Starlink Military Application and all you need to know about Starlink. Evidence The Plan is moving forward with countries United Together. Historical Reforger and Defender 20 USEUCOM's Readiness

in #starlink3 years ago (edited)

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The Army is trying to fill a growing demand for connectivity in the field.
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army will experiment using Starlink broadband to move data across military networks. An agreement signed with SpaceX on May 20 gives the Army three years to try out the service.

The Army and SpaceX signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement known as a CRADA, an Army source told SpaceNews.

The project will be overseen by the Combat Capabilities Development Command’s C5ISR Center based at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.

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SpaceX has provided Washington’s Emergency Management department access to Starlink satellite internet service in a bid to support the state’s emergency response to dangerous wildfires.

Though the customer is technically a military department, this is the first public announcement of the internet constellation’s use in a civil service-oriented role. In the case of Malden, WA, a tiny eastern town with roughly 200 residents, a wildfire broke out in the first week of September and all but destroyed every building in a matter of hours. No fatalities have been recorded but the town and all its critical services effectively ceased to exist by the time the first passed through.

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While still firmly in the development and prototype phase, SpaceX has begun to gradually expand the scope of its beta testing as the Starlink constellation expands, building off of an already strong relationship with the US military. That helps explain why, of so many possible civil recipients, WA Emergency Management – a military department – has received access to Starlink internet services first.

According to Slash Gear,

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Communications capability is a big deal on aircraft of all sorts, but particularly for military aircraft. A new report suggests that the United States Air Force is considering SpaceX’s Starlink Internet connectivity for its potential military applications. One of the major contractors to the United States Air Force, Ball Aerospace, builds “conformal antennas” for tactical aircraft used by the USAF.

Word of the Air Force considering Starlink came in a recent request SpaceX made with the FCC. The request said that SpaceX is seeking to make modifications to its experimental authorization for additional testing activities to be undertaken with the federal government.

The FCC document said that the tests were designed to demonstrate the ability to transmit and receive information from two stationary ground sites and an airborne aircraft with limited testing from a moving vehicle on the ground. SpaceX also disclosed that it was working with Ball Aerospace, which will provide the antennas needed for connecting to Starlink satellites on military aircraft.

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Starlink testing is funded by the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Defense Experimentation Using Commercial Space Internet program. Ball Aerospace received a $9.7 million contract last August. The USAF will begin its experimenting with the ground testing conducted near a Starlink manufacturing facility in Redmond, Washington.

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After that test is complete, the Air Force will begin testing the ground-to-air scenario at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The terminal will be integrated into a single aircraft with SpaceX designing a custom installation kit that includes mechanical plates for low-profile antennas and a fairing to reduce drag to limit the impact the aircraft receiving the antenna. SpaceX anticipates the testing would require between four and six months to complete.

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The US Air Force tested its experimental Advanced Battle Management System capable of connecting air, sea, land and space assets late last year. The exercise was deemed an overall success, with the controversial SpaceX Starlink satellites used to communicate to a Lockheed Martin AC-130 gunship.

Even as early as here,

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As reported from Delhide Fence Review,

Now, the US Federal Communications Commission has authorized SpaceX to operate Starlink satellites broadcasting in the Ku, Ka and V-band frequencies, with groups of spacecraft positioned at different altitudes and various planes in LEO. The project has become a major business for SpaceX, which is competing with companies like Amazon’s Project Kuiper and OneWeb to deploy fleets of thousands of small satellites in LEO to beam broadband internet signals from space to users around the world.

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A low Earth orbit (LEO) is an Earth-centred orbit close to the planet, often specified as an orbital period of 128 minutes or less (making least 11.25 orbits per day) and an eccentricity less than 0.25. Most of the artificial objects in outer space are in LEO, with an altitude never more than about one-third of the radius of the Earth.

Back in the fall of 2020. ..the tests, now scheduled for September, will actually be part of a larger test of the Pentagon’s Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS), a new communications ecosystem designed to enable Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2), which will allow U.S. forces and allies to coordinate military operations in real-time across all domains, such as sea, land, air, space and cyber operations. Back in February 2020, Roper said that his ‘hope for this event, unlike the first event, is that we have an equal measure of things that fail for things that succeeded’, and that ‘We’ve come so far in ABMS that we realize that it’s bigger than just replacing the capability that JSTARS provides,’. He also stated that ‘If you get ABMS right, you’ve just built the military’s ‘internet of things.’ That’s super exciting.’

Notably, during a less extensive test last year, Starlink satellites were reportedly connected with an AC-130 gunship. Also, Starlink is being seen as a means for the F-35 and F-22 to stealthily exchange data. Despite the two jets having advanced “sensor fusion” capabilities, the US Air Force’s (USAF’s) two most advanced fighters can’t really talk to each other. The F-35 uses the Multifunction Advanced Data Link (MADL) to securely share sensitive information with other F-35s and the F-22 has its own data link, the Intra-Flight Data Link (IFDL).

As SpaceX has made sure to reiterate during its many Starlink launch webcasts, the constellation’s main target demographics are those in regions that either completely or practically lack access to reliable internet. With a low Earth orbit (LEO) constellation like Starlink, SpaceX could feasibly deliver reliable, uninterrupted internet almost anywhere on Earth, so long as a prospective user has access to enough power to run their user terminal (antenna/router). According to SpaceX’s FCC application for said terminal, A/C power input requirements should never climb above 2.5 amps from a normal 100-240v outlet.

