percentage.

Liberalism is connected to these Bio labs.

There was a DoD whistleblower contract that came out a few months back which is dated from August of 2019.

A DoD memo asking the Bio labs in Ukraine for all of their information pertaining to Gain of Function Research from Covid 19.

Why is that interesting? Because Covid 19 didn't occur until December of 2019.

So why was a DoD document asking for this?

Russia had come out and blamed the United States for this as it is with the elitists in the U.S. where it is traced as the original Gain of Function Research started in Unkraine in the early 2014 to 2016 time frame after the Gain of Function Research was moved to Wuhan as well as expanded over in Ukraine.

Does all of this equate to bombshells coming out soon?

General John D. Cain
On 9.11 he was one of the two Air Force pilots flying over Washington D.C. tracking the 767 everyone was told flew into the Pengatagon.

Cain actually testified against this and was given the order to Not shoot that plane down.

When Trump came into office, Dan Cain went in and operated our Special Ops forces in Syria and Afghanistan and knocked out the ISIS calaphate.

Cain single handedly used military tactics to demolish all of ISIS within just a few months.

After that he went to oversee all Special Access Programs in the United States Military.

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Does Dan Cain have the know how, access to top secret information and programs, connections and experience to start a Special Access Program?

Remember the Q drops/Military Intelligence Drops? Angel Technology?

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Are Trump's Truths pertaining to two different Q drops?

So the 11.3 was Q post 26

Did Trump recently put out 26 and 0 tonight, the numerous tight races in the big and easy wins over all the last 4 years, 98.4% endorsements.

Posted at 11:06 p.m.

1+1=2 then the 6 so 26 referencing drop 26?

The next day a political report came out from D.C. Insider saying that out of those 13 boxes taken out of Mar-a-Lago, there was Special Access Program information of the highest and most classified secrets of our military and the day before Trump posted signaling the post Military is the only way.

What is he trying to hint and show us?
Did Trump do this, after Giulliani told him not to appoint Powell as special prosecutor, but hand it over to Dan Cain?
And have him create a Special Access Program which we were provided the funding without Congressional oversight, without Executive branch oversight to create an operation of investigation through various intelligence sectors of our U.S. military [likely placed within Space Force] to go out there and begin listening to the Deep State?

What did Q tell us?
Future Proves Past, #FutureProvesPast

We had all the information but it was obtained illegally by NSA spying; therefore, it was not admissible in court.

Does this mean we had to set up the Deep State?

  • We had to allow them to form their coup
  • then do their coup de tat
  • Trump leaves office
  • the military sets up a way to start collecting data

for the last 19 months they've been collecting data

#When does a bird Really sing?
not when it's in a cage, but when it's free on that tree branch After the Storm!

  • They've been collecting all of this data legally because the only part of our justice system that can actually issue a FISA warrant is Judge Advocate General of the United States Army.

They do this through various Special Access Programs.

So did Trump set up a Special Access Program, secure the funding, go to the Judge Advocate Generals, who would have issued the FISA warrants before Trump left. . .he would have signed it all into power, had the documents with him, then all of a sudden Biden comes in and this operation starts going out.

  • Collecting the information
  • Investigating 2020
  • Investigating the Deep State Actors

What Originally created the Q team?

Was it stolen Nuclear and Top Secret Special Access Program Secrets that were being sold off to Foreign Enemies going back to 2007 and 2008?

Did this culminate from Hillary doing this from her personal server?

The Horowitz Report. . .she had an email address that would geographically track to offshore and China where she was sending Special Access Program and top secret information directly by replying to or forwarding them to her State Department email address.

Inspector General of the intelligence community McCullough when sitting in front of the Senate Intelligence Community in a hearing saying this is too classified, I can't tell you.

The chairman wanted to know if they could go to a SCIF [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility] and do a closed door session?

McCullough said no because they were Special Access Programs.

Not even McCullough could be read in.

Summary briefings McCullough was given and they wouldn't even tell him what they were about.

Were they the Top Level Technologies Hillary Clinton was selling to the Chinese Communist Party?

What was in those emails she was selling to them?

Was it the professors and universities that were part of the compartmentalization of the DoD to reverse engineer various types of highly advanced technologies that the U.S Military had possession of?

