💰'Protect People From The Ongoing Phishing Scam'-Contest Winners Announcement

in #mapsters6 years ago (edited)

Announcing the winners of the ‘Protect your followers against the phishing scam' -contest


Slow Start

I realize that the contest wasn’t easy. I asked you to write a post in which you warned your followers about the ongoing phishing scam. This required you to do some research, which would take time. Precious time, since we all have our own stuff to deal with, both on steemIt and in daily life.

When the results started coming in so slow, I got scared we wouldn’t be able to reach a lot of people.

After the first three days, I would never have imagined that by the time the contest had ended, there would have been 15 entries.

To all contestants: you warmed my heart. By writing your posts, you showed you really cared about the platform and your followers. I admire each and every one of you.

Here’s a list of all entries:

ANTI-PHISPHING by @kamiikazer

You Have Lost Control of Your Account, "What Now" by @bashadow

Protect Your ASS... I Mean Assets by @omitaylor

Friends, bots and Steemians! (Phishing) by @bengy

Keys and Laced Links by @mineopoly

PLEASE DON'T be the NEXT VICTIM of a PHISHING SCAM !! by @lynncoyle1


[Internet Safety] Phishing Attacks by @johngreenfield

How to beat the scammers on Steemit - Step 1 by @lucygarrod

HACKED - Don't Be A Victim! by @magicalmoonlight


Keep yourself safe from phishing scams on Steemit! by @conradt

😨⚠⚠ 😨WARNING FRIENDS 😨⚠⚠😨 by @johndoer123

✋ Hover Look b4u Click... Due diligence. Don't trust everyone... by @wizardave

Awareness From The Ongoing Phishing Scam by @olivia08


The Contest

I just went through all entries again, and trying to decide who would win the contest was difficult. Much more difficult than I had ever imagined.

To thank you all for participating, I will reward the people that didn’t make it to the top 3 with a membership to @steembasicincome. I’ll tell you more about that at the end of this post.

Selecting the winners makes me feel uncomfortable: there were so many good entries, and I don’t want anyone to think his or her article wasn’t good. They all were. You all stepped up and played an important part in educating people, preventing them to fall victim.

I will announce the winners below. Forgive me for not adding details, but my physical condition doesn’t allow me to make this a novel-length post.


The Winners

Remember, you are all winners. And it was hard to make a decision, but I thought long and hard about it, and this is my final call:

1st prize: (10SBD)
Protect Your ASS... I Mean Assets by @omitaylor

2nd prize: (6SBD)
✋ Hover Look b4u Click... Due diligence. Don't trust everyone... by @wizardave

3rd prize: (4SBD)

Congratulations, your prizes have been sent.


As promised in the original contest post, 5th place will be rewarded with 2 @steembasicincome shares, sponsored by @fullcoverbetting.

This prize will be awarded to @bengy!


@steembasicincome Shares

Like I mention before, I’d like to reward all of you with a share in the @steembasicincome initiative.

A @steembasicincome share will entitle you to get a small vote on all your posts. The more shares you have, the bigger the upvote will be.
You can read more about the @Steembasicincome initiative here.

As you probably know, you can not buy @steembasicincome shares for yourself, but if you sponsor someone into the program, you are rewarded with a share yourself.

I decided not to sponsor all of you myself. Instead, I’m going to send the 1 Steem that is required to sponsor someone to a couple of you, with the name of the person you need to sponsor.

So once you’ve received the 1Steem, please forward it to @steembasicincome and put the name of the person you need to sponsor in the memo field. That way, you will both receive a share.

The table below will make clear to whom I will send the 1Steem membership fee, and which person needs to be sponsored with this.

1 Steem sent toPerson to sponsor


Compilation Of The Posts

If you have been following my posts, you might have seen I created a DBook earlier this week on How To Get Your Account And Reputation Back After Getting Hacked.

Creating a DBook out of posts will make sure the information will remain easily accessible for everyone, even after the post has reached payout.

I plan to write another DBook with protection tips soon, and all submitted entries will be included, so your posts won’t disappear into SteemIt oblivion.


It Doesn’t End Here

Though the contest may be closed, the phishing scam is still going on. This means no one is relieved from the task to keep educating his or her followers about the topic.