Ultimately, the second planned phase of Starlink will see the constellation grow to a point that SpaceX can seriously begin competing with ground-based ISPs – even in densely-populated areas. For now, though, the company has made it clear that the first phase – at least several thousand satellites -will primarily focus on connecting the unconnected and substantially upgrading the capabilities of emergency responders around the world.

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In April of 2021,

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This is far from surprising, as Musk has consistently expressed disdain for the challenge of running Tesla as a public company, going so far as getting himself in hot legal water in an ill-fated attempt to take the company private in 2018.

Going public is possibly the single worst thing SpaceX or any SpaceX spin-off could do, given that shareholders generally have a single goal in mind: reliable profit and reliable growth. That attitude is generally the death knell for high-uncertainty R&D programs pursuing the first low Earth orbit Internet satellite constellation, reusable orbital-class rockets, 100-person Starships, or bases on the Moon and Mars. As such, Musk notes that SpaceX will consider taking Starlink public – but if and only if Starlink reaches a point where “revenue growth is smooth & predictable.” Shotwell and Musk, in other words, are on the same page.

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Unfortunately, millions of people across the US, and the globe, are stuck in this very situation. Installing fiber in a city, and bringing Gigabit broadband to million of customers is certainly lucrative, but not so much in a rural area home to only a few hundred people.

Enter Starlink. The satellite internet system from SpaceX is capable of delivering 150Mbps internet speeds to theoretically any place on the planet. All the customer needs is a clear view of the sky. Last fall, the system began serving its first users, many of whom were based in remote or rural regions of America—and the response has so far been ecstatic.

See the PC Magazine article link above which answers various questions many may have.

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If you are interested in signing up for Starlink beta testing see sources below.

STARLINK satellites train seen from earth - SpaceX Elon Musk

How we know this isn't just about the United States. ..this is a world wide effort to take down the globalists controllers we call the cabal!

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In an era of evolving challenges, both globally and across Europe, U.S. European Command (USEUCOM) and its components continue to train and bolster their readiness to execute any mission or respond to an emergency at a moment’s notice.
Did something initiated and implemented by the globalists provide cover for operations and exercises for those committed to We the People around the World? You decide!

Most recently, U.S. forces in Europe leveraged several opportunities to hone their skills and expertise through exercises like DEFENDER-Europe 20’s Phase II, Saber Junction and Resolute Castle.

“Through each of these exercises, U.S. Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and civilians have worked alongside host nations, Allies and partners to advance the interoperability and capabilities necessary to support the National Defense Strategy, NATO and the command’s lines of effort,” said U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Jesssica Meyeraan, USEUCOM’s deputy director of partnering, security cooperation and missile defense. “Across the continent, U.S. personnel have worked day in and day out to further collective defense and transatlantic security -- all while confronting the realities of the COVID-19 environment and maintaining the health and wellbeing of the force, their families and their communities.”

As part of Exercise DEFENDER-Europe 20’s final phase, more than 550 Soldiers from America’s Army base at Fort Hood, Texas, deployed to Europe to participate in the monthlong phase of training for this U.S. Army Europe-led exercise, which concluded Saturday.

Demonstrating its emergency deployment readiness, the Department of Defense-directed strategic deployment of Soldiers from the U.S. Army’s 1st Cavalry Division to Poland showcased the Army’s ability to rapidly alert and deploy its forces across the globe. As part of the Dynamic Force Employment, the American Soldiers fielded equipment originally pulled from Army Prepositioned Stocks in Germany and Belgium for the earlier phase of DEFENDER-Europe 20 and conducted company-level, combined live-fire exercises with approximately 55 Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles.

Together with forces from eight Allied and partner nations -- Albania, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania and Ukraine -- U.S. Army Soldiers with the 173rd Airborne Brigade participated in Exercise Saber Junction 20 in Germany’s Grafenwoehr and Hohenfels military training areas this month. Designed to assess the readiness of the American airborne brigade’s ability to execute unified land operations in a joint, combined environment, the more than 4,000 participating forces will conclude this major exercise Thursday.

it’s the largest US troop deployment in Europe in 25 years but you never hear about it?
What are all those soldiers doing over there?

Has President Trump been working together with Vladimir Putin, working very very closely, with Chairman Xi in China and PM Modi in India? Have they all been unified in draining the swamp together? You decide!

See more in here on how all of this was orchestrated, the deep historical ties and WHY.

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The issue is also said to have affected the UK’s visa system, which had to suspend processing applications for two days.

The Home Office did not comment when asked by Computer Weekly what the justification was for holding records on thousands of individuals when no further police action was taken.

The PNC (Police National Computer) currently holds information on about 12.6 million individuals, and retains this information until either their 100th birthday or 100 years from the date it was first reported to police, depending on the intelligence category the information falls into.

UPDATED article on the latest from 2.18.2022

What is the real purpose of Starlink? To Set Up a Global Wif-Fi Communications System Based on Quantum Technology Rather than Through Transmission of EMF? You Decide! Quantum Teleportation and Entanglement Expand Your Thinking? MIT Tech Review!

#Starlink, #ElonMusk, #Tesla, #EUSCOM, #SpaceX, #MITTechnologyReview


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SpaceX’s Starlink satellite constellation is still deep into testing mode, but it’s already generating 5 trillion bytes of data on a daily basis and getting software updates on a weekly basis.

Those are a couple of the nuggets coming from a weekend Reddit “Ask Me Anything” session featuring SpaceX’s software team.

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