Hey!! You Reputation 50+ or Whales, A Call To Arms..

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Hey, if your reading this I'm not a whale yet, but I will be. As a result I don't have the necessary horsepower to act in a way that is beneficial to the STEEMIT community in some instances. Regardless I will act as though I am a respectable whale with a vested interest in the overall health and well being of this little community. I will act in such a way as to elevate other STEEMIANS, established or not and will take particular interest in new authors entering the community. New authors that are legitimately looking to establish a following here whilst creating new and engaging original content that will be toward the betterment of us all.

Now that I have said that, like any omnipotent being, you must occasionally bitch slap specific members of the congregation for the betterment of the larger group. Star Trek "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few"
If is for this reason that I have taken an interest in this particular STEEMIAN @labony; a congregate member in need of the proverbial slap upside the head, or excommunication from the Church of STEEMIT and banishment to the wastelands.


Well his particular type of behavior is to the detriment of us all. If you take a second to look at his blog you will notice that he has posted no less the 40 times into the introduceyourself section, in fact he uses the same five tags for the most part..

introduceyourself photography community foodphotography worldofphotography

Two of which ( introduceyourself, photography) are very competitive and a great starting place for legitimate new comers looking to get noticed.

He continues to spam these tags with stolen YouTube videos (bird videos, How To, Drawing etc) and likewise generic web images of Indian celebrities that have nothing to do with the categories to begin with and as they are done every 15 or 20 minutes are nothing more than spam.

How does that hurt STEEMIT?

Well that is quite simple actually. There are a number of new users entering the site everyday, many of which have honest intentions of trying to make it here. The want to write excellent articles in the hopes of getting noticed, and they deserve a shot based on the effort they are willing to put in. But lets say one of these new and aspiring authors spends a few hours writing up an excellent introduction post, pictures, history, goals etc. It's interesting, deserves an upovote, a follow and could be the start of something great. They have high hopes for this article as they have put their heart and soul into its creation and laid themselves bare for other Steemians to measure their potential. So they post it and wait for community interaction, wait to get noticed and begin their STEEMIT journey.

But sadly, they don't get noticed and this deserving literary work quickly vanishes from the Introduceyourself category and into obscurity, having been pushed from the list and swallowed up by spam videos of birds, and generic photos stolen from the web, with no content, context or reason to even be there. So this new author gets discouraged and decides to give up as little is being done to combat the problem.

I wrote about this yesterday or the day before here: https://steemit.com/steemit/@pawsdog/steemians-need-to-downvote-more

I have to say in all honest that I was somewhat disappointed in the community, of the 100 views or so that article received only 4 or 5 STEEMIANS actually took an interest in the community as a whole and decided to downvote an article or two by @labony. I'm not sure why, perhaps because it cost STEEMPower, or perhaps they are just content to be flys on the wall afraid to act, stand out or be retaliated against. I'm not sure. I think it probably has much to do with the "herd mentality and peoples inherent desire to not rock the boat".

But here is the thing fellow STEEMIANS sometimes you have to rock the boat, kick rats into the water and let them drown, you have to be Rose at the end of TITANIC and push JACK into the Abyss. If we continually fail to act, eventually we won't have a boat, or the piece of timber we are floating upon, unable to support the dead weight will sink as well.

We need members that are helping us strap timbers to our raft so that we can all float to some tropical paradise together. Not members that are stealing the ropes and wood from our raft for their own.

While that was a weird analogy, I think you get the point. Please don't be afraid to stand out when it benefits us all. Help the community and the needs of the many even if it costs you a bit of SP, who cares it regenerates and by stomping out abuse such as this your SP will be worth much more in the long run as STEEMIT Grows... :)

For those that don't know how to downvote bad or Spam content


Do you know @steemcleaners? You can report tag abuse there, you might even get a reward ;)
Btw, do you know my service @welcoming? I am manually curating and resteeming promsing introduction posts! You definitely won't find spam there!

you should hook up with @aussieninja, heard you types from down under are a loyal bunch... also in the name of shameless self promotion my introduction is here: https://steemit.com/life/@pawsdog/hello-steemit-creative-talented-writer-and-trade-analyst-entering-the-community-r1

Don't quite understand what you want to say with your post? Reported the user you talked about by the way, set you as investigator!