So is this all coming out?
Were the documents they were looking for from Mar-a-Lago the Special Access Program documentation and information pertaining to the investigation on themselves?

So. . .pretty much what the Already Awake suspected?
Them Desperately trying to cover their own tracks? You decide!

Trying to kill two birds with one stone?
Take Trump down in the process too? You decide!

Josh Reid worked at the Navy Yard as an active duty member of the Naval Police Force.

They are required to get trained by FEMA, to get various certifications within FEMA.

They learned all about Devolution.

Devolution cannot come about by decree.
It has to come about by process either through catechlysm or various other processes that are determined.

Reid feels Devolution is kind of misleading.

He does think there is a good possibility that U.S. Military Intelligence has been looking into this for a very long time and collecting evidence.

He feels that most of the military looks at Trump as Commander and Chief currently.

Remember when December 18,2020 when the DNA was supposed to delver a report and it wasn't delivered and Trump had Patrick Byrn, Sidney Powell, Giuliani, Flynn, Pence others in the Oval Office pushing for the Insurrection Act.

Trump temporarily gave Powell temporary clearance and the next day they broke off and went different directions.

Was the best way rather through the military, using Military Intelligence?

They could also submit FISA Warrants secretly without the current administration finding out.

Juan O Savin confirmed Josh Reid's intel and breakdown.

Juan reminds there are very precise things happening within the judicial system and the military legal authorizations for action.

Juan reminds that this is a critical moment.

He reminds accuracy is important so civilians do not feel that people are just winging it.

Juan adds that for the December 18, 2020 meeting there was a Plan in Place was set up by a White House aide that made something happen that wasn't exactly planned, Trump was patient and listened to what they had to say concerning the Insurrection Act.

Smart people Know that maybe someone saw something that you didn't see like perhaps a mistake or an oversight.

So he listened patiently to hear the logic of why he should sign the Insurrection Act.

He listened to what the legal implications were.

If he had signed the Insurrection Act, he would have done what Lincoln did.

Once you involve the Military with the Insurrection Act, the country would have gone into Civil War and the Army would have led.

It would have led into national civil unrest.

In this case, when the military is finally deployed, it will be to stop a civil war, not start it!

When Trump agreed initially that they would have Powell come in the next day and draw up the paper work, all were not privy to what had already been decided to behind the scenes.

So with that in mind, there was further review that was done through the night, by morning the decision had been made not to go that rout.

They pulled Powell's clearance so she wasn't able to come back into the White House and she was shocked because she wasn't able to be read in on the other things and they proceeded in the manner that they had originally intended to go.

They actually already had a path they were going on, so it wasn't really a decision to go one way or the other, but rather to continue on the already agreed upon path and not to change it.

In other words it wasn't a last minute decision as there was already a path in play.

They did consider what those people presented, then after review went back to the original plan and didn't deviate.

Both Josh Reid and Juan will be at the Texas Day of Reckoning coming up.

Juan compares it to the military forces converging on Gettysburg historically.

Both sides knew the engagement was eminent.

The engagement at Gettysburg happened before either of the Commanders anticipated it.

The people on the Union side heard the canons up to 20 miles away when the engagement began.

The Confederate troops as close as a mile away could not hear that the battle had already begun.

So it was a Hand of God Moment.
They were able to channelize the Confederate troops.
They were able to get enough forces into play quickly enough because of the wind direction that it changed the outcome of the battle dramatically.

That is the Key component of the equation after all. .. there is a Hand of God moment in all that is happening right now!

For those people who are thinking and wanting to Do Something right now, prayer is Not Ineffectual.

Remember, even in the Q/Military Intel drops all the way back to the beginning prayer is a critical component as this is literally Good vs Evil and we have tried to remind. . .Ephesians 6:12
King James Version
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Note from

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"This historic transfer from the Army to the Space Force will mark the first time all Department of Defense military satellite communication functions have been consolidated under a single military service," the Space Force wrote in a press release.

The Army has also transferred roughly $78 million of its budget to the Space Force for 2022 to help expand the service's infrastructure.

Remember how US Space Force was set up under President Trump during his first term?

