How to beat the scammers on Steemit - Step 1

in #scam6 years ago (edited)

So yesterday somebody here on Steemit tried to scam me!

Seriously??? Did you really think you can scam me?
I invented this game bitch - I am a Pro!


Ok, I am just kidding, I am not a real scammer, I am a lawyer which isn’t far off!

Jokes aside, here is how the scam works: You get a comment like this one I received on my post yesterday

An unsuspecting Steemian clicks on the link which takes them outside of Steemit - sometimes the site may look like steemit and ask you to login. You login without realizing that you are on a scammer site and providing this confidential information to these crooks. Sometime they might just ask you to login or connect your steemit account - there are a lot of different ways that these crooks try to get their dirty paws on your account! Anyways, if you do give out your keys to these people, they will start powering you down immediately and start sending out the same type of phishing comments to other steemit users! The cycle repeats itself over and over and over again! Until we all become aware of it!

So I wanted to share a quick tip with my friends to reduce your risks during hacking attempts on your Steemit account.


“Please immediately stop using your owner keys to log into Steemit”

You may ask how else will you be able to login and upvote my posts without your Owner Key?

You can do all that by using your Posting Key!

I cannot emphasise the importance of this one small simple step if your account is hacked.

Stop using your owner key to do these day to day mundane stuff on Steemit! It is not safe - If scammers get their hands on your Owner Key - YOU ARE SCREWED!

I know @arcange is working hard to protect us all and has sent over 20,000 warning in the last 30 days to protect our community, which is great but we also should take steps to protect ourselves. We should make our Steemit accounts as safe as possible so these small-time crooks will go elsewhere! Also, as @arcange is really serving our community, please consider giving your witness vote to @arcange

To learn more about the topic please visit @simplymike blog and this post -

I added the full url so you know where you need to go in case you are suspicious of my links ;)

Don’t put it off - Do it NOW! Remember - Posting Key can post, upvote and resteem - so you don’t need your owner keys all the time!

Also, if you found this little tip useful - please consider keeping me alive with your upvotes, follows and resteems :)


Good one!...:)...

:D Thank you!

Thanks for this informative post. I knew this already, thanks to others passing on the knowledge, but I know there will be a lot of newbies who will benefit from knowing this as well. I've resteemed to spread the awareness.

Thank you so much for your support! You are right it is more for the newbies, it is just terrible that we have got so many crooks trying to ruin the users experience on the platform! Together we can stop them! :)

The value on this post was 4.20 before I upvoted. Coincidence? :P

lol! That is some coincidence :) I think the universe was trying to warn people about this scammy post :) Thanks for rescuing me from becoming a 420 ;)

Thanks for putting up this post.
It’s like @fullcoverbetting says: since I got my account hacked a little over a month ago, I’m trying to raise awareness.
But it is hard since people don’t seem to care as long as it is not their account that is compromised.

I have a contest running about the phishing scam. The main goal is to get as many people as possible to write about it, so more people can be reached than just my followers base. You could submit your post as an entry.

The post is not only a contest, but contains a whole lot of useful information about what’s going on and how people can protect themselves.

I won’t put a link in here, since I suspect you are a little suspicious about links in comments now (I know I am), but you can find it on my blog. It’s 4 days old now, so just scroll down a little.

Thanks for stopping by @simplymike :)
I think this topic should concern everyone so I really don't know why people would not care! I am seeing no end of those suspicious comments on the platform, so I really don't think that anyone is safe!
I will certainly check out your post and also submit this one as my amateur submission!
Thanks once again for raising awareness! We do need to stand united against these crooks because it is really unhealthy for the community.
xx Lucy

We definetely need more posts like this. Steemers beware !

Thank you :) That's very kind of you!

You forget to mention to always store the owner key offline in a secure place ;)

lol! That'll be step 2 ;)

keep updating the community...we need posts like that!!!...good work!

Maybe you should take a look @simplymike post about figthing scammers! Her account was hacked some time ago and it is now trying to make people aware of the vulnerability of using the master key!
Really like how you present yourselve with Bla bla bla about me!

Thanks for spreading the word, @fullcoverbetting! I really appreciate it

No prob when I did read it, I immediate had to think about your posts. I try to help where I can!
See my latest post could be last one. Hope it will attracts lots of attention!

Thank you @fullcoverbetting :) I am glad you like it! I didn't think anyone will be interested in my bio so I thought I will save them some time ;)
I will definitely be going to @simplymike's blog and checkout the contest post.
xx Lucy

Thank you for the useful tips, it is very important to learn useful information about this platform.

You are most welcome @sweetspicy - stay safe :)

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