You will hurt yourself if you overdo it

in #life7 years ago


When I went to the gym, I heard a chubby boy ask the coach: "Coach, is there any way to lose weight quickly?”

The coach said, "No, you need to keep exercising."

He was unwilling and when the coach walked away and he said, "No, I must lose 10 pounds this month, others do aerobic exercise one hour a day, I will do two hours."

Standing next to him, a little girl said, "Exercise needs to be gradual, don’ think about want to become thin quickly, it is not good for your body."

He grunted and walked away.

The next time I went to the gym, I did not see that boy, I asked the little girl: "Where is the boy that said want to lose 10 pounds in a month, did he not come today?”

"Excessive exercise, muscle tension, last time he went to the hospital, he won’t be able to come in the near future."

I was sobbing. A lot of people around us, seems to be like this, just want to lose weight fast, other than exercising, they also go on a hunger strike to abuse themselves, but never to pay attention to how to lose weight scientifically.

Some fast for a month and got anorexia; some exercise excessive and injured their muscle. In the end, they weren't able to get the result they wanted but also have other diseases.


I knew a girl from high school, in order to meet her long-distance boyfriend, saw a weight loss ads on TV, said that by eating their medicine can lose a few pounds a week. So she spent her hard-earned money to buy a course of treatment. At first, she was full of expectations, after a week, she not only wasn't able to lose weight, because of various side effects from the medicine, her face was full of acne.

After that she never believed those weight loss advertising, only believe in exercise scientifically, reasonable diet to get good results.

So, when doing things, do not overdo it, or you will always easily hurt yourself.

My cousin is still in primary school, my aunt hopes she can be all-round development, so she signed up for a variety of courses for my cousin.

Monday to Friday study in school, the first thing after school at night is to do homework. Saturday morning, study calligraphy, Saturday afternoon study guitar, Sunday morning study mathematics. Only on Sunday afternoons, she gets a little break.

My cousin said to me, "I am too tired, these classes that my mother signed up for me, I really do not like them, even if you ask me to learn, I can’t master it and also waste money. Can you help me talk to my mother? ”

I talked to my aunt, and hope she doesn't give her child too much pressure, after all, she is still in primary school.

My aunt righteously said, "You do not understand, everyone around here is like her, I can not let my child lose at the starting line."

After she finished her words, she turned and urged my cousin to study. My cousin has been joining for different courses, but her results have no improvement, but also decline a lot, because those courses that my aunt signed up for her are wasting too much energy, scattered her major subjects energy, leading to declining in academic performance.

In this two years of paid knowledge world, many people have been signing up for different courses online.

"How to quickly improve the emotional quotient of the curriculum", "How to master English in one month, this course will help you", "How to form a rich thinking" and so on. In this era, everyone is very anxious, and then sign up for a lot of courses without knowing the good and bad.

Some people want to learn how to speak English well, and some people want to learn how to write articles, and also want to practice to have good handwriting, and earn thousands a month.
In the end, they found out that they spent the money, spent their time; they did not learn anything. Still, don’t know how to speak English, no one read the article, no one can recognize your handwriting except yourself.

No matter which stage of the study, don’t try too hard, focus on one thing at a time, and do it well, is the right choice.
Do one thing at a time, solve a problem at a time.


I still remember when I was young, I like to play with rubber bands with other kids. We are trying to pull the rubber bands to our direction, the more we pull, we were worried about each other, worry about the rebound force and hurt ourselves.

The effect of the force is mutual.

When you overdo something, the result might not be well, and it might backfire.

In university, there is a boy who like a girl, in order to get this girl, he is almost inseparable with the girl; he even followed her when the girl when shopping with her friends. Every day, whatever the girl is doing, he calls and asks. At the beginning, the girl thought that the boy is very concerned about herself, and she also treats him politely.

There was one time, when the girl was in the shower and did not answer the boy call, in the end the boy called for a dozens of times, and when the girl able to answer his call, he questioned her "I called you so many times, why are you not answering, what are you doing?"

The girl is getting angry, "You are not my boyfriend, not even my father, why are you a busybody? Don't ever call me again!” After hanging up the phone, she adds the boys into the blacklist.

A good relationship is a matter of time, not being a stalker.

Whether it is boyfriend or girlfriend, we should give each other space; the two sides live in harmony, try too hard to get into a relationship, in the end, there is always a side will get hurt.


We used to do a lot of things, the adults will tell us, do things with a little bit harder, work a little harder will have good results.

When we grow up, slowly found out that a lot of things, if you try too hard to do it, it might not end well. The result of the force is very big; rebound strength is also very strong.

In psychology, there is a psychological phenomenon called "threading a needle psychology." Psychologists have experimented: the more you concentrate on trying to put the thread through a little needle, the more difficult the thread to put through. Instead, you try it left and right, and you probably will succeed.

It is also the same when doing things, when we put too much attention to something, our psychological will be tense, and a tension often will be a heartbeat acceleration, energy dispersion, action disorders and other adverse reactions. Many people failed at the end of the life; this is one of the important reasons.

Overdo things; we will eventually hurt ourselves.


Work hard, so that you have the right to choose
You have nothing; You have everything
I envy those who have no dream
Sometimes all we need is a motivation
Random Thought #1: I’m lost and confused after working for a year
What you can't do doesn't mean others can’t do it too


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