Taking over Space Command for the US Air Force and Naval 10th Fleet.

Deals primarily in Space and Cyber Operations.

Space Force is a critical compartment of the military.

High ground is better in any combat. . .Easier to fight down than up.

Outer Space, it's digital space.

What are all satellites transmitting and receiving.

When people ask if the military is on the side of the people, those commanders and resources that might be deployed anywhere around the world [for those who may be in a Deep State control] at this moment you cannot operate a tank effectively without the satellite aspects of it's communications and operation.

Most of the modern weapons that are the most lethal and dangerous, require that access to the high ground [the digital communications tied in to the satellites].

So if you don't have that, Nobody's going anywhere, especially not effectively.

What Trump did is what Truman did.

Truman set up by Executive Order CIA and Air Force. Then he was able to plum pick commanders and intelligence people that fit his agenda.

That being in the Nuclear age.
In Truman's time it was with the Dulles brothers and many others.

Trump was able to set up his own service branch and plum pick critical people for crucial aspects of that operation.

As this has continued to evolve, and they have secured these locations including the satellites, we're in a more secured situations hour to hour, day to day.

The loyalties are clearly to Trump and not the problem makers.

Will there be a type of international court and international tribunal.
Juan has spoke of these for around three years now.

Nuremberg type tribunals because they work they were involved in with these bio labs relates to genetically targeted diseases.

Shortly after they went into Ukraine, Putin said something interesting.

He said if you will give us the 19 people that were running those labs, he said the bombing would be stopped.

There are more than 19, there are 28 labs but he said 19 for a reason!
That's the power number from Torsion Field Physics and it's a critical number in this entire game where they use numbers to communicate, not always the words you hear.

This has been seen and witnessed over and over where there is a communications code going on right in plain sight.

Putin has been very clear even when he said 19.
Why do you have Covid-19?

It has to do with that other layer of language. . .the language of numbers.

Because this cabal, which really is a cult and operates as such, that is actually behind this hole pandemic. .. don't forget who the god Pan was

god of nature, the wild, shepherds, flocks, of mountain wilds, and is often associated with sexuality and fertility

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When Putin said the 19 scientists, was he referring to Covid-19?

Trump kept saying ChYna for a reason as one of the bio labs in Ukraine is spelled just like that and corporate owned mainstream media kept trying to focus the brainwashed on Trump hate rather than the Facts!

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Check it out. . .

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The Best Trails in Shpyl’chyna, L'vivs'ka Oblast' (Ukraine)

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Explore Shpyl'chyna in Ukraine
Shpyl'chyna in the region of L'vivs'ka is a town in Ukraine - some 282 mi or ( 454 km ) West of Kiev , the country's capital city .

See here,

Stare Selo
For the village in Poland, see Stare Sioło. Stare Selo is a village in Pustomyty Raion, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine known as the site of a large castle, or rather fortress, of Princes Ostrogski.

Stare Selo Castle is a castle in Stare Selo village, Pustomyty Raion, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine. This castle, or fortress, was built by Princes Ostrogski family. Its original timber fortifications, first mentioned in 1448, were destroyed by the invading Turks in the late 15th century. A more secure stone fort, intended to defend the Bârlad Road from Lviv to Romania, was built in Stare Selo in the 1580s.

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Exact geographical coordinates, latitude and longitude — 49.66213519999999, 24.2762846. Shpyl'chyna is located in the time zone Eastern European Summer Time.

Detailed map and near places,

Welcome to the Shpyl'chyna google satellite map! This place is situated in Lvivska, Ukraine, its geographical coordinates are 49° 40' 0" North, 24° 17' 0" East and its original name (with diacritics) is Shpyl'chyna.

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Trump tried to tell people right out, but Who attempted to spin it rather than report the Lab?
Did they do their normal MO? Assume it was the country China rather than the bio lab?
He even said it came from American Soldiers. Who Funds those soldiers? Deep State, Shadow government?

Trump even Tried to emphasize the spelling, but what did they do? Mock, belittle when They were the ones that were not using their God given brain?

Go here for more,

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Securing the the Bio Labs in Chyna Ukraine.

