Five minute free write - palimpsest

in #life6 years ago


For today's Five minute free write hosted by @mariannewest

We had a couple options. Be cool and be challenged by a word you've probably never encountered, palimpsest, or go with describing wind. At first I was like, 'oh, yeah, going the easy route on my lazy Sunday,' but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to try something different. Something that fits in the theme of what I love to write about.

Palimpsest -
1 : writing material (such as a parchment or tablet) used one or more times after earlier writing has been erased.
2 : something having usually diverse layers or aspects apparent beneath the surface.

As for why I chose the image I did as the header. I ask you. What can you tell me about this person? Where are they? Who are they? Why are they fishing? Why are they in a row boat? I mean, the list of W,W,W,W,W questions is endless. How are we to know without taking the time to ask? And these are questions we could ask for any of the people we see and meet every day. And when we do, we're usually surprised by what we hear and our life somehow improved and a deeper understanding gained.

Without further five minute free write inspired by the word: Palimpsest
Written in The most dangerous writing app with only minor post corrections

Flashes, snippets, blurbs, moments, shots, flicker past us every day.

So much information, so much to see, so much to think about. We are only human. We are limited. We are animals brought to the next level of conciousness by a random series of events.

We are supposed to be evolved. But, we still resort to the most primal of reactions when overwhelmed. We shut off, shrink, cut down, minimize, and look to the pinpoints in order to move forward.

But, the world is not a flash, a snippet, a blurb, or just a moment.

Each instant is a complex collection of data. The people around us, not just what we see, nor what we think.

Social media shows us everything, and nothing. We are given access to glimpses of what people are. Or what they try to be. It's good for our mind, because it takes away the need to work. But when it comes to living, loving, and learning, we could not be headed in a worse direction.

We see, we judge, we think, and we do it fast because our animal brain gives us no choice, and the tools we use to make life easier, better, funner, are moving us down a path towards simplicity.

But, people are not simple.

Layers, thin, thick, varied. We miss them as we seek to simplify. We ignore the things that give people their rough edges as we prefer smooth. We try to put things into easy to understand box. But no one is as simple as an Instagram picture. A tweet. A Facebook post.

I probably could have continued this point for another couple pages, but, alas, the timer dinged so I had to wrap up. This is definitely a topic that could be discussed for hours :)

Thanks for stopping by and reading! I hope you enjoyed it and would love to hear your thoughts.

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Wow you sure are right, I have never heard of that word! Great job writing about it.

Hehe, I may be able to write about it, but don't think I could fit it into a sentence. I'm not that smooth :)

I had never heArd of that word

Great write

Me neither. Still can't pronounce it. Tried. Failed. Got laughed at by the people in the coffee shop.

I didn’t even try to pronounce it lol

I'm just going to ahead and upvote this

thanks Alex! :)

Deep thoughts you wrote down. I thought it was interesting how you said "Social media shows us everything, and nothing" It's true. As always.. I absolutely love your writing, great post.

I was wondering if you had any tips on being a better writer.. do you have like a certain guideline? Am I just lacking the talent for it? Lol.

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for reading :) It means a lot!

How to be a better writer...that's a simple yet highly complex question with no right answer. And no wrong one, lol. I've been writing for about a decade, starting way back when I did a little blogging while living in Japan. I think it was just continually putting words together on a bunch of different topics in a bunch of different ways until they felt like mine. Like, in many ways I couldn't' see writing what I wrote any other way. I was lucky to have a lot of experiences that broadened my horizons and opportunities that made me sharpen how I wrote. Specific feedback I got from my business partner when I wrote for a print magazine really helped.

So, put together lots and lots of words. Find people who will give you good constructive critical feedback. And just keep on trying :)

Thank you a hundred times for your advice and taking the time to write this comment. I will try to do just that. Just like you have your own way of writing and making people feel things, I want to be able to do that. Well, if you ever notice something I really need to work on, feel free to be brutally honest with me. Hahah.
Again thanks so much. See you around my friend! :)

Hehe, I'll be constructively honest. No point in making people feel bad. :) Are you a member of Steemusa, The Alliance, SteemitBC? Or is there a channel you'd recommend I'd join that has a good community? Be better to give writing advice via msg vs broadcasting it :)

This is a great piece! You really do an awesome job of these and I agree...

Social media shows us everything, and nothing. We are given access to glimpses of what people are.

Online, we can present ourselves how we want to be seen. A careful observer can soon discern the truth, if they seek it.

Yeah, in order to find out what's really happening to someone you have to talk to them. When I chat with my friends they think everything is going amazing for me, but when they hear the truth they're surprised. Impressions lensed through the inaccurate lens of social media. Then again...I am in marketing, lol. :)

Oh gosh, yes marketing is designed to put Rosy glasses on all of us. I don't spend time chatting on Facebook or social media anything personal. I just find it a waste of my time. This platform is the first one that I ever felt comfortable being myself.

Nice freewrite! This is the first time I've had a chance to read your work and I see that you are a deep thinker who looks beyond the mundane and ordinary and attempts to flesh out things and get down to the roots of a subject. I look forward to reading more of your work in the future. Welcome to freewrite! 👍 🙂

Hehe, thanks @deaconlee :) I've had a lot of time to think about a lot of things. Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you enjoyed my writing :)

It is a hard word and it is interesting how you tied it to social media. We are kind of erasing our story and telling it again all the time. Or writing a different story over the real one....

Yeah, and the stories we tell on social media have to be geared towards engagement vs reality. What's going to get attention vs reality because when you present reality, and it's not rosy, people tend to ignore it. That leads to this nasty downward cycle that's hard to break, hehe :)

That is why I am so tired of regular social media. It is really boring to me. Steemit seems to be a bit more real...

Because it's still a community. It's how all social media started, before they turned into marketing platforms. It's the unfortunate evolutionary cycle of online community platforms. Hopefully Steemit will be able to hold it off for a good long time. But I've already seen contests that are promoting the spread of advertising, which in itself isn't bad, but it teaches a lot of bad habits to people who are on here for the wrong reasons.

Good take on the palimpsest, the point that came across was that we are all palimpsest.

Social media shows us everything, and nothing.

How very true :)

I think Donkey and Shrek's conversation sums it up best...ogres are like onions, they have layers...or was it cakes? lol :) We all have a kaleidoscope of things beneath the surface, but how social media is training us only to pay attention to glimpses that are easy to understand and's not good. It leads to the simplification of character and a whole host of communication issues which screws up what should be normal human relationships. But, we can fight back and continue to be our complex selves and hope for the best :) Thanks for stopping by and reading!

But no one is as simple as an Instagram picture. A tweet. A Facebook post.

I would remeber your words next time I'll try to semplify a situation. I'm usally a big fan of semplifying things and people :D

Meanwhile, I drop here the link for the newest freewrite:

It's hard to remember that people are more than what they post in a world filled with instant access and social media...

I shall check your free write out shortly!

Thanks for dropping by and reading!

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