Keep spreading awareness, because that’s the only way we can prevent people from falling victim.


@simplymike Great thing to do, for sure with your small wallet. Lot's of kudos for this :)
But you did forget something in the post! There was another price! So tell me who the lucky basterd is from my 5th place contest :)

true, I completely forgot... I'll fix it instantly

It's @bengy.
Thanks for adding an extra incentive, @fullcoverbetting!

Woohoo! Sneaking in at the end!

@bengy thanks for supporting the phising scam contest of @simplymike and warning your circle of friends about the dangers.
Here is my token of appreciation:

Thank you, and thanks for the support of a worthy cause!

Congratulations to all the winners. Protect Your ASS... I Mean Assets by @omitaylor was certainly a fine, informative read. the style of writing was equally impressive and helped drive in the points!

Everyone though, as @simplymike alludes, is a winner. All of us who read the several entries, i might add.

Thank you @mirrors. They're all really useful and winners in that they spread the word about phishing and hopefully even if a few people make small adjustments then many will be that much safer.

True. I personally learnt much from what you wrote.

It was definitely a hard decision, @mirrors. I wish I was rich and wealthy, so I could have rewarded everyone for their efforts making people aware...

I know. But, well. You can only do so much.

Well done everyone! Keep on educating!

Thank you @simplymike!

  • Since it seems daily we keep running across people getting scammed, let's everyone keep the awareness going!
    • Congrats to all participants!

Thank you for your generosity.


I just sent you the 1Steem you need to sponsor a @steembasicincome share for @johngreenfield.
Simply forward that 1 Steem to @steembasicincome and put 'johngreenfield' in the memo. You will then both receive a @steembasicincome share.

Mineopy, you should have put ‘johngreenfield’ in the memo field instead of your own neme. You can not sponsor shares for yourself :0)

I see how it works now. Just Johngreenfield. My username is already on the wallet message. I think they will understand because "johngreenfield's" username is there. Putting my username is not necessary. I got it.

You got it! :0)

Sadly I don't think it's worked, but I really appreciate the gesture guys! Thanks @simplymike and keep doing what you're doing

Confirmation can take a few days. Especially now the steemit creators conference is there. Everything is done manually, so there will be a delay for sure.
If something went wrong, I’ll make it right again.

ah fair enough, I was presuming it was an automatic process! I'll keep an eye an out for it
Thanks again guys, especially you @simplymike. You're a real benefit to the platform

Edit: I should be more patient, got it. Cheers!

Congrats to the winners although I did not win but that post is the third highest paid post since I joined steemit in January, currently reading $8+
Thank you @simplymike
Please @bengy do well to send the sponsorship. Thank you very much

Just done it! Screenshot_20180418-151354.jpg

Hey, just wanted to let you know I gave you an upvote because I appreciate your content! =D See you around

This is doing a great service for the community in raising awareness of this problem, @simplymike. So thanks for the initiative, and congrats to all the winners... they are also "winners" in the sense that they added to the sound of awareness in our community.

Just ran across another of @arcange's warnings on a comment... did a little backtracking and what did I find: One of the "roots" of where the funds from compromised accounts end up-- https://steemit.com/@richardman/transfers

Amazing how many of these scumbags are out there!


I'm sorry. I'm confused. What do you mean?

@johndoer123, I sent you the 1Steem to enroll @omivia08 into the @steembasicincome program. By sponsoring her share, you will receive a share yourself.

I attempted to do it. And I think I did. However, I think I sent it to the wrong person do to a typo on your behalf. I sent it to@olivia08 per your request.Screenshot_20180419-063645.pngScreenshot_20180418-081751.png
What should I do? I'm so sorry for messing up.

No worries, you did right. I made a typo in my last comment. I wrote omivia08 instead of olivia08
Sorry for this. But you have done it correctly!

So what does it mean for me? This is the first time I've really encountered this deal. And how are you feeling today? I really hope it was a good day for you. I pray for good results from your doctor visit.

A membership of @steembasicincome will basically give you 1 share in the initiative, which will give you a small upvote on all your posts. The more shares you get, the more this upvote will be worth. You can read more about the @Steembasicincome initiative here

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