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the failure of talks between Russia and Ukraine this morning to end the “Special De-Nazification Operation”, says following this failure Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov assessed: “We act based on the premise that these contacts will not be used to replace or devalue the real main negotiating track that is developing on Belarusian territory – something that our colleagues, mostly Ukrainian, do routinely…Today’s conversation confirmed that the Belarusian track for negotiations has no alternatives”—Foreign Minister Lavrov then revealed: “We do not plan to attack other countries, we did not attack Ukraine, either…But we just explained to Ukraine repeatedly that a situation had arisen that posed direct security threats to Russia…Despite our years-long reminding, persuasion, calls, no one listened to us”—saw Foreign Minister Lavrov stating: “We see how dangerously our Western counterparts, including the European Union, are acting now…In breach of their principles and so-called values, they are actually encouraging supplies of deadly weapons to Ukraine, including thousands of man-portable air defense systems”

Also following the failure of these talks, this report notes, it saw Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba stating: “Unfortunately, I can confirm that the Russian leadership, including Minister Lavrov, live in their own reality…In our talks, behind closed doors and in the absence of the media, he told me looking in my eyes that the pictures of pregnant women being taken from under the rubble of the maternity house are fake, that they hit it as the Russian military was sure it’s under the control of Ukrainian army”—is a statement based on an avalanche of Western media reporting yesterday that Russia bombed a maternity and children’s hospital in Ukraine—in response saw Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative Dmitry Polyanskiy to the United Nations accurately stating: “That’s how Fakenews is born…We warned in our statement back on 7 March that this hospital has been turned into a military object by radicals”—in factual reality, on 7 March, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) reported: “Yesterday at around 17.00 Moscow time, on Pobedy Avenue in Mariupol, DPR servicemen collided with a unit of Ukrainian armed nationalists…The militants drove more than 150 civilians ahead of them, hiding behind them as a ‘human shield’”—and as confirmed by the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) in their document Civil Society in Donbas,Ukraine: Organizations and Activities, the site of this battle with Ukrainian Nazi forces sees 1a Pobedy Street in Mariupol-Donbass being not just a maternity hospital, but also “works to prevent and alleviate human suffering resulting from armed conflicts, natural disasters and accidents”.

As to exactly why the Western colonial powers pummeled this fake news war propaganda about Russia bombing a maternity hospital into their citizens’ minds yesterday, this report explains, was to keep hidden what occurred the day before, which was when radical warmongering socialist Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland publically admitted during her US Senate testimony under questioning by Senator Marco Rubio that the Pentagon was secretly funding biolabs in Ukraine, and saw her fearfully stating: “Ukraine has biological research facilities, which in fact, we are now quite concerned…Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces”—

A shocking admission quickly joined by Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova declaring to the United States: “We have found your biological weapons!”—then it saw former President Donald Trump top advisor Steve Bannon slamming Senator Rubio with the question: “Who gave you the questions for Victoria Nuland on the Ukraine biolabs?…The CIA or the Military?”—and instead of falling for the fake news war propaganda about Russia bombing a maternity hospital, last evening it saw Fox News host Tucker Carlson completely ignoring this lie so he could expose the truth about these Pentagon secretly funded biolabs in Ukraine.

In one of the most terrifying revelations ever made to mankind in human history, this report gravely notes, Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov, the head of the Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces told a stunned world today: “The available documents confirm numerous cases of the transfer of biological samples of Ukrainian citizens abroad…With a high degree of probability, we can say that one of the tasks of the United States and its allies is the creation of bioagents that can selectively affect various ethnic groups of the population”.

