Sharing the Love and the Spotlight: Purveyor of Fine Content (The Now Semi-Regular Hidden Gems 28)

in #steemit8 years ago

In my continuing effort to continue to do my part to raise awareness of other content, I have a couple of new gems to feature. Please take the time to check them out and give them an upvote and some comments. I think every writer appreciates the upvote, but would love some dialogue as well.

Lobola: Is my daughter worth 12 cows? Zulu culture in South Africa

Stereotypes of different nationalities and ethnicities pervade every culture. I think in many ways that's what led me to my Subcultures blog. In this blog by @onetree, living in South Africa, the author discusses Zulu cultural practice of lobola and why it exists. It is absolutely one incredibly fascinating read.

you know, there's gold in electronic waste

E-waste is a very serious problem, particularly with the rise of the computer age. Interestingly, the components of these pieces of technology are requiring more and more precious metals (silver, gold) and rare earth elements. In this piece by @anasz, we see how gold is reclaimed from older computer e-waste.

Parkour Made Fitness Fun Again

When I was younger, I remember the allure of bodybuilding, and I worked hard to change my body with weights and exercise. Eventually, I found it hard to remain committed, because I felt s though I was doing the same thing over and over, so my focus changed to martial arts and got into cage fighting. After doing that for a bit, I had to walk away. Something which has interested me for a bit is Parkour. In this piece by @tysonb, we see some of the ins and outs of Parkour and a case made for why it makes fitness fun again.

NEEMO: Where NASA astronauts train for deep space an underwater lab?

At one point in my life, I was studying mechanical engineering, with the intent of moving to Central Florida to Cape Canaveral, FL. I can remember ho much watching the very first space shuttle launch made me determined to become part of the team which made that possible. As we hear more and more about future flights to the moon and Mars, one has to wonder where would the astronauts train for this? In this piece by @alexbeyman, we take a look at the underwater base NEEMO and see how they prepare astronauts for deep space missions.

Between my own writing I will keep purveying fine content.

Please follow me on my blog @lpfaust if you enjoy my content.


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Hi @lpfaust, just stopping back to let you know that I included you as one of my favourite reads on my ramble today. You can see what I had to say here.

@shadowspub, thanks for the mention. Sometimes curation is nothing more than a labor of love and it's good to receive some recognition for that work. It means alot and I appreciate it.

Thanks for the inclusion!

You are very welcome. The piece about Zulu culture was awesome.

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