That guy who sold his kidney to buy an iPhone, how is he now?

in #life7 years ago

When I was a child, I remember when my mom and dad bought the first mobile phone, I feel very happy. It is an old Motorola mobile phone, but now feel that the phone is really is too broken, but still very excited.


Mom and Dad are afraid that the mobile phone will affect my study, so they generally don’t allow me to play. Occasionally allow me to play for a while after finished homework as a reward, but when I think of it now, there is not much fun on the phone. I often play the hit penguin with snowball game on the phone, that time I was quite happy.

During primary school, mom and dad bought me a Nokia 5300; I often like to send text messages to classmates and friends, whenever my friends replied, I will feel excited whole day, and hurriedly open the phone to check the messages. The red and white color combination, able to surf the internet, able to take pictures, at that time it is quite a high tech. I still remember that times I often use the phone to the surf the internet until midnight.

Later, I took this phone to high school, at that time is the world of Nokia. iPhone 4 was just listed, and feel far away from us. A lot of students will take out their Nokia C6 and play non-stop.


Later, our richest student in our class, he changed to an android phone. Stunning us, and soon we all attracted by it, play games, surf the internet, and we can only touch the Nokia in our pocket, and express silence.

At that time, our class monitor bought a book, I feel bored and take a look at the book, and I was suddenly attracted by the person on the book. I think the person in the book is very great, his products, his ideas, and then the class monitor took away the book.

I had to buy a copy, right, the book called "Steve Jobs." It's the first time I've known the mythical Apple company. If Jobs is still alive, I don't know what else he will bring to give us. Oh, there's one more thing ..., he's my idol, a great man who has changed the way people live.

When the iPhone became popular, it doesn’t seem to be a mobile phone but has become a symbol of status. Later I heard the news that there was a person who sold his kidney in order to buy the iPhone, at first I was a bit of unbelief, and later felt incredible, wonder how Jobs will feel if he knows these.

But this also reflects how enthusiastic people were about Apple's fondness for the iPhone. Electronic products advance too fast; new products have constantly been emerging, how many kidneys can you sell in order to get all of it!

iPhone 5 is also my favorite Apple phone because it embodies Jobs' style, simplicity, clarity, cleanliness, and closed systems, it is also the last product from Jobs.

Unfortunately, Steve died early, otherwise, I think he must not be satisfied with the iPhone 6, its appearance is too mediocre, it is not the style that Jobs likes. Without Steve Jobs, Apple seems to have lost its brilliance, and I don't know if it was Apple or Jobs that made people admired.


iPhone reaches it’s ten years, this decade the mobile phone industry has changed a lot, from the original mobile phone become a luxury. Now everyone has a mobile phone, and even many young people have several different models of different types of mobile phones, people's crazy obsession with Apple has calm down, the reaction to the consumption level of people has improved. There is no need to rely on a mobile phone to show off their identity.

And I suddenly wondering about the guy that sold his kidney for iPhone, how is he now?


You will hurt yourself if you overdo it
Work hard, so that you have the right to choose
You have nothing; You have everything
I envy those who have no dream
Sometimes all we need is a motivation
Random Thought #1: I’m lost and confused after working for a year


When I was in school, nobody had a phone!

When I was in school, the most popular phone was slider phone and flip phone!

one man use 2-3 phone, now a days.

Well even for me, I have 2 phones on me.

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