With it being known that the Western colonial powers will stop at nothing to destroy both Russia and China to keep hidden their demonic punishable by death Covid crimes against humanity, this report concludes, yesterday it saw President Putin signing into force a law that exempts Russian citizens from value added tax on the purchase of gold—is a law based on the findings determined by former top President Ronald Reagan economist Alan Reynolds, who, in 1993, presented to the Russian government his document titled “Monetary Reform In Russia: The Case For Gold”, wherein it states: “A classical gold standard, would not be as difficult to accomplish as many have suggested…The government could acquire more gold by selling other assets, and certainly does not need anything approaching a 100 percent reserve to implement gold convertibility…Even a small gold stock could suffice to defend the currency, particularly if the state were prepared to sell assets or bonds to acquire more gold…There would be no insurmountable technical obstacles to putting an official golden floor on the value of rubles”—beginning in 2014, when the socialist Obama-Biden Regime overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine, Russia began selling off all of its other assets, specifically US Dollars to acquire massive gold reserves—but to the looming catastrophe facing these Western colonial warmongers, today it sees warning articles appearing like “‘Hidden Gold’ In China And Russia Could Cause Global Chaos”, wherein top economists reveal: “China and Russia are holding secret stashes of gold so enormous they could shape the future of world order…China probably owns around 20,000 tonnes of gold, which would be more than double the United States…When China and Russia come out and say exactly how much gold they’ve got, the risk is that it starts to destabilize the US Dollar”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

See actual footage here if you scroll down,

As we found before. ..these Deep State operations were there under the Guise of "Scientific Research," then they blame the Other side for what THEY are doing!

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The facilities were constructed under the terms of the bilateral agreement signed between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Department of Defense in 2012.

Today thirteen American military bio-labs operate in Ukraine, The International Mass Media Agency reports. They employ only American specialists being entirely funded from the budget of the Department of Defense. Local authorities have pledged not to interfere in their work. These military labs are reported to be mainly involved in the study and production of disease-causing agents of smallpox, anthrax and botulism. The facilities are located in the following Ukrainian cities: Odessa, Vinnytsia, Uzhgorod, Lviv (three), Kharkiv, Kyiv (four), Kherson, Ternopil.

The network of military bio-labs in Eastern Europe gives the hawks the opportunity to avoid the Geneva Convention of 1972 on the prohibition of development, production and stockpiling of biological and chemical weapons the US Senate ratified in 1973. So we witness the blatant violation of international laws.

Local media in Ukraine have frequently reported about splashes of contaminant diseases in that country since the beginning of the 2010s, the time American military facilities were opened. Western European media also express concern over splashes of contaminant diseases in that country this summer and point at American bio-labs as pockets of infection.

This is WHY Russia, Russia, Russia from the 3 letter agencies and their corporate owned MSM because Russia threatens their money making and predatory empires. ..their bio labs!

Chemical and biological weapons may be dangerous for the whole world because of their infectious effect. Modern diseases can travel through countries and reach any continent with just one plane passenger. And that is the big problem. Despite the remoteness of potential objects of infection from the territory of the United States, viruses still can reach the North American continent.

Trump has not condemned Putin for going into the Ukraine to this day because Putin is trying to protect not just the civilians in Ukraine, but also Russia and the Rest of the WORLD!. ..Yet what do you hear from the corporate owned media that is For the globalists and NOT humanity? Russia, Russia, Russia. Is that Quite Telling?

Was Putin just doing what he needed to do to protect his people from these bio weapons and the fall out from these bio labs?

You've heard about Chernobyl right?

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a nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the No. 4 reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, near the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian SSR in the Soviet Union.[1] It is one of only two nuclear energy accidents rated at seven—the maximum severity—on the International Nuclear Event Scale, the other being the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan. The initial emergency response, together with later decontamination of the environment, involved more than 500,000 personnel and cost an estimated 18 billion Rbls—roughly US$68 billion in 2019, adjusted for inflation.

Why are all of the supporters of the Deep State and their corporate owned media against keeping people and the environment safe?

This all came from the Biden, Clinton and Bush, Pelosi Crime families as well as many others are behind what is going on in Ukraine.
Will they do Anything to protect their generational interests? You decide

What happens with the Mariupol Tribunals will impact what happens for the rest of us and even more people either waking up or choosing to believe the traitors.

If you can't get to justice in the Justice Dept. because the people at the top are owned and operated as puppets by these traitorous controllers, then you have to go through the military as those not owned and controlled in the Military are set up to protect We the People OVER the interests of government.

When you are dealing with a Captured Operation out of D.C. ..the military becomes the only way to take down the traitors in order to return Power to the People where it belongs.

This must proceed in the Military Court.

Who was captured that was from the United States and connected to the Deep State?

