On Seeing the Larger Picture - A Case to Focus on the Positive

in #life8 years ago (edited)


Which Path Do You Walk?

I have seen many on Steemit who seem to enjoy talking harshly about this and that, and while there are undoubtedly evil things that go on in the world, is it really necessary to always look into them and fight them with this kind of mentality?

What if I just focused on entertaining positive news and putting into action the creation of something positive instead? Would that not just lessen or offset or even end some evil somewhere in the world?


While I do not have the power of mind to see if this is true through a direct experience, the way I observe how all of nature is one interconnected web of supreme balance would seem to suggest the best and most healthy option is for me to stay in a positive flow and work with it, rather than a negative one. I will feel better and so will everyone around me, right.

I feel this because when one gets stuck in the mode of always playing the ‘blame’ and ‘name’ game it becomes too easy to just spread fear around. Now don’t get me wrong. Some fear may be needed to prod one toward a greater good. But to actively use it as a main way to generate attention to something can only lead all involved down a dark and negative path. But sometimes people like to feed on this kind of negativity.

Rothschild Sinner/Saint Dichotomy


Let’s use the oft hated Rothschild family as an example here. Many like to talk ill of the banking system, how it is controlled by a few rich families and how these few families control not only banks but many big businesses too, the media and the government. While this may very well be true, need it all be just one bad evil thing? Of course not. Nothing is ever so simplistic in such a complex world.

While specific individual acts are always wrong, like murder, rape etc, when it comes to complex systems like today’s society, trying to say a whole organised structure is wrong is tantamount to deny the very hand that feeds you. So if you play the absolutist game in this regard by saying something is all bad, then that is the path of the dark side as a wise master once said.


You can’t beat fire with fire. I cannot use the very thing I denounce – fear, anger and hate - and think it will put an end to it. It just adds fuel to the fire. Instead I must look toward the good I can see around me, have an attitude of gratitude, appreciating the true beauty and gift that is life. It is certainly no good always thinking over how evil everything is all day and spreading that wherever I may go. It is like a bad odor. One that I created with my own mind and one I won’t clean up.

It is very interesting to note that the Rothschild family puts more money into humanitarian causes than all the money in crypto probably. So while some individuals may like to bash them, the fact of the matter is they have probably done more for the well-being of people in need than most could ever dream of.


While some seem to find a macabre sense of fun in this, the 'lynch mob' mentality is immature, as society reflects the state of being of the majority, not just a few. I have heard all the stories of elites controlling this and that, but at the end of the day each and every one of us controls our own lives.

Sure these elitist groups might plan wars and profit off them, but everything has two sides. Without death and destruction life cannot move forward. This is how it has been and continues to be. I accept that and know that society changes gradually over decades and centuries.

To wish for everything to change overnight or to depose leaders and insight revolution would only cause more harm than good. It is not the system that needs fighting, but the fight in you that needs to end. There is no fight to fight. If I approach life like this then life will be filled with beauty and one can move forward in a positive light, creating and spreading that beauty wherever one may go. The stinky odor will be replaced with the sweet smell of roses. Others will smell it and the scent spreads to them and so on.


In Conclusion

So next time you look for a witch to hunt ask yourself: would I rather be living right now, or 100 years ago or 50 years ago? Living standards are better for most now, so too is education, the list goes on. The system has given rise to many things that are truly miraculous and truly disgusting. But life is about balance. There will always be a balance of good and bad in the world. I prefer to focus on the positive things I can see. I try to appreciate what the world has blessed me with and honor the work and effort that has gone into, and still goes into maintaining the system many of us live within today.

Thank you for reading and if you feel you would like to view future content by me please consider Following @onesunbeingnow
Many thanks, Onesun :)


Allowing light to limit itself serves my desires beyond my wildest expectations, because I have no expectations, I know every moment is magic

I've liked your article, both the idea and the language very much and I'm including it in my TOP5 Lucky Find Psychology articles for today.

I truly believe that there should be a balance everywhere in our life. While I totally agree with you that we should focus on the good things that happens around, I think we also should pay attention to the bad things and take some action to change them to the good. Here I support "carrot and stick" approach more. Both in regard to ourselves and others. It's another thing that we actually should not evoke any truly negative emotions in ourselves or others, but negative situations and actions should be recognized, we cannot just neglect them.

I'm glad you enjoyed reading it, and thanks for the comment and being included in your collation :)

Yes, of course if something unwholesome is happening right in front of my eyes and its actually within my means to bring about a better change, then of course act.

As you probably saw I was more talking about those individuals who do nothing but see negative predominately, and fear monger and fight the 'system' with words all day. To me it is a waste of time and no good can come of it.

As I mention, its best to just put ones energy into brighter thoughts and actions. If something very negative is going on there is usually not much one can do to change its course, it will usually destroy itself anyway, such is the nature of that which is unbalanced.

I agree with you, @onesunbeingnow. Actually, the acquired ability to focus on positive things in my life a couple of years ago changed it dramatically, for the better, no doubt. (sun)

A fantastic post and the standard of my everyday goal@onesunbeingnow. I must agree that even within all that has passed even through my-own set of harsh times I wake up and begin through a positive direction forward and not only for me but for others. I am in belief of this fact that when we all believe the fact that the power within all of us could turn not only our health but this worlds future for the best.With that in mind all the best to you.

Thanks for your comment. Yes, it just takes enough people to live in a positive flow for the world around us to change. All the best to you too :)

You are welcome positively@onesunbeingnow

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