💡 MajorNews - When I first knew "they" were going to start censoring...

in #majornews6 years ago (edited)

If this flag offends you, you might be brainwashed...

  • If my first statement offends you, you might be brainwashed...


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The Problem

Do you remember how long it took to turn the vast majority of people against this flag?

  • 1 day!
    24 hours!!
    1440 minutes!!!
    • Do you remember it happening?
      Tell us in the comments what you thought at the time...
      • Social networks censored use of the flag.
      • Amazon removed it from their store. (You still cannot purchase the flag at their store...)
        However, you could purchase an ISIS flag at their store. (I do notice they no longer carry these...)
        They also removed the General Lee car from their store, since it had the flag on top. (I do notice they are again selling these cars...)
      • Google removed it from their shopping service. (They still do not display links, except there are 3 paid advertisers who will sell you a Confederate flag.)
        However, they did provide links to purchase ISIS flags. (I do notice they no longer do this...)
      • "News" reports abounded of States wanting to remove the flag from their grounds and take down Confederate war statues.
      • One owner of one of the few original General Lee cars made the news by removing the flag from the top of his car. NOTE: You just devalued your investment by THOUSANDS, dumbass. haha

Here comes the "conspiracy" theory...

  • This all happened so fast it had to be scripted.
    This all happened so fast it had to be scripted.
    This all happened so fast it had to be scripted.
    • You do realize if an "event" is scripted, the real news, the MajorNEWS is that the event was scripted.
      The real news is NOT about the event at all.
      • MajorNEWS = "They" flexed their muscles to show "they" could, within the period of 24 hours, brainwash millions of people.

That's when I knew it was only a matter of time that "they" would start censoring the likes of Alex Jones and others who deny their "official" stories.

  • Like him or not, you should be very concerned if someone like Alex Jones gets censored. Alex has more consumers than all the "mainstream" news outlets combined.

Let me take you off on a tangent and then come back to the topic at hand.

  • When Obama forced ObamaCare through
    • the Democrats cheered
    • the Republicans booed
  • When Trump forced Tax Reform through
    • the Republicans cheered
    • the Democrats booed
  • All the while, I'm over here going,

Why does the Presidency have all this unConstitutional power to force anything onto the American public?

  • You see, the problem isn't that Obama did something that major or that Trump did something that major...
    • The problem is that the POTUS has ASSumed powers not delegated to them from the Constitution. The POTUS should only have power to do what Congress tells them to do. Congress should only have the power to tell the POTUS to do the will of the people, not the will of corporations. They are called Representatives, but it seems they represent Corporate America, not We, the People.
  • All the while, I'm over here going,

why do the corporations behind "mainstream" media and "social networks" have the power to brainwash people to believe anything "they" want them to?

  • Remember the picture during the Clinton era of ICE taking the "illegal alien" kid out of a closet and deporting him?
    • The Democrats cheered.
    • The Republicans booed.
  • Fast forward 30 years and Trump deports "illegal alien" kids and
    • The Republicans cheered.
    • The Democrats booed.
  • Proof "they" can brainwash people into believing anything "they" want them too.
    • How, in a matter of just a couple of decades, can the followers of 2 major parties, completely flip flop on such issues? (This is just one example, there are hundreds more...)
      • Because "they" can brainwash people into believing anything "they" want them too.

Facebook got caught experimenting to see if they could make you happy or sad (brainwash you into believing you are happy or sad...).

  • They said "OOPS, we are sorry, we won't do that again."
    • LIARS!!!
      • You're only sorry that you got caught and to this day, you still are brainwashing.
        You still are doing your part to control the narrative (brainwash people into believing whatever you want them to believe...)

/end of tangent/
Like him or not, you should be very concerned if someone like Alex Jones gets censored. Alex has more consumers than all the "mainstream" news outlets combined.

