Effort is a kind of ability that need to be learned

in #life7 years ago


First, let's talk about a common story in life.

A and B are classmates.

A attends class earnestly, immersed in homework after class. Don’t have many recreational activities during daytime, and often study until midnight.

B, other than attending the class and focus in class, on the usual day he doesn’t study, he never absent when playing time, on the extent of the effort, he is far worse than A.

But in the end, every test results, A is often in the medium, while B has always been on the top.

A's efforts are obvious to all; everyone feels sorry for A.

But the real situation is, because A stay up until late night and cause sleep deprivation, often nap in class, he needs to take extra lessons after class, form a vicious circle. So it made a mirage of working hard, although he tried, many of his efforts are ineffective.

And B seems not to give a lot of efforts, but he took full advantage of the 45 minutes in class, focus on those basic, repetitive understand all the knowledge that he learned in class. After class, he does some extended higher-order exercises to consolidate knowledge, not only high efficiency, has a good effect too.

The story is simple, but the reasoning behind it is profound.

The purpose of this example is if you want to achieve good results, only work hard is not enough. It is necessary for us to examine and think carefully repeatedly.

It can even be said that the effort itself is a talent. On the efforts issue, other than self-motivation, we should think more about:
How to work hard? How to devote our time and energy? How to effectively start maintaining and optimizing the input of matter? These are the critical issues that required us to think about.


So, what are we supposed to do?

Choose the right direction of effort

No matter what you do, you must first look at the direction, so that you can bring into full play, if the direction is wrong, then you will have a reverse effect.

In other words, if the direction is wrong, the effort is in vain.
Choose the correct direction, and then work hard to have the possibility of return.

You must have a strategic effort

If the only effort can help you become successful, then the cleaners go out early and come back at dusk, the courier Non-stop delivery parcel, the waiter works 24 hours, taxi drivers keep driving around the town, primary and secondary school teachers work on public holiday and weekend...

If according to this, these people have long been a successful person in everyone hearts.

But the truth is there are too many of them, all their lives, are at the bottom of society.
Here, the effort to succeed seems to be a pseudo-proposition.

Normally, what we heard the most is, successful = 99% effort + 1% inspiration, so we think that as long as we put in effort then we can be successful, but we do not know that the phrase behind the equation: But many times this 1% inspiration is more important than the 99% effort.

The inspiration here is, in a way, is a strategy.

Therefore, we have to break some of the old concepts that the effort is not blindly "harder, harder," the effort is not only a belief, not only a struggle of willpower, it is also a strategic activity.

This strategy is embodied in the deployment of personal resources, the choice of direction of action, the implementation of the progress of the control and debugging in many ways, and a good strategy can constantly be learned and optimized.


For me, I've been writing for the last six months, and I've done a lot of typing to keep writing output.
Read a book every week;
Learn time management and energy management online;
Take full advantage of fragmented time learning.

To this, I almost gave up on all the recreational activities.
Nevertheless, I found that I didn’t have much progress. Reading a lot of books, there is still no insight.

I’m having some problem writing an article; it’s either the logic is not strong, or simply out of topic. In short, it is difficult to evoke the reader's desire to read.

Am I not trying hard enough?
I think this is only part of the reason, a bigger part of the reason is that there is a problem with the method, that is, strategic issues.

When I found the crux of the problem, I timely corrected it and made some adjustments.

After finish reading a book, write down note or draw a mind map and review the contents of the book;

When joining online courses, finish the homework carefully and participate in the teacher's QnA session and get immediate feedback.

Now, the happiest thing when I wake up every morning is that I can clearly feel I’m progressing.
Finally, I want to share two things:

  1. Strive to improve yourself is the key to solve all problems.
  2. Learning how to strive is more important than the effort itself.


How long have you not calm down and think about what you like
When I was young, I thought that when I grew up, I wouldn't feel distressed
That guy who sold his kidney to buy an iPhone, how is he now?
You will hurt yourself if you overdo it
Work hard, so that you have the right to choose
You have nothing; You have everything


True, to achieve your goals you have to be all rounder in all departments as Planning, Implementation, direction and controlling. Thinkless efforts will not lead you anywhere but planned efforts can inturn give you fruitful results. So, whatever your goal is plan before action.

Great post, thanks for sharing.

Have a great day.

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