Sunday Ramble Through Steemit -- Notes on My Favourite Reads Sept 11th

in #life8 years ago

I opened up about 30 posts before I went to put coffee on and feed my bosses. If the headlines are any indication, I should have some good reading to do today. 

Feels like the heat and humidity has finally broke. We had a tornado warning up at one point last night but all we got was some thunderstorm activity. 

Today is the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11. Much has happened in the world since then and a lot of it stems from that fateful day. As the skies over the US closed that day, planes in need of safe place to land did so in Gander, Newfoundland, one of Canada’s Atlantic provinces. Not heavily populated, nor economically strong, the people of Newfoundland did what they are known for, they opened their hearts and homes to look after thousands of stranded passengers. Another of my many reasons I’m a proud Canadian. 

I’ll soon have coffee in hand, time to do some reading. 

Is there something you want to tell someone today?

@lifeisawesome writes about the importance of communication. Not just meaningless drivel, the sort of communication that let’s a person know they matter in the relationship because you’re willing to be vulnerable enough to say you’re sorry for something you did without thinking. Course, first you need to actually think about what you did and realize there may just be room for admitting you were in error. 

Define Yourself or Somebody Else Will

@funnyman writes a good post on having the courage to be our own person and not letting others decide who we are. I once had a friend who I allowed to push me into areas that, while I was capable of working, I had no passion for. I spent several years being defined by those two areas while yearning for what I really wanted but didn’t have the earning potential the first two areas had. 

Last year I realized that this friend was anything but a friend. That realization gave me the guts to break away from doing what I really didn’t care about and focusing more on what I care about, like writing. 

I'm a freelancer and I love lazy people even though I hate them - Invest in yourself..

@hitmeasap goes on a spot on rant about those who think they can just find the right ‘secret’ to make a whole bunch of money without the effort that others make. Those same people usually spend their time running around looking for all that information to be handed to them for free. 

Steemprentice - First Update Report 9/10/2016

@sykochica has a great initiative going with the Steemprentice program. When I get a chance I scroll through the channel and have a look at the activity. It’s quite busy and people giving freely of their time and knowledge. Good work, a great way to give people a handup. 

Open Letter to Ned and Dan: You Badly Need a Communications/Community/Content Expert and I Hereby Nominate @stellabelle or @donkeypong For That Job

If @steemship wrote this open letter to generate discussion, he sure did a good job of it. The letter addresses several issues that he sees in the community, most importantly the treatment of a member of the community through the comment of an employee of Steemit. 

I don’t claim to understand the ins and outs of Steemit. Nor will I make claim that I know all of what goes on. I do know, that for better or worse, discussion can be a good thing. Just remember, it is discussion. 

"Steemaholic?" "Steemsomnia?" Do YOU have a problem? 10 Symptoms & Early Warning Signs ;)

@ibringawareness writes a humourous piece about our addictions to Steemit. It’s funny because many of us can SOOO relate to what he writes. 

09/11/2001- The Celebration of a Most Heroic Life - Christian Regenhard, My Friend

@streetstyle pens a beautifully written tribute to his friend who gave his life on 9/11. It speaks for itself. 

REJOINING THE LIVING… (An Original Story - Part 1)

REJOINING THE LIVING… (An Original Story - Part 2)

@macksby is another fiction writer I enjoy on Steemit. This is a two part story and I’ve linked to both of them. Beautifully written, a story of rebirth through unexpected circumstances. 

There is a Land far, far North...

@camilla writes about the ruggedness of living on land so far north that even the trees struggle to find foothold. The photos are stunning. 

Sharing the Love and the Spotlight: Purveyor of Fine Content (The Now Semi-Regular Hidden Gems 28)

@lpfaust shares some of his finds of posts worth looking at. I look at these when I find them to add to posts I read. I found a couple I want to check out. You may find ones I didn’t. 

Steemit How-To's - The List CW 36

@ash has compiled a great list of posts to help you navigate Steemit. Well worth looking through. 

Little Baby Dolphin goes to Steemit School

@luminousvisions weaves links to several posts into a cute story about a baby dolphin exploring Steemit. Very nicely done. 

Lobola: Is my daughter worth 12 cows? Zulu culture in South Africa

Cultural traditions in many parts of the world and how they are carried out can be very interesting, even if they go against my cultural norms. @onetree describes some of the cultural practices of the Zulu in South Africa

Steemians….don’t be seduced by the Dark Side!

@mlialen writes about keeping it civil even if you don’t like the person. 

Hello! We Are STEEMSQUAD And We Are Here to Support The Minnows. Read On.

Finally today is a post for @steemsquad about their initiative. I’ve been spending some time in their chat channel. Nice group of people there. 

Wrapping up Day 9 

After I read through the posts I opened before I went to coffee this morning, I opened up another 20 over the course of the afternoon. 

Well that has been an interesting day. Some good reading on Steemit. Had some interesting stuff going on here at the Legion where I have spent my afternoon. 

I’m back here the next couple of days as well but should be able to do some rambling while I’m here. 

Until Tomorrow — Just Steem on 

If you like this, please follow me and upvote the post. 

If you’d like to see the other days I’ve posted, just visit my profile 

If you’d like to be notified when I post next, just sign up here. 


Thanks @shadowspub Your support is greatly appreciated. I paid 1 SBD to help promote your article. I like what you are doing, STEEMIT needs more supporters such as yourself.
full $teem ahead!

thank you @streetstyle that was very kind of you

I love it @shadowspub... I thought I was following you already but I am now, for sure. And not just because you mentioned my latest story (Thank You BTW).

thank you @macksby you're very kind :)

Thank you for the shout out! :D
The Steemprentice group is going strong even for just a few days old. I appreciate the help in getting the word out that we are there to help anyone wanting to learn and progress!

you're doing good work @sykochica

Thanks for the mention, I appreciate it. Sometimes curating can be a labor of love more than anything. It means alot when someone takes the time to recognize the work.

I'm looking forward to finishing and posting the next piece in one of my own series: Subcultures and Social Trends. I would invite you to check out the series about the tribes we build to gain acceptance.

Thanks again for the mention.

i'll be keeping an eye out for it @lpfaust

Love this - I love your summary - you nailed my point that I tried to get across too. Thank you for the follow. I think I'll be following you too!

I'm also going to have a nosey at your recommended reads too :)

be as nosey as you'd like @lifeisawesome :) ... glad I got your point

thanks for listing little baby dolphin :)

Awesome "ramble" or more of a summary :)

You will need an optician appointment when this month is over lol

I squint really well LOL

Reading all thatyou do will be teaching you lots too

Thanks again for the shoutout!!

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