"Steemaholic?" "Steemsomnia?" Do YOU have a problem? 10 Symptoms & Early Warning Signs ;)

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

I had to literally LOL the other day when I saw the word "Steemsomnia" used in an article (posted here by @tee-em along with his solutions). 

Yep, I can relate... How about you?

And altho I am indeed fast becoming a "Steemaholic" I'll also be the first to admit that "Hey! I DON'T WANT HELP for my problem!" 

Like so many of us (you?) are no doubt experiencing currently, *maybe* it's time for us to at least admit that there IS a problem. Right?

If you're not ready to admit that there's a problem tho, perhaps by me just posting a few of the "symptoms" I am currently experiencing, you too will at least begin to be able to admit that perhaps YOU have a problem, and maybe deal with it, maybe not... ;)

Feel free to share your struggles and "symptoms" below! And if you can relate - or LOL at any of these - it may be time to seek help.

1) "I've literally been losing sleep thanks to Steemit!" 

I stay up too late writing and researching how to "work this thang"...
No biggie though, everyone suffers from this one, right?

2) But then I somehow manage to "bounce right out of bed..." 

...a couple of hours earlier than I was just two weeks ago!* 

I'm a night person for Pete's sake! I wait tables for a living, and I go to bed at 2am. What the --- am I doing getting up at 7:30am?!?

Is it a sad thing, or a glorious thing, that Steemit is my "reason to wake up in the morning?" In my case, I additionally told someone (a fellow Steemian even) in regards to my behavior that "it's getting unhealty..." 

(*Portions of 1 and 2 above are directly from a comment I posted on @sirwinchester 's article on staying energized and healthy while Steeming ... But I've ah, not addressed the problem. Actually, it's gotten worse since posting that 7 days ago!)

3) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome anyone?  

Check. At various points throughout the day, I have to stop typing awhile, then rub the muscles above my wrist and in my forearm, and also vigorously "shake off" my whole hand. That can't be good either. 

So what am I doing about it? Quitting typing? O hellz naw! I'm on my way to go buy a more ergonomic mousepad so I can keep on Steeming! But ummmm, that's not good medical advice by any means on my part. If this is you as well, please look this WEB MD Article STAT!

4) Irritation? 

Do you find yourself "getting snippy" with friends or family who are just trying to talk with you

DO THEY find you getting snippy?

It's not just the lack of sleep. If you're like me, every text, phone call, Facebook message, and even real-time face-to-face conversation I have lately .... are annoyances, I'm ashamed to say. They're CONSPIRACIES - forces of PURE EVIL - trying to pull me away from Steemit!!! No wait, that just can't be true...

I don't *think* it's addiction per se tho.  Here's what I literally said to someone tho (about texts, real conversations, etc) : "It's like every time I get pulled away from Steeming for some reason, I can sense this little "cab fare" ticker going off in my head. That's money I'm losing."

If you've read this far, then you know what I'm talking about, don't you? 

Yes you do...

This "ground-floor window" of ours is going to close one day. We only have so many hours per day to write and post, while Steem is dirt-cheap. Say, before it rivals the price of Bitcoin (optimist that I am). And every bit we earn today, could be serious "money in the bank" tomorrow, right?

It's NOT the micro-pennies I'm missing out on by shunning the sun and real-time human interaction today, Okay? It's the potential hundreds, or thousands of dollars my miniscule curation rewards might turn into - in just a few short years, IF I just keep commenting and building my following... RIGHT?!? 

"So just LEAVE ME THE .........."

Okay. Fine, I might have a problem... Honestly, I just don't know how much longer I'll be able to refrain from "snapping" at my friends, saying : "Don't you realize that this is my retirement fund you're DESTROYING by talking to me?!? I don't have time for your inane chit-chat right now!

"And the voting structure is about to change in just a few short days! Armageddon is upon us! I must write!!!!"

Okay seriously, it's not just me is it? 

You get me, don't you, Dear Reader? 

5) Typed a note on FB that reads "Dear Facebook. Good-Bye."

I'm only even on FB now to share my Steemit articles, or to check in with my Steemit groups. We've all known for years what a waste of time Facebook is, but we just kept on doing it anyways. But now the true Frexxit has begun huh? Can I get an Amen?

(Speaking of.... 

Hey @kaylinart ! Can the "I'd Rather be Steeming" bumper sticker be that far behind? (If you haven't, check out her at-cost Steemit T-Shirts selection on Amazon!))

6) Dishes haven't been done in two weeks?

7) Laundry? Don't make me laugh!

8) Showing up later and later for work?

9) Pets, Spouses, Significant Others feeling pretty neglected?

Okay, #9 would be pretty bad. You should maybe address, or fix that one, really.

And hey, I'm not one to judge or point my finger, really, BUT if this picture below describes you, however...


Then YOU have a problem! 

Image : "BATMAN : The Dark Knight Returns" published by DC Comics

Remember me, Follow me : www.ibringawareness.com


The first step is admitting one has a problem. But not me, I'm fine :D

Good one! So, @naquoya ... How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?
Only one. But first the lightbulb has to really want to change!

I'm pretty sure being a Steem-a-holic is infinitely better than being a Steem-a-phobe. Although consuming mass quantities of Steem could be due to the fact that it's utterly Steem-a-licious, in which case we can dance down the supermarket isle with a pack in our gloved hand like Michael Jackson, singing "Steem it, steem it...."

That is so well said I just can't add to it, top it, or dare attempt a witty reply! But yeh, I have indeed been running into my fair share of Steem-a-phobes in the past couple of weeks.
More great monikers you've coined there lad, right up there with SteemTrekkers!

Hi my name is Steve and I am a STEEM-a-Holic.

Expect these new disorders in the next DSM edition.

This seriously made me laugh @cryptofiend ! Thanks for the love -g-

Hilarious! Needs a tag other than steem-help...hmmm lol

Thanks Michele - Yeh, I thought about Steemsomnia and/or Steemaholic, but you know... "I just didn't want to waste my vote!" (tag)

Yes, I'll go play in baseball!


Thank you!
I think your message, "STEEM-a-Holic" will return to life.

Thanks I'll take that as a compliment, cos "yes I did" feel as if I'd hit a home run with this article just as I was hitting the post button. More upvotes than anything I've published yet, yay! (The Force must've been strong with .... ?)

More upvotes than anything I've published yet, yay!


(The Force must've been strong with .... ?)

sorry, my english is bad(

Hi @ibringawareness, just stopping back to let you know that I included you as one of my favourite reads on my ramble today. You can see what I had to say here.

Thanks so much! I've enjoyed your ramble before and honored to be included. I work nights (wait tables) so sorry to just be replying. Thanks again -g-

thank you for your kind words. Are you telling me that people have lives outside of Steemit.. unheard of (grin)... no need to apologize.

I seem to vaguely remember such... but t just wasn't worth living!

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