The saddest thing is you deny yourself even before you started

in #life7 years ago

We all aspire to succeed, but the tragedy is that most people choose to question themselves and deny themselves when they have not yet to begin to work hard.


On weekends, there is netizen who consulted me about blogging.

"It's hard to write a product review? "
"I have not written a lot of reviews, can I earn money?"
"After start writing, how long does it takes to get noticed?"
"Is it easy to earn money?"
"What if the reader thinks that I'm not good at writing?"

He did not consult me on how to write good contents, all he expressed are the difficulty in the future and unpredictable results; He has not yet started, but his subconscious has been labeled "I can't, I can not do it." This is not the situation of a few, but it is the inertia of most people when faced with one thing.

Such negative inertia thinking will greatly hinder our ability to act.


The person who has this kind of mentality sees the difficulty, he will automatically shield from the opportunity.

Our mindset determines our perception of the world. When you are in a good mood, you will feel that everyone is pleasant, everything is going well, and usually serious people are amiable. When you are in a bad mood, you will feel that everyone is against you and that everything else will be directed at you, and that many small things in your life are annoying to you.

It's the same goes to when doing something, when you think it's hard to achieve, what you see, discover and think are all possible difficulties and obstacles that will automatically fill in your mind. How can you go all out to do things in such a state of mind?

Those who have the inertia of this kind of thinking tend to form a negative psychological thought, which is easy to give up to prove the correctness of their foresight.

The habit of a person is that the subconscious is inclined to prove the correctness of his or her foresight, whether it is positive or negative. "Look, I told you so; I can't do it."; "I knew I couldn't do it, I’m not good enough for this."

Is this wording very common? We are accustomed using this kind of foresight to explain what happened later, which seems to have found a comfortable explanation for the failure of something.

If we start to think that we will fail, in the process of encountering difficulties, subconsciously will see it as an insurmountable dilemma, and easily give up.


Always scruples about the consequences of failure is easy to let us work in restraints and miss the opportunity.

In fact, a lot of things, even if they didn't end up as we expected, they will not give us any real loss, but in the psychological, we are always worried about no reward after hard work. Even if we do not do anything, we waste our time and energy on shopping, surfing the net, and doing things that have nothing to do with us. In this kind of psychology, what we do is be conservatism, when others become successful, we still worry that our hard work didn’t get the reward we deserved, and let our efforts all in vain.

In fact, our potential is far beyond our imagination, like my mother, she can not imagine she was able to complete the flight alone independently.

Last weekend, I sent mom to a non-stop Hong Kong flights, this is the first time my mother took a non-stop flight to Hong Kong alone. At the airport, when checking in, I realized that I forgot my passport, and I can only let my mother travel alone. Her mood suddenly breakdown: "I do not know what to do, I can not hear clearly what they said."

After more than half an hour of calming her down, I put my hand on her shoulder and said: "I do not have a passport so I can not enter the customs, this is the state regulations, you can only rely on yourself to check-in. Stop having the idea that you can't do it well, believe yourself that you can do it.

If you are in trouble, look for the staffs, they can help you. If there is any accident, call me or send a message, I will wait here until you board the plane." Around one o'clock in the afternoon, I received a message from my mom, said she has arrived in Hong Kong smoothly.

You see, the potential in each of us is much stronger than we think.


So how do we face the opportunity correctly?
First of all, we need to implant in our mind the seeds of "I can do this, this thing will be done."

The simpler way to do this is to imagine what it will bring to you, whether psychological, material or honorary, and you'll find the meaning of having to do it all you can. Have the confidence to win, but also let yourself take the initiative to strive for opportunities to explore all available resources, to play to the full potential.

With the confidence to win, the second step we need to do is to solve the complex problem, and break it down into a smaller task, resolve it with the underlying laws and common sense.

We usually easy to get bogged down in the complicated things, feeling powerless, struggling to give up. The solution to this obsession is to disassemble complex problems and break them down into one smaller task so that the problems you face will be greatly reduced, and after a rational dismantling, your anxiety will be relieved by the clarity of your work.

After the task is broken down, the last thing we have to do is “just do it.” Take action, and solve these small tasks one by one. When you focus on each small task to comb resources, formulate strategies, then you will find that some of the tasks of the completion of a purely time commitment, there are multiple solutions, some can ask others for help; Everything is not as complicated and difficult as you think.

At least those unknown factors in the future, don’t care about it first, go ahead bravely. Those possible events in the future, just roll with the punches, everything will have a solution; even if there is no plan, it can be given time.

Look at the outstanding people around you, are they not face the opportunity with a positive attitude? Whether it is in the workplace or in life, open the distance is the pattern of cognition. Adjust your cognitive perspective, build positive thinking patterns, and succeed in everything you deserve.


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This post has received gratitude of 9.96 % from @appreciator thanks to @walkinharmony.

well said, but leaving your mom to travel alone was kinda cruel lol

I have no choice too, I forgot my passport and even if I went back and grab my passport, I don't think I can make it in time.

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