What is really happening in Ukraine and why the media has targeted Russia and Putin for years! What is really happening with Baby Farming? How many Bio Labs are in Ukraine? Check it out!

in #babyfarming2 years ago (edited)

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Be advised the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children is not a government agency.

See some interesting people connected to that agency here and ask yourself, are all really trying to help or are their infiltrators in all sectors of society attempting to protect the Globalist Cabal's interests?
You decide!

Children and adults end up missing in a variety of ways.

So is there a Human Trafficking issue?
You decide!

Some go missing for this reason and not just talking about the United States, but worldwide since as brothers and sisters of the human race. . .all are Connected!


This is about more than missing children, it is that children have no voice. Sadly neither do the elderly and some of the others who are considered of age. This stuff goes Deep as you likely know! https://steemit.com/humanharvest/@artistiquejewels/organ-trade-in-china-worth-usd1-billion-a-year-documentary-coming-out-on-60-minutes-human-harvest-exposes-where-they-get-their

National Crime Information Center

Numbers and facts absolutely matter, if one can get a hold of them!
So much is skewed or lost including cases. Much is covered up or labeled classified.

What we Can get at are actual testimonies from family members who either have children and people go missing and never do return. At times murder is involved, other times, vanishings.

Even in the Gosch case it appeared there was a possible trafficking scheme [honeypot] involved where Johnny didn't die, but according to Bonacci, he was still alive at the time and part of a ring that used kids in a mob of a certain leaning and agenda. Think. . .Reagan with Bush allowing access to a ring which ensnared people.

If you are familiar with the Franklin Cover up, then you are aware this goes deep and Bonacci along with other child victims received a great deal of threats and victim blaming. One thing is for certain, trafficked people and body parts are indeed verified! Looks like corporate owned media is desperately trying to keep #WhatLiesBeneath hidden in the shadows. Darkness, distraction, skewing of numbers are indeed beneficial tactics of the nefarious and dark side.

Perhaps they could attend to the fact that many who they don't classify as "missing" are being kidnapped by some well known corrupted agencies. I'll start trusting MSM and google's findings when they start telling the truth and are no longer corporate owned or steered by agencies like 23andme run by google's very own Sergey Brin's ex. . .Anne Wojcicki Interesting that they are attached to the Exact same type of industry as what Put*n and others trying to bring to light in the Ukraine. Very Interesting Indeed!



See more on this here by scrolling through the comments on this post,

If you ever wonder WHY Put_n is targeted by corporate owned media and a narrative is spun about him, just remember what he said about children and the United States!
Charlie Chaplin married and impregnated some of his costars who were children. Why do you suppose Hollywood has such an Open Secret? You decide!

Lay it Down! Baby farm, Sister and Brother used IVF to Create an Heir. Biotech, Meds follow Money


Remember when Putin talked about Pedophiles Running the US and World? Why Ukraine, Russia are KEY



Do you remember?

The NCMEC [National Center for Missing and Exploited Children] is not a government agency. Not that, that always means squat as we all know the cabal's infiltrators are also in the government sector or we wouldn't have the glut, black military projects and the rest of the pervasive evil that is funded by the very people they enslave. Humanity has been duped big time, but they Could choose to Stop it as a collective and not tune into the frequencies of the prince and power of the air! My point is, you will Never get a fair shake or the actual numbers. Check out who the NCMEC is connected to.

Then remember that even gov agencies like The NCIC
[National Crime Information Center] have FBI stats and we have all seen what They cover up and which officers are picked off if they Dare step out of line and try to stand for the helpless and truth! Did you see all the officers who were "suicided" [arkanci*ed] after they saw what was on the Weiner laptop dealing with the Clinton Emails! You should take a look, but you may already be familiar. You will remember Coleman's notes and how those at the top of the FBI desperately tried to cover it up, then attempted to justify their lies to the very citizens who pay their salaries. #ThesePeopleAreSick brings on multiple meanings!


It's vast and big. Too few out there understand the significance. But thank God for all who get it and have been committed for decades to ending this evil including the #babyfarming which does indeed center around those bio labs! https://steemit.com/saveourchildren/@artistiquejewels/who-is-working-with-president-trump-how-we-know-we-have-it-all-is-real-how-about-that-photo-with-the-pope-and-trump-yikes-for

Just wait until they break it all Wide Open!
Been going on since ancient times!



#BabyFarming, #MissingChildren, #HumanTrafficking, #Ukraine, #Epstein, #Cabal, #FallCabal, #Putin, #Russia, #Biolabs, #BabyFactory

Sources and more connecting information



A horrifying journey through Arizona foster care, and why we don't know how many more children may be abused







Thank you Great Warrior Theresa Marie

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Thank you Great Warrior Robbie Walters for these Spot On memes!

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Also posted by Robbie Walters

A collection of posts from my friends in the donbass region of #Ukraine for over eight years (check the dates on the screenshots going back to 2015) the people of donbass and other regions of Ukraine have used hashtags #stopUkrainianArmy #savedonbasspeople #stopnazis #prayfordonbass #donbasswar to try to get anyone to see what is happening to them. For eight years they've been killed and tortured. Their children's schools and daycares have targeted by the asov battalion and other Ukrainian armies. Where were all of you #istandwithukriane people at ?! Where are you now. Probably virtue signalling somewhere with a Ukrainian flag and your Ukrainian flag merch as these people are slaughtered by their own government, for no other reason than because they speak Russian.

Note the date!

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Find link and the collection of photos here,



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