  • It should concern you that "they" have the power to censor one of the biggest Alternative News outlets. (His Internet presence is bigger than all "mainstream" TV news combined...)
    • It's really no big deal, in the fact that his followers already have many alternatives ways to follow him. Those who want to follow Alex Jones can still follow Alex Jones.
      • It's the fact, that "they" do not care what you think about Alex Jones and others soon to follow...
      • It's the fact, that "they" can censor someone who has millions of followers. They step on millions of people's toes and do not care at all.
      • It's the fact that those who want to follow Alex Jones, no longer can follow him on Facebook, YouTube, iTunes, etc.
  • This should be a wakeup call to all Alex Jones' followers to stop using those "mainstream" social media platforms.
    • This should be a wakeup call to everyone else to stop using those "mainstream" social media platforms.
      • Are you awake yet?

The solution

It time to take a


I invite you to:

  • Stop using "mainstream" social media networks.
  • Stop watching, listening to and reading "mainstream" news.
    • Step away from "them" who want to brainwash you into believing what they want you to believe.
      • Instead search for alternatives.
  • Help us help you and the world by creating a media powerhouse that can't be censored.
    • I own the domain name MajorNews.com. I am interested in developing a web site (using open source) tied to Steemit and maybe other platforms with monetary rewards. I have 1000+ ideas about how this could work, but the #1 thing you must do when developing a new web site is find out what interests people the most. If I added all 1000+ ideas, it would be a bit overwhelming.
      • Looking for anyone who wants to be part of our team. Graphic artists, programmers, idea people, marketers, entrepreneurs, investors, journalists ... ??? ... Comment your interest and area(s) of expertise.

MajorNEWS posts and experiments.

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I see it as a natural evolution of the market. With this move by the big media players it will create demand and space for new media companies to build their businesses with the idea that they will not censor anything. If that is something the consumer cares about then these new companies focused on non-censorship will take over a large portion of the market share.

I'm afraid it will be a very slow process to help people realize they've been duped and to help them find alternative news sources that really do just report and let you decide...

within the period of 24 hours, brainwash millions of people.
I don't think so.
Perhaps they pissed off millions of people and shot their own credibility in the ass.
"the news media is the enemy of the american people' isn't very controversial right now...not IF but HOW MUCH.

I still can't believe how they Steamrolled that narrative. Racist flag... Not if you actually study its history.

Sad part is, I agree they pissed millions of us off but there was nothing we could do.

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I disagree with some minor things you said but I still gave you an upvote because it isn't right to only appreciate the things one wants to hear. I like the main point you're trying to get across and that's why I kept reading. While I don't like Alex Jones one bit, it is crazy how many people actually follow him (I didn't know it was so much) but even crazier that "they" censored him despite that. And while the confederate flag may have a rich history or other symbolic meaning I still don't appreciate the meaning that the majority of its supporters back up. I think PEOPLE gave it that meaning, not "them". (Similar to how the swastika is actually a Buddhist symbol but today its meaning is completely warped.) However, the fact that "they" censored a flag can be concerning. For something to not fall under the protection of the First Amendment I believe it has to have some sort of intellectual value and as such, obscene material (such as profanity or pornography for example) is not protected and can be censored. Is Alex Jones censored under the guise of being labeled as obscene?
I've cut myself off from all social media already. And long before that I stopped watching TV. It's all fake news, propaganda, and brainwashing in some form or another.

it isn't right to only appreciate the things one wants to hear.

Very good point. If people only listen to one side of the story, they become cultish in nature.
Alex Jones has woke up millions about things they need to know (and yes, he's also chased and sensationalized stories that didn't pan out), but most of those people end up continuing to listen to just him, thus becoming kind of like a cult... I listened to him a few years ago, and if he would say what he had to say in 15 or 30 minutes instead of 3 hours, I might still be listening to him. haha But, I have watched him and Matt Drudge force a story to be covered by the "MSM" and that is a good thing.

Cheers for being awake and taking steps away from the propaganda!

Thank you. Keep doing what you're doing!

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