There were a lot of documents captured from the Deep State's operations in Ukraine and Russia actually took a lot of losses because the goal was to minimize civilian deaths as much as possible.

They sealed up Chernobyl so no one was able to get in there and get any of the material that could be used for a dirty bomb.

They took the bio labs out in a way that didn't allow anything to get loose from the labs and they got the paperwork.

They were very careful to do this in a way that didn't cause any more harm to those in surrounding areas than what had to happen.

That said, the number of deaths in the Ukraine military is an astonishing number.

The death toll could be a quarter of a million vs 15,000 Soviet Troops.

People are now conveniently forgetting that the President of Ukraine was trying to coordinate with President Trump to get through the prosecution of some of these people and groups which included the Biden deals and what was going on inside the Ukraine economy.

The investigations were shut off and shut down with Biden smircking and mocking, using his office as vice president to bully and force.

If not familiar go to these following two articles or watch a vid drop below that is under 7min. and fully sourced,

Ukraine underwent dramatic changes in 2014, Vice President Joe Biden's criminal role in the Obama administration’s involvement in the revolution that ousted their president. Biden's brag sounds like Hillary's boast! Libya similarities.

Mind blowing corruption by elitists who furthered their children's careers all while making Foreign Government Deals and a threat! Chris Heinz and Hunter Biden in tight with the Chinese

Under 7 min.

Gina Haspel/The Biden Corruption Timeline/Evidenced Crimes/Leads to Epstein/Seth Rich was his name!

Biden threatened to cut of American aide unless the stopped the investigation and legal prosecution that involved companies his son was connected to like Burisma.

Then the Deep State helped to push Zelensky to get in there, who was a literal actor as the puppet president.

If not familiar go here,

Ukraine President Zelensky's history! Heralded as being a GREAT Actor! Will the Show go on? You Decide! His Dancing with the Stars and Paddington Bear performances are praised by Hollywood!

Were you aware that Ukrainian president, Zelensky was on a sitcom starting 2015 to 2019 where he PLAYED the president you see now on your Tell a Vision sets? Verify it yourself it's called Servant of the People. #EnjoyTheShow get it?

How about the Amount of money the Biden Administration is sending to the Ukraine?
They tell the brainwashed it is to "help the people there." I ask you, who are they REALLY helping?

What after all WAS the #GainOfFunction and how much money for these crime families and their orchestrators like Fauci?

Just HOW deep does the history go?
Check it out if not familiar,

How the Fauci emails were obtained and the Tells inside!

The lady who said Anthony Fauci was the erotic hero of her book. YIKES right? Her husband was the newspaper man, her mother boasted of spell casting and her father was the head of what became the CIA!

So the Biden Administration and the Deep State that controls him has been sending insane amounts of money for a military effort that is doomed to failure. Now WHY would they do that do you suppose?

What was the REAL deal in Afghanistan with the Obvious signs and blunders? #YouAlreadyKnow

Is Ukraine a money laundering op for the Deep State Players? You decide!

What is really happening in Ukraine and why the media has targeted Russia and Putin for years! What is really happening with Baby Farming? How many Bio Labs are in Ukraine? Check it out!

Afghan Veteran Jim Banks a Navy Logistics Officer Turned over American Equipment to fight against the Taliban. Why did Biden remove the military Before evacuating citizens then arm the enemy? Has Biden never played Risk?

WHERE is the money they are sending over there in HUGE some really going as more and more Americans suffer?. If they were suffering to help others, okay, but we All Know THAT is not the case. Damage is being done in the name of the American People who pay for the funding which the Deep State has abused time and time again.

What about all the propaganda mentioned earlier pertaining to Russia and Ukraine?

Many media platforms even in the area over there came out and said the MSM's attacks and lies on an attack by Russia on Kiev on independence day were completely unfounded.

No US intelligence had heard of this, yet we had the US Embassy telling American people to get out as well as Ukrainian government telling people to shelter in place because Russia was planning to do something.

Recently there was a missile strike at a train station which is Not the MO of Putin as this is Not what the Russian military does. . .they don't strike civilian targets in this manner.

We knew the Deep State and those connected with them in Ukraine leadership were going to pull a False Flag operation.