Btw. I resteemed your original post a while ago^^

The original post was simply an observation of the fact that as a community we fail to downvote often enough. My reply was trying to elevate a follower of mine and really cool dude @aussieninja whom by looking at your name tag is Australian such as yourself and in speaking with him you guys are a loyal supporting community of each other. The last part was my Introduction as you said you curate promising introduction posts and I consider myself to be promising...

The last part was my Introduction as you said you curate promising introduction posts and I consider myself to be promising...

I curated your original one, thought you would remember :P

And I am NOT Australian^^

I apologize for missing it the first time, and thank you for the curation of the post.. :)

Australia =/= Austria

Whoops.. well I'll let you know if Arnold gets and account and I run into him.. I read your tag to fast... Es tut mir leid

Hahaha, I just read this whole thing... don't stress @pawsdog, it happens all the time. Nice to meet you @theaustrianguy, I am really impressed with your @welcoming efforts.

What do the @steemcleaners actually do?

I'm not sure I think they nuke spammers or something.. I'm curious myself...

This post has received gratitude of 1.00 % from @jout

There is actually a bot that polices the "introduce myself hashtags".

You should be careful, because Cheetah might get you for posting the same comment on all of his posts.

I saw that but the cheetah bot seems ineffective at best and on a few of his posts actually did the "found similar content here" thing to him as he is just copying and pasting shit from other website here.

Also if I look here... https://steemd.com/@labony

It's all the same accounts that keep upvoting his content, along with a few random people. So I suspect he is using bots or just has a shit load of accounts to abuse the system.

As the only power I have is to post on his content, that is what I will go with. If Cheetah gets me that is fine, I will take the hit for the betterment of the community and my long term hopes for the STeemit platform..

We need a few 50 reps like you to push his rep into the negs and kill the account..

M'eh...he barely registers with only 1 SP.
I muted him.

Yeah but his posts still show up and fill the introduction area with bullshit that dilutes the waters...

We would have to flag him into oblivion. @SteemCleaners would take care of that in one stroke.

So I just tag his post with @steemcleaners or how does that work?

I've flagged an entire page of @labony's posts... this user is relentless. Should be banned immediately.

yeah I agree...

The @OriginalWorks bot has determined this post by @pawsdog to be original material and upvoted(1.5%) it!


To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!

There are a few bots that help clean up the mess but there is a shortage of effort. You have a point about not wanting to rock the boat but regardless something has to be done collectively. I read a great post about how reputation is calculated here by @arcange. It explains how flag bots are not as effective as one may think because you need strong voting power to really make an effect on crap posts. Your whale call to arms is appropriate if this is correct.

I didn't quite find an answer if there is any kind of reward for flagging a post. The only reward I've noticed so far is the feeling of knowing I helped. I think more people are focused on getting a nice curation reward and don't want to lose voting power on flagging a post for a spammer that's about to spit out a post every 5 minutes.

When I'm a whale I'll be right there with you trying to help clean up the mess. I guess just like minnowsupport has a discord, there needs to be one for cleaners and there may already be one.

Apparently you can get a small payout for calling in @ steemcleaners if they agree with you. I would love to be on that team.. I hate spam as it hurts the community here.. I have special pet peeve for folks that just post stolen youtube videos over and over and over again...

Would love to be on that team myself. With so many new users signing up it is already easy to get your post buried. Spammers just make it worse. Steemcleaners also states they aren't trying to just flag everything but to guide the community in the right direction. If these are bots spamming, there's nobody on the other end to receive the message.

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