We are aware Ukraine has been shelling their own Nuclear power plant. It appears those in conjunction with their operations in the West need a reason to go in to stop these tribunals from happening because they desperately need to go in and reclaim all of this information on these Bio Labs and they will Do Anything to Stop This Information from truly getting out to the rest of the world and those who were asleep or distracted by corporate owned media from Knowing what was really happening all along.

Are they trying to stop the BRICS alliance from forming any further along than it already is?

five major emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. This alliance threatens the Globalist, Cabal cult's deep state control they have enjoyed for so long.

Benghazi was about these gun running operations within locations around Syria [Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan].

They were building up arms at these UN sites in order to go in and do this attack in Syria.

All of the politicians in the US in the media and the public kept proclaiming, "Red line, Red line. . .if the Russians or the Syrians cross this Red Line. . .chemical weapons, then we'll Have to go in there!"

So they pre set up [seeding the conscious much] in the propaganda in the Press that chemical weapons was a red line and the US and NATO would Have to come in and take control of the situation.

Many were trying to explain that these chemical weapons were actually being used by Western forces. . .that they were being fed in.

Many of which couldn't be blamed on Assad because they weren't the right type of chemical weapons so were a bunch of them dumped at sea?

The Deep State and it's cohorts are attempting this again as all can see. ..they are claiming that if there is some Red Line that if Putin is purported to have crossed it that NATO and the West have to come in arms blazing and they feel it will look reasonable and expected to "Save the World," from the person They targeted as "the enemy."

Remember, part of their philosophy and strategy as they have fully admitted is, Whatever They are doing, BLAME the other side! That serpent he was Always one manipulative $#!%*

Remember. ..when they say unto you peace and safety!

1 Thessalonians 5:3
King James Version
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

These Traitors. . .infilTRAITORS are trying to engineer falsehoods that could result in a false flag in an attempt to suck the world into Another War? Is this their normal pattern? Have they not done this over and over? You decide!

Do they not generally play both sides of the war giving themselves greater profits and greater control?

Ukraine like D.C. is also a mob ran, captured operation.
Now what these globalists want is a fire there. a mob insurance fire.

This enables them. . .as they have done in past situations. . .to be able to quickly get rid of the evidence that shows their trail of corruption and predatory activity upon humanity.

What these wicked people are Not expecting likely is what is About to happen over the next two months.

The schedule has been accelerated.

Juan states we are going to come to some sort of NDE, Cuban missile crisis type of event and Lavrov literally quoted Juan back in December [Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov is a Russian diplomat and politician who has served as the Foreign Minister of Russia since 2004].

It's going to be a very gripping moment, prayer required, but at the end of the day it's necessary.

From the Daily Mail,

'Today the dangers that (Ukrainian President Volodymyr) Zelenskiy's regime pose for neighbouring countries and international security in general have increased substantially after the authorities set up in Kyiv have embarked upon dangerous games related to plans to acquire their own nuclear weapons,' Lavrov told the Conference on Disarmament in a video address.

'Ukraine still has Soviet nuclear technologies and the means of delivery of such weapons. We cannot fail to respond to this real danger,' he said, also calling for Washington to rebase its nuclear weapons from Europe.

Russia invaded Ukraine on Thursday in what it called a special operation to demilitarise and 'denazify' the country - a justification dismissed by Kyiv and the West as propaganda.

A NDE [Near Death Experience] for America as people have to wake up to what's being done in their name with our Tax Payer money right in plain sight!"

We're going to get a grip on this, retake the Republic back and placed in the rule of the People as it was intended before it became a hijacked operation.

We're going to take out these globalist families running America and their control over the vote.

Beware the military industrial complex, the owned media, entertainment, medical and all the owned and controlled entities that attempt to push and force people to submit to their diabolical control.

They've been trying to take over Every aspect of your life and they're pretty close to succeeding.

If they are not stopped NOW. . .there likely won't be another chance as their controls are suffocating!

Is it Now or Never with the help of Great Patriots that have worked diligently and meticulously to get us into a position to Win this back?

Are we very close now?

Is it like a chess game, where as the game goes on for a longer period the potential moves become fewer?

Are we down to the last moves in this phase of the game in this particular board of chess in 5D?

Will we then be moving to the other boards once America is out of the grip of the globalist controllers?

Do the next Moves now favor our advantage? The side of Good?

Who wins in the End?


Will the next move be to regain control of the planet for God and His people?

To see a stellar report on this go here,
Thank you to Great Warrior Ricky Roehr for dropping this link from Rumble as these links disappear on the other platforms at times,

Aug 25 2022 - Juan O Savin w/ AMP > Russian Military Tribunals Will Expose U.S. Cabal

UPDATE: on 9.23.2022 from Great Warrior Delia Cantu who dropped these two telling vids from TickTock
Thanks so much Delia! You Rock as always!
This tells you what is going on, on the World Stage in relation to the UK and other countries.

Charles will be answering for everything in the tribunal

Part 2 Charles will be attending a tribunals in November

UPDATE on 12.2.2022
Thank you for the Heads Up Mike and Lisa Interposer Ward on this post by TD Prast

For this telling post and a must see,

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Articles 106 and 107 of the UN Charter give Russia, as the legal successor to the victor of World War II, the right to take any action, including military ones, against Germany, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia. , Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Ukraine for attempts to revive Nazism.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres was surprised to learn from Putin that there is an article in the UN charter that allows a Russian special operation to be carried out in Ukraine.


The Nuremberg Tribunal sentenced to criminal liability all those who fought against the UN and committed genocide. The greatest genocide was committed against the Soviet people. UN Charter, "Articles 106 and 107, gives the victors of World War II - the USSR, USA, Great Britain and China - the right to take action against the countries that fought against them to prevent actions that aim to revise the results of the Second World War. .

See more inside of here,

United Nations Charter, Chapter XVII:
Transitional Security Arrangements
Article 106

#MariupolTribunals, #Mariupol, #Ukraine, #Shpylchyna, #Bioweapons, #Chernobyl, #ChernobylDisaster #Biolabs, #JuanOSavin, #JoshReid, #DayOfReckoning #NearDeathExperience, #NDE, #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing, #NCSWIC, #CapturedOperation, #Globalists, #Cabal, #CabalCult, #Illuminati, #GoodVsEvil,#FightTheGoodFight, #Missiles, #NuclearWarAttempts, #FalseFlags,#EndOfTheWorld [as we know it] #GodWins, #HandOfGodMoment, #OperationTorsionField, #CapturedOperation, #RepublicReborn

More Sources and Connections
Letter to Hillary's Attorney David Kendall stating, "you had not raised the existence of the "successor server"

The scope of the Hillary Clinton email investigation was so private, the OIG didn't have the security clearances needed to view the emails. Yet she Forced others to allow her Access where non secure! What's Wrong with this Picture?

Operation Alert Continuity of Government More evidence and a merger with Great Voice/FEMA historical article of bunkers throughout the US in Minds

Ukrainian history and musings. Parallels to the Cuban Missile Crisis? You decide how it all connects!

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Russia's Lavrov Says Risk of Nuclear War Is 'Serious'

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The Russian top diplomat noted that the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council had adopted a similar document at Moscow’s initiative in January. "After I said it, I called for exercising maximum restraint and refraining from fuelling the relevant risks. I referred to a statement by [Ukrainian] President Vladimir Zelensky who had said in February that Ukraine had made a mistake by abandoning nuclear weapons and needed to obtain them again. Another statement was made by the Polish leadership who expressed readiness to host American nuclear weapons," Lavrov said. He added that Western media outlets had failed to ask any questions in those cases, as well as after French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian had pointed out that France also had nuclear weapons.

Remember the mainstream media was AGAINST the vaccine under Trump, but when he was out of office they were All For it?

Is it interesting all the side effects and what came out about it?
All the money these Big Pharma people profited on it?
What about what Dr. Jane Ruby and many other doctors told you were Really in the jab? See much of this below.

Thank you Great Warrior Paul Mitchell for this timely link exposing more of their plan with verification!


Secret Diplomatic Mission to Underwater Cities in Atlantic Ocean

Similar technology the ark had?

Bermuda Triangle area?

This is interesting!

WOW. Most People Have No Idea What Is Happening...

Thank you great Warrior Ronald Olsen